[UK] 'Otters' Ethics Assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:78123616

Discord name: Otters#0001

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Week 6 Days 18 Hours.

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Netherlands

Time zone: CET (+01:00)

Character name(s): 'Otters' (F) Otters (CI)

Civilian name: ''Otters"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
- I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- SCP-096
- CI-G

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received 3 verbal warnings, but have not gotten any warnings.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- One of the reasons I personally believe I am fit for Ethics Assistant is, because I know the CoE and CoC almost fully out of my head. I am a respectfull person who handles positions like this with care and professionalism. I am friendly and approachable, I ensure that I am polite and respectfull to other people. I want to ensure that the CoE and CoC are followed as precise and possible and assist the Ethics Comitee in any way shape or form.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- An Ethics Assistant assists the Ethics Members. They carry out tasks by them and make sure people follow both the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct. Ethics Assistants also help out Omega-1 with problems they occur, giving that information over to the Ethics Comitee. In short, they are the communiation between Ethics Members and Omega-1. Ethics Assistant also respond to people who require to speak to a reprensensative of the Ethics Comitee, which can range from a D-Class or an Ambassador.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
As of this moment, Operative 'Otters' is in Mobile Task Force Regiment - at the rank of ████. Otters is born on ██/██/████. Much of his past is unknown to everyone, his only known name is Otters since his hometown in The Netherlands has alot of Otters. At the age of 18 he decided to join the Royal Dutch Air Force and slowly progressed into the ranks. When he turned 23, he was holding the rank of Commander, when he found a job application for the SCP Foundation. Shortly after applying for the job, Otters got accepted and transfered to Site-65. During his time as a GENSEC Cadet, Otters got to learn the people he worked with and the Code of Ethics. He was so facinated by it he followed every rule to heart. When Otters got a bit more experience inside the Foundation, he decided to join Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon 11. It only took Otters 3 days to be recongnized by - and got brought into a dark side office. Here he learned about who helped enforcing the Ethics and how it all worked. From this point, Otters was no longer alive, he got caught in the crossfire during a SCP breach, but 'Otters' was born.


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
Neutral =/=

- Not enough experience in the server yet.
- Only just joined O-1 recently
- No stated experience outside of MTF type work
- No other CL4 experience

+ Great in the server so far

+ Knows COE and COC very well
+ Currently within O-1 as a good member
+ Great potential within the spot
+ Good application

With this said. I'd recommend more experience within the server playing as IA or more time within O-1 being in Prosecutors or just within O-1 in general, Both involve close relations to Ethics, writing reports and a more Assistant type role and understanding to it's purpose. Please Do not take this to heart as this is only advice to attain this position. I still wish you luck on this ambition none the less.
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-No CL4 Experience
-Relatively New

+Great Interactions
+Detailed Lore
+Very Friendly
+Inside O-1

Hi Otters! :3

I love you to death, and I mean this in the nicest way possible when I say you might need more experience and atleast one CL4 job.
I hope you don't take this personally, instead as a bit of contstructive criticism?.

GL ?
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Reactions: Otters

Deleted member 2482

  • Very active
  • No warnings
  • Friendly
  • Good knowledge of the CoC/CoE
  • Experience as O1
  • Relatively new
  • No Cl.4 Experience
  • Only plays on O1

Otters you are a geniunly friendly and nice to play guy, and while you are new I don't think that should be a problem or something that should hold someone back, Igorski got a Cl. 4 position in under a week, and all this goes to show that someone who is good at their job should not be held back. On another note I geniunlly believe clearance 4 is needed for assistant, Cl.4 positions are mostly managerial an assistant is not that you will be doing work for the foundation and receiving orders not giving them thus not really needing Cl.4. On another note I do believe that the fact that you main only O1 give you a disadvantage in my view, mainly because you are going to have to deal with multiple jobs/departments and roles and having knowledge about them would be something very useful. Other then that good luck in your role​
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Otter's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be an assistant. Please contact me on Discord once you're ready for your interview.

You will be put on a trial period for a week.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Ethics Committee Director​
  • Wow
Reactions: Otters
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