[UK] Orrical's Medical Consultant App

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Jun 10, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62218455
Discord name: Callum/Orrical (orrical)
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 362,040 Seconds
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Scott "Orrical" Mitchell
Civilian name: N/A Don't play civ
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Sr Doctor, IA Operative, DEA Operative
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Absolutely None

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
The role itself of Medical Consultant is very interesting to me for a few reasons. The first reason is that I could go more into the roleplay aspect side of things when it comes to surgeries, injured personnel, virus/infection based roleplay etc. I'm always looking for options to improve my medical roleplay and build more of a story with those who are in said RP. The second reason is that I always find myself either topping up the supply of cures we have in the chemical storages, I end up teaching Trainees and Doctors how to synthesize cures themselves and I also end up supporting newer members with curing different afflictions when they have no idea what to do and no Medical Leadership is on. As a consultant I would be directly involved in higher levels of Roleplay and I'd be an instrumental role in training new Trainees and Doctors, I already enjoy doing it as a Sr Doctor. Lastly I heavily enjoy working and improving on Documents that I create or reports that would be necessary (For example Psychological Evals) and I would also love the opportunity to finally contribute what knowledge and roleplay abilities that I have to help keep an influx of Trainees and Doctors trained with their tools, keep them satiated with roleplay scenarios and also to finally have an instrumental part in planned serious medical RP scenarios.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I am suitable for the Medical Consultant position because I love coming on and committing to helping fellow personnel in the medical department with all their medical needs and wants. I've already mentioned I love providing assistance with medical training as a Sr Doctor, making sure cures are always readily available for the rest of the Medical Department, assisting other doctors with any questions and concerns they may have and always making sure that treatment for injuries or drugs used for cures are not abused/exploited. Medical on this site has been a key enjoyment of mine and this will give me the opportunity in the future to prove I'm also capable of Senior Positions within this environment.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

A GENSEC alongside a Researcher and a D-Class Personnel will come into Medbay for example after interacting with SCP-513 (The Cowbell) and the Researcher has described seeing entities following him and then vanishing without a second thought, he describes this happening after doing the test with the D-Class Personnel on SCP-513.
I will ask who is being affected by these entities and how recent was the last interaction, I will receive an answer from the Researcher and then lead them to the ECT Machine, I will describe to the affected personnel what the machine will do and if I have their permission to use it on them in order to cure them of their entities.
Once I have their permission to continue, I will get them to flex their E muscle and lay down on the device and direct all other personnel to stand back. I will then begin the charging sequence on the machine, once fully charged it will administer a shock to the patient and I will advise them to stand up, I will ask how they are feeling and if needs be, perform a Psychological Evaluation. (If the person decides to go that deep into RP and says they are deeply effected by it)
Once all affected personnel are cured, they are to return to their duties after I escort them out of Medbay.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
A Medical Consultant is responsible for training new members of the medical department for their medical licenses (Trainees), providing credits for the medical personnel that perform their job admirably, Supervising members of the medical department with complex medical roleplay scenarios and also making sure they are not breaking any medical rules while doing so, Overseeing all medical staff that are Level 3 and under making sure they are rewarded for really good performance and activity but also disiciplined for when any rules and procedures are broken. Medical Consultants willl be called upon to help improve departmental policies and procedures and will also need to make sure that medical documents/records are as clean and precise as can be. The Medical Consultant is the face of the Medical Department when no Department Directors are available, they must remain professional at all times and must always adopt a welcoming and accepting environment for new members and injured personnel, how they act reflects the department.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Scott Mitchell began in the medical field with a goal of always making sure that he has done everything he can to heal his patients and to reduce any pain they are experiencing whether that is physical or psychological. He was an exceptional Doctor, never discriminating against different people of the world for how they acted, all he wanted to do was keep everyone alive, he always treated life as the most sacred thing a person has, without life they no longer exist in this world. Scott's medical performance and knowledge led to him getting continuous requests for operations, surgeries, evaluations and training exercises, it got to the point where Scott was contacted every day. During his spare time Scott would look at documents from Researchers that he had clearance for in order to better understand how these SCPs effected his patients and what the most common cause was of their breakouts, he became obsessed with looking at documents in regards to these anomalous entities, he wanted more knowledge, he needed to know the best ways to save his patients. Scott learned more and more on how best to navigate and avoid these SCPs always making sure that the next patient he had would not die, not at least while he had a say about it, he hated losing colleagues and has always been determined to never give up on them.
+Support leaning towards +/-Neutral
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
A Medical Consultant is responsible for training new members of the medical department for their medical licenses (Trainees), providing credits for the medical personnel that perform their job admirably, Supervising members of the medical department with complex medical roleplay scenarios and also making sure they are not breaking any medical rules while doing so, Overseeing all medical staff that are Level 3 and under making sure they are rewarded for really good performance and activity
How would they be rewarded other than crediting them? (Which you already mentioned)

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
Supervising members of the medical department with complex medical roleplay scenarios and also making sure they are not breaking any medical rules while doing so, Overseeing all medical staff that are Level 3 and under making sure they are rewarded for really good performance and activity but also disiciplined for when any rules and procedures are broken.
Repeat point, could be shortened down into one point.
Also, what medical rules specifically?

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
Supervising members of the medical department with complex medical roleplay scenarios
Give a example - What is a complex medical roleplay scenario?

You also don't mention the basics of being a Consultant (Healing people, Fixing Fractures, Creating Cures, etc), but I assume you already know about all of that, as it's common sense.
Outside of these things (Which just need more elaboration), the application is well made, and you seem to have a good understanding of what being a Consultant would entail.

Past the application - I've had good interactions with you on site. You're decently active, and willing to help people out on site.
Best of luck, -Niox
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Reactions: Orrical
Jun 10, 2024
+Support leaning towards +/-Neutral

How would they be rewarded other than crediting them? (Which you already mentioned)

Repeat point, could be shortened down into one point.
Also, what medical rules specifically?

Give a example - What is a complex medical roleplay scenario?

You also don't mention the basics of being a Consultant (Healing people, Fixing Fractures, Creating Cures, etc), but I assume you already know about all of that, as it's common sense.
Outside of these things (Which just need more elaboration), the application is well made, and you seem to have a good understanding of what being a Consultant would entail.

Past the application - I've had good interactions with you on site. You're decently active, and willing to help people out on site.
Best of luck, -Niox
1000% I don't mention the basics of being a consultant (The obvious such as healing etc) I won't edit the application because I WANT people to see what I missed out on and that Ill add down here, its how you live and learn with these applications! :D

An example I would give of a complex medical scenario would be in regards for a surgery, for some people it can be the easiest thing in the world and for newer members it'll be incredibly difficult as a lot of "trust your gut" roleplay is used in surgeries and a lot of members could not be creative, especially if they've never used the dice system before, having someone who has done similar things before teach them is very important.

Medical rules that I HAVE SEEN broken by newer doctors is the main one of forcing D-Class into the ECT machine when GENSEC have ordered the D-Class into it when they should only be forced into by ISD, DEA (IA if someone is disguised WITH evidence) and NU-7. Lets be honest i'm 99% sure someone steals chemicals from the substance storages, we always seem low on them. Finally Doctors letting non-medical staff access the chem labs, see it everyday.

They can be rewarded through money in-game but I primarily would only be doing that for really good documents or if they do well in situations like Psych Evals and/or surgeries.

Thank you for posting more things for me to improve! :D
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Well-known Member
Jun 16, 2023


+Willing to do RP, and not half bad at it
+Appears to be more than just somewhat competent in general
+Professional and understands their duties well

You'd make a good consultant Imo
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+Support leaning towards +/-Neutral
I'll be updating this to a full +Support
You've clarified all of my concerns if your response, you have been incredibly friendly and a pleasure to talk to, and today you performed a medical surgery on a DoM very well, RPing it out and showing a great understanding of everything given to you.
Although I would advise that you try to stop getting stuck inside things, or getting others stuck inside them.
  • Haha
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @Orrical . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

We wish you good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

- Director of Medicine Kayla

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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