[UK] O5-3 "The Phantom"

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Mark “Billy” Bob

Well-known Member
Mar 30, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Around 7 months


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
GMT +0

Character name(s):
Foundation: Mark "Billy" Bob
CI: Mark "Billy" [MRU-MED]
Civilian name:
John Day
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Manager [HOLDING]
Ethics Assistant [HOLDING]
Overseer Assistant [HOLDING]
Nu-7 LT [HELD]
Site Advisor [HELD]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Yes, I have received 1 warning [Expired] :
Killing a D-Class in the watchtower without warnings

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

I'm applying for the role because I've always had a passion for joining Site Command and being a part of the O5 council and I also have always held enjoyment of creating RP for the whole site and helping those who need it, But I believe if I was given a role within the O5 council I could not only improve the variety of roleplay I create but also make it more interesting and intense for others. People play this server because of the exclusive RP we offer and provide within the server and I know I could make an immense addition to it. Example of previous massive RP scenario I lead: “debris around 106 and 7722 cells are falling apart, there is gas leaking from the pipes” I gathered tech experts to come and help fix the situation, and also E-11 just incase the SCPs broke out we rushed down to the containment cells wearing gas masks. I got the tech experts to turn off the gas until the pipes were fixed so we could see the damages. It was not looking to good there was debris and rocks all over the ground that was to heavy to lift. A Forklift was spawned to help us clear out the mess, and all the dirt, rocks and debris was crushed and placed into bin bags to be disposed off. After we cleaned everything up we went into each containment cell checking there was no failure in the system, or leaking gas. 106s cell was okay but 7722s cell had a shut vent that would not open so I had to get a techie and a Exec Researcher to go in there and break it open to allow the gas to escape 7722s cell. No one was luckily injured and everything was going great, we did some further inspections and called in some “Engineers” to come and replace the pipes. I got some people to change jobs to the engineer job who role played and pretended to be contractors hired by SA. We managed to replace the pipes and resolve anything that was broken, lastly we turned on the gas to make sure everything was working okay without any leaks. Everything worked perfect fine. The event was created by a Super Admin but I lead it to make sure people got all the RP they could get from the event. So not only could I provide great RP but also a helping hand for those who need it, I have always been able to assist and guide people in the right direction even when they are going the opposite way. In Addition, I have always held the ambition to improve the site as much as I could, and perhaps I have done well, but with the variety of things the position of O5 offers, I could do a lot more. As noticed by many I get used to roles very quickly and get to work instantly, I've never held a role just because it holds a high place in the global hierarchy, but to use the role to its full extent and try my best to make a change. I understand this position holds great responsibilities and I'm ready for them.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

I believe I'm the best candidate for the position because of everything I've managed to achieve within all my roles/positions that I've held or currently still hold. Starting from the great variety of skills that I can offer when joining this position such as knowledge, Leadership, Dedication, Quick Learning, RP creation, and more. Firstly, knowledge is a great skill that I possess as I've managed to gain all of it during my time here and expanded on it over time but I also have learned that knowledge within this server is always expendable as there are new things to learn every day. As part of Site Administration I also have to work with liaison departments and oversee them through the month, this takes a lot of work as you want to provide the best possible feedback you can to help all of these departments improve. This is where a lot of knowledge is put to work to figure out what every single department needs support in. Some may find this job difficult but I find it rather enjoyable as you get to help all of these departments and watch them improve over time. Usually when I’m done with a department they are very happy with the work I put in to help with everything that I could. As I try my best and look through everything the department is making progress on or what is lacking. It’s very important to keep track of everything that goes on within the departments you oversee. This is where the knowledge I posses really comes to play.

Secondly, my leadership skills have always been great and there has never been judgment about them, even when I used those skills a lot was when Nu-7 took a hard hit and you could say went down the hole. I tried my very best to do everything I could to perhaps make any improvement possible, I worked day and night just to make sure the regiment stabilized and that improvement could be seen by SA and the O5 council. It even came to the point where I had to help the other CPT because no one else offered it to him, and I'm glad I did as this very same CPT is now a MAJ within Nu-7 because he finally acquired the extra support he needed from his current commander that I didn’t possess at the time. I've only ever wanted to help those who require it and that's why I moved into Site Administration so I could provide that support to even more people than just Nu-7. Since joining Site Administration I have managed to offer my support to everyone within the site and lead those below me.

Furthermore, Dedication is one of the reasons I hold the position of Site Manger today. I've always stayed committed to all my roles and positions that I have held or hold currently. Dedication is very important within a high role otherwise there is no point in you being there if you can not even commit to your role. This is another value of mine that I will bring along with me if I receive this position, to ensure that this role will be used like it was created to be used without failure. It has also allowed me to learn a lot more things that help me even now within SA.

In addition, due to my motivation and commitment, I've managed to improve greatly on my Quick Learning skill which allows me to improve daily on the site to this day and it's the reason I can settle into positions very quickly. It has also allowed me to gather ideas that I put into use by helping departments with improvements that need to be made. I can gather knowledge very quickly and only need to be told once for me to remember which I believe is very useful in such a role. It also allows me to create immense RP for everyone.

Moreover, Serious RP creation plays a massive part within the role and is required when joining such a position, I believe I would be great at this as this will also allow me to expand on my RP creation even further, allowing others to enjoy their RP even more. But it will also allow me to explore the variety of ideas the position offers for Serious RP creation. There is nothing more I can enjoy than seeing people happy because they are getting the RP they wanted when joining the server. As I said the creation of RP plays a massive part within a Site Command role as these positions are here not just because of lore but also because the people within these positions are the ones responsible for making sure everyone is receiving the RP they deserve, and I know I could provide that for the whole of the Foundation/Server. In addition, recently another GOC war broke out, and it wouldn't have happened if no one wanted it but many people did because they enjoy that sort of RP of course, we do not want to keep it on for too long so it causes issues but we do want to provide the RP people want and enjoy. When we let this GOC war break out the first thing we all considered was "Is there a need for a war if no one wants it?" so we asked Nu-7 and DEA if they wanted it to happen, and they said they did, and that is the only reason this war happened. I've always thought about other people's RP before making any decisions as that will determine how those decisions will go, It's always been important for me to consider other's experiences first.
If to receive this position I would also like to do some RP within tests, and when this mess clears up with the GOC perhaps we could have some testing going such as 008,682 as I believe I could create some amazing RP out of it when participating in the tests. Perhaps we could have some GMs prepare something like organising a sudden failure within our systems during the test causing issues, I know this could play out very well and get lots of engagement going in such a scenario. Or even a meeting with the GOC could also be a interesting one, of course SA and DEA are primary to such subject but there’s no reason why I couldn’t attend and create some good RP out of it with everyone there. Hearings are another great creation of role play as there’s lots of interaction between each other with massive decisions to be made. I have a lot more in mind that I could do in such position.

Additionally, throughout my time within Foundation roles, I have mostly gone for positions that require a lot of documentation and it's because I enjoy such roles it allows me to improve more and more within my documentation skills even if others think my documents are great I always believe there is room for improvement. I have skills in writing In-game documents and even Google Docs as I have been doing it for a lengthy time now within all my roles. If accepted to this position I believe I could be a big helping hand when documents need to be created/edited.

In conclusion, I know this position requires the best candidate for it and I know this is me, not only because I have a massive variety of skills to bring to this position but also because of everything I've managed to achieve whilst being here, and not only from going from CSG to LT in the space of 2 weeks in Nu-7 but also from going from a Site Advisor to a Site Manager also in 2 weeks, being promoted by yourselves the O5 council which means you guys have seen the bright light that glows within me already so why not have a go and see it again being put to use within this position. And if this does not prove my abilities within the site then I'm not sure what will. I have what this position requires and I'm ready to take on such a high role with the responsibilities, and abilities that come alongside it. Thank you for reading.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

- O5 Command Site Administration when needed
- Working with the Ethics Committee to look over the foundation and speaking about the FLC when changes need to be made to it
- O5 have the full command over the Alpha-1 regiment
- O5 can detonate the alpha warhead
- Calling a Code Black when an extreme breach has broken out and ERT has failed
- The O5 council may authorize tests on SCPs [They also can auth SCP termination tests]
- Look over the GOI relations but DEA and SA are the primary ones to deal with GOI relations
- Organising hearings for departments/MTFs when they are working greatly below the standard level
- They also do Audits to make sure departments are working well and not falling below standards
- Leading the site while they are hidden and using SA to push out their big changes
- Creating orders for the Overseer Assistants
- O5 also oversees the Site Administration department [Ethics are also involved with SA currently]​

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Applications the O5 handle:
- O5 council members [They are voted upon]
- Director Of Research [Recently changed from DEA Director]
- Overseer Assistants
- Site Director
- Alpha-1 Commander

O5 also may provide feedback on other applications
Duties out of RP:

- Meeting with the Ethics Committee to discuss future changes within the site
- Dealing with certain L2 Demotion Appeals
- Answering any questions that are forwarded to the O5 council
- keeping close contact with the Site Administration

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

SCP Foundation - Secure | Contain | Protect
| Activating.system - SUCCESS
| Verifying.Location - SUCCESS
| Booting hard drive................ SUCCESS
| Initializing........... SUCCESS
| Checking Systeming Status....................... NORMAL
| Connection Status Checking.............. NORMAL
| SCIPNET Operating system is ready =>
| - [UBCID Sys-No. 9310A2F | SECURED]

Welcome to SCIPNET Direct Access Terminal, type "START" to begin.
C:>root:SCP Foundation Chief Overseer: START
| Please enter your password..........
C:>root:SCP Foundation Chief Overseer: ████████████
| Checking.Password............
C:>root:SCP Foundation SCIPNET: Welcome back Chief Overseer "The Sovereign" How may I help you today?

C:>root:SCP Foundation Chief Overseer: Find Mark "Billy" Bob's File
| Searching................ FOUND
C:>root:SCP Foundation SCIPNET: Here is Mark "Billy" Bob's Foundation File

Last edited:

Mark “Billy” Bob

Well-known Member
Mar 30, 2023
The images were posted from mobile so I’m unaware if they are too small. If they are too small to read please let me know and I’ll change them when I’m back from school on pc.

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Mark “Billy” Bob . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time or if a position becomes available prior.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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