[UK] Pennington's Application O5-6 "The Nihilist"

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073
Discord name: Nuke#8359
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): James Lyndon Pennington
Civilian name: Jacob Heartless Pennington
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Gensec Cpt (Held)
  • Executive Researcher (Held)
  • Director of Research (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Held)
  • Site Director (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-6 “The Nihilist” Although any number will do.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
In short, experience. I believe that over the course of my time within the foundation I have gained a considerable amount of experience through my various roles around the site.
For example, GENSEC Cpt, this role taught me experience in leading individuals in combative situations, the organization of sweeps and tryouts, etc. This has allowed me to gain an understanding of the more combative aspects of the foundation and one of the core aspects of the site to begin within; the site simply cannot function if GENSEC is unable to escort D-class with researchers. I believe this contributes to my experience in a positive way and will allow me to understand and further aid said departments if I were to achieve the desired position.
Executive Researcher and Director of Research. My experience in both of these roles I consider to be invaluable. Both of these positions; which I will classify under a single banner, have taught me considerable amounts of experience in terms of management of foundation staff, external documentation work, and special events conducted around the site. Overall allowing me to further develop my abilities. It also taught me a great deal about being a public figure who individuals will rely on for guidance and to resolve disputes. This I consider positive because members of the council are frequently contacted with various issues which may require their resolution. So I believe I am prepared in that respect.
Site Advisor and Site Director. My most recent position. This time in the administrative aspect of the server. I find this position practically identical to that of the director of research but with some key and distinct differences; you are the public figure for almost every single department on-site, you are responsible for their well-being and performance, you are responsible for reviewing those departments and providing recommendations and most importantly you are the eyes and ears of the council, to begin with. In these roles, I have frequently been in contact with members of the council and believe I have gained an appropriate understanding of how to not only assist them but potentially become one of them myself.
It goes without saying that I believe this considerable wealth of knowledge will assist the foundation as and when needed, and it will also assist me should I be able to obtain the position.
Activity, most individuals will know I am a fairly active and frequent member on site. Most of my positions have required me to be so and this will most definitely be no different. I understand I am not the most active individual on the server; I do have other commitments, but I know I am active enough to appropriately balance other work with foundation work. This is something that will be needed within the council overall to increase their presence on-site.
Dedication, throughout my time on-site and within the Foundation I believe I have demonstrated my absolute dedication to the positions I had been awarded. I will continue this regardless of if I am awarded this position or not.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
Activity, O5’s are responsible for their own activity and being active on-site. Not only this but they are also responsible for the activity of the individuals who they assign to departments, for example e.g. Activity of SD, SA’s, Assistants, MTF Commanders and LTCOM’S, Department Heads, and the list goes on.
Code of Conduct, the council directly oversee and produce the code of conduct that is to be followed on-site. Simple as.
Site Structure.
Meetings with Groups of Interests. As the ultimate representatives of the foundation, it is expected that O5’s are present when meeting with GOI’s in order to come to agreements and resolutions.
Code Blacks, in extreme situations; and as a last resort, the council has the ultimate power to “clean up” the site so to speak.
There is little else that I believe needs to be said about the council's work, they directly run the site. They are the individuals responsible for the ultimate well-being and functioning of the facility. They are at the end of the day the ultimate problem solvers who need to make the tough decisions requires.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The council is also directly responsible for hiring SD, SA’s, Assistants, MTF Commanders, LTCOM, and Department Heads. As mentioned before with activity, the council will judge their application and make joint agreements for the well-being of the department and the site as a whole.
Council members are also responsible for the maintenance of the site structure sheet.
Maintenance of the Code of Conduct; creation of it on google sheets, etc.
Potentially Site meetings, meetings with Server Leadership, seeing what needs resolving/improving, and providing solutions to do that in character.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Personnel Documentation Site Director Pennington.docx


Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021
+Support, probably the biggest support I can give.
To be honest, James is a very capable, very hard working and very dedicated individual. There would be absolutely nobody that I would say deserved a position on the O5 council if James wasn't the best candidate for it.

Best of luck, my friend. You deserve it.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 13, 2022
-He is a Site Director with a lot of experience
-Friendly and liked by the
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'Delta-7' LadBaby2006

Active member
Nov 3, 2022
Pennington no matter how many livers he has consumed, he has done great for everyone he has been involved with. Only good things have came out of Lyndon. He is more that suited for the role and having Lyndon in O5 is a massive W.

He has always been a mentor to me and will always be a figure in which I aspire to live up to.

Also I was mentioned in the lore so yay!

-Johnny 'Delta-7' Livingstone, or better known as Brewer

John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
James has a lot of experience on various of roles inside the Foundation. I Interacted with James a lot when he was Director of Research, Site Advisor and now Site Director. I can only say those interactions where great. James is very professional and has a lot of knowledge about the Site and all its rules. I think he had a bit of a bumpy/rough start as Site Director due to the fact the position changed a lot in a short period of time. Yeke and Broda weren't SD for long and then James took over. James did an excellent job from the start as SD and that can only be done from a man who is very knowledgeable and experienced.

I Believe he is a great fit for this role and I wish him the best of luck!
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James "Wontolla" Mellow

Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
+ support

James has proven himself worthy of being part of Site Command quite a while ago. He managed to keep his head cool when the whole Site Administration department left and was able to bring the department back to prosperity afterwards. Not only that, he did the same with the science department a while ago after Hamster had left for greener pastures and was the only DoR left. He managed to push through and bring the department to a wonderful state. Besides his achievements, he is a casual, happy-go-lucky, but also serious lad. He’s a natural when it comes to leadership and I believe he would make for a great O5. Keep fighting the good fight, my man!
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Penny is a highly dedicated and dilligent man of high personal standards, he has excelled in each of the directorate and administrative roles that he has worked in and can evidence a thoroughly fleshed out curve of natural progression that leads up to a CL5 position. He has a fantastic attitude towards RP and the people he interacts with and will be able to invest his great wealth of experience and expertise into the tasks that the O5 challenge him with.

I personally believe that he is fit and ready to be trusted with the autocratic power and authority that a position on the O5 council would afford him. I look forward to assassinating him should he ever lose sight of the Foundation's goals in pursuit of personal gain.

Good luck Penny!
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