Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): applegrab
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since June/July 2022.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): O5-1 ‘The Nihilist’ | James Lyndon Pennington (Combat Medic or any other Foundation role)
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Jacob Heartless Pennington
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes. Singular warning for metagaming. The technical expert stated in OOC that he had a CL5 keycard and I reacted in character to that information.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Yes. Two different communities/servers. As the application states they cannot be named there is little for me to say. I generated roleplay scenarios on those servers. One community was SCP-RP based only while the other was primarily HL2-RP based; the community did make an SCP-RP server at one point but it closed down.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes. Limited experience in serious HL2RP.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Three usually.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
As O5-1 I am expected to be a roleplay leader and assist with the creation and standard of RP on the server. I believe that with additional powers granted through this role, I would be able to expand and deliver a better experience to members of the community. I would be capable of assisting existing gamemasters with their current and future events as well as getting them to assist me with my own ideas.
An additional reason would be for the fun of it. This is a roleplay server that people come to enjoy and I want to be able to deliver that enjoyment to them which I believe I will be able to do if I am granted this role.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server?:
Generation, maintenance, and overall ability to conduct unique and often unseen roleplay situations on the server. Assisting existing gamemasters with their own events as and when required. Brainstorming with other members of the gamemaster team in order to develop and fully realize expanded storylines with all elements of the server; from CL5 to CL1.
Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Experience. Over my many months on the server, I have gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience around SCP-RP, how the server conducts itself; the physical gameplay loop, the series of events that previous and current gamemasters have conducted, and through this application I believe I will be able to apply this knowledge and deliver a unique and enjoyable experience to people on this server.
Commitment. I believe that I have already demonstrated a strong commitment to this community and the server. I wish to continue that, compared to other applicants I have had to deal with situations that may or may not have caused considerable strain and overall stress to people. Yet I have chosen to work through and attempt to find resolutions. I wish to bring that mindset to the gamemaster team and continue to demonstrate dedication and commitment to this community.
Creativity. Within my current role on the server (O5-1) it is a requirement that I demonstrate creativity for the generation of new and engaging roleplay scenarios. I have attempted to do this through multiple means; primarily through the use of overseer assistants and orders issued to them. It is my belief that I can continue this creative spark and bring it to the gamemaster team in order to assist with the generation of more unique and often unheard elements within the SCP-RP lore.
Independence. I am of the firm belief that individuals should demonstrate a great deal of independence when it comes to situations involving roleplay. While roleplay is overall reliant on cooperation it should also be noted that the first person to be independent in situations will often be able to demonstrate leadership and furthermore, initiative. These by their very nature can lead to and potentially create unorthodox scenarios for players to enjoy and roleplay within.
Patience. I believe myself to be a patient individual who is capable of evaluating situations and working through problems to reach the required solutions. Take for example something in a roleplay scenario not going as planned or an individual interrupting an event etc. It would be required to demonstrate patience with these individuals and adjust the event accordingly to accommodate them.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP-2058 Smith Jim
A Test Of Faith
Ghosts of the Past
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Times up. The committee has grown tired of the actions of those within the Foundation. They have taken particular issue with a certain department director belonging to the logistics department; their attempts to embezzle funding and deprive the site of much-needed weaponry have been noted as treason. As a result, the chairman has seen it fit to designate this individual for termination.
The idea of this event is to allow O-1 to assassinate this individual; who will have a select protection force. The head of logistics will visit Site-65 at the request of the chairman; which is a ruse, however, they catch wind of their impending termination and so loyal units decide to fight back.
It would be O-1’s job to identify the location of the individual within the site and attempt to terminate them without detection.
A simplistic mission for O-1 to practice assassination-style operations.
A-1: Plugging the leaks. A recent ex-foundation employee has been identified as a source of information leaks. The council has grown tired of this and as a result, has sent their personal MTF to personally deal with this.
This event would utilize the gamemaster space in which a small forest and a defensive structure/house would need to be constructed. I would hope to involve CI in this event by having the information leaker protected by them.
A combat event in which the objective of A-1 is the capture or elimination of the information leaker. They would be required to destroy any hard drive or equipment found in the location.
Nu-7: Another day for the task force. Nu-7 is a combat-hardened battalion. One of the foundations best. However, that doesn’t mean they should grow complacent. The objective of this event would be to organize an Attack & Defend or a Capture the Flag-style situation with either another regiment or a GOI. It could be conducted in the general pinewood region or in the gamemaster space. Each side takes turns to attack and defend. Perhaps both types of missions can be done, two waves of A&D and two waves of CTF. Allowing those involved to practice their skills while enjoying some combat roleplay.
E-11: Into the hornet's nest. A recent gateway has been detected within the pinewood region, upon entering it the DEA operatives have entered a cave system with unknown hostile entities. It will be E-11 responsibility to recon this place and by extension neutralize/contain the anomalous threats within. A simple recon mission with the hope of using NPC’s or GM’s with PAC3’s to provide enemies. Combat orientated but researchers could be involved in order to “explore” this new location.
The location itself would be constructed in the gm area to provide a ‘cave system’ for the units to clear.
CI: Two sides, same coin. Recent elements within the leadership of the insurgency have begun to disagree with one another's decisions, this has led to a fracture among its operatives. This will inevitably lead to conflict within the regiment.
Foundation Staff: Realisation. Recent advances within the research department have led to several experimental chemicals called mnestics being produced. It will be the responsibility of the research and medical departments to successfully apply these chemicals. A passive rp event that will be heavily reliant on /me’s, /it’s, and perhaps some chemicals to conduct. Of course, these chemicals will have certain side effects… (potentially altering people’s hp, memory, ability to walk, talk, and eat etc).
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since June/July 2022.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): O5-1 ‘The Nihilist’ | James Lyndon Pennington (Combat Medic or any other Foundation role)
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Jacob Heartless Pennington
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
[UK] James Lyndon Pennington Director of Research Application
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073 Discord name: Nuke#8359 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 days, 9 hours,9 minutes, and 39 seconds. (At time of writing) Age: 20 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): James Lyndon Pennington Civilian name: Jacob...

[UK] Penningtons Security Cpt Application
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073 Discord name: Nuke#8359 For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 3 months Age: 20 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: BST Character name(s): James Lyndon Pennington Civilian name: N/A What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...

[UK] James "Lyndon" Penningtons Site Advisor Application
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073 Discord name: Nuke#8359 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since the 10th of June Age: 20 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GTM Character name(s): James Lyndon Pennington Civilian name: N/A (Howitzer #2 event character) What server are you...

[UK] Pennington's Application O5-6 "The Nihilist"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073 Discord name: Nuke#8359 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Age: 20 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): James Lyndon Pennington Civilian name: Jacob Heartless Pennington What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes. Singular warning for metagaming. The technical expert stated in OOC that he had a CL5 keycard and I reacted in character to that information.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Yes. Two different communities/servers. As the application states they cannot be named there is little for me to say. I generated roleplay scenarios on those servers. One community was SCP-RP based only while the other was primarily HL2-RP based; the community did make an SCP-RP server at one point but it closed down.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes. Limited experience in serious HL2RP.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Three usually.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
As O5-1 I am expected to be a roleplay leader and assist with the creation and standard of RP on the server. I believe that with additional powers granted through this role, I would be able to expand and deliver a better experience to members of the community. I would be capable of assisting existing gamemasters with their current and future events as well as getting them to assist me with my own ideas.
An additional reason would be for the fun of it. This is a roleplay server that people come to enjoy and I want to be able to deliver that enjoyment to them which I believe I will be able to do if I am granted this role.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server?:
Generation, maintenance, and overall ability to conduct unique and often unseen roleplay situations on the server. Assisting existing gamemasters with their own events as and when required. Brainstorming with other members of the gamemaster team in order to develop and fully realize expanded storylines with all elements of the server; from CL5 to CL1.
Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Experience. Over my many months on the server, I have gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience around SCP-RP, how the server conducts itself; the physical gameplay loop, the series of events that previous and current gamemasters have conducted, and through this application I believe I will be able to apply this knowledge and deliver a unique and enjoyable experience to people on this server.
Commitment. I believe that I have already demonstrated a strong commitment to this community and the server. I wish to continue that, compared to other applicants I have had to deal with situations that may or may not have caused considerable strain and overall stress to people. Yet I have chosen to work through and attempt to find resolutions. I wish to bring that mindset to the gamemaster team and continue to demonstrate dedication and commitment to this community.
Creativity. Within my current role on the server (O5-1) it is a requirement that I demonstrate creativity for the generation of new and engaging roleplay scenarios. I have attempted to do this through multiple means; primarily through the use of overseer assistants and orders issued to them. It is my belief that I can continue this creative spark and bring it to the gamemaster team in order to assist with the generation of more unique and often unheard elements within the SCP-RP lore.
Independence. I am of the firm belief that individuals should demonstrate a great deal of independence when it comes to situations involving roleplay. While roleplay is overall reliant on cooperation it should also be noted that the first person to be independent in situations will often be able to demonstrate leadership and furthermore, initiative. These by their very nature can lead to and potentially create unorthodox scenarios for players to enjoy and roleplay within.
Patience. I believe myself to be a patient individual who is capable of evaluating situations and working through problems to reach the required solutions. Take for example something in a roleplay scenario not going as planned or an individual interrupting an event etc. It would be required to demonstrate patience with these individuals and adjust the event accordingly to accommodate them.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP-2058 Smith Jim
SCP-2058 is a humanoid robot. For this event the SCP would simply be transported on-site via another site “Mobile Task Force”; perhaps Gamma-13 “Asimov’s Lawbringers” but an additional/made up MTF unit can be established if needed (MTF Orion-4 “Transport Inc”; made up MTF specializing in the movement of anomalous entities from one foundation site to another). The general premise of the event would be that SCP-2058 requires temporary storage within the Light Containment Zone non-specialized cells of Site-65 due to damages suffered at Site-██. The SCP would provide a passive roleplay experience primarily aimed at the research department. The entity itself would not be harmful, instead, it would be more of a nuisance, stealing objects from personnel and providing advice that would be deemed “bad” e.g. you should totally try and kill x people because you would get their money.
The event would start simply with MTF contacting Site Administration or Site Command requesting to access the facility for the storage of SCP-2058, SA/SC would then need to inform E-11 and the Research Department of the arrival, should last no longer than two hours at most to conduct the event. Researchers can ask questions, take samples and study the SCP’s behavior; all while it is attempting to steal various items such as chemicals, keycards, or maybe a weapon or two. If caught stealing the SCP will simply destroy these items.
The event would end when the MTF return to the site to collect the SCP. A simple passive rp event.
The event would start simply with MTF contacting Site Administration or Site Command requesting to access the facility for the storage of SCP-2058, SA/SC would then need to inform E-11 and the Research Department of the arrival, should last no longer than two hours at most to conduct the event. Researchers can ask questions, take samples and study the SCP’s behavior; all while it is attempting to steal various items such as chemicals, keycards, or maybe a weapon or two. If caught stealing the SCP will simply destroy these items.
The event would end when the MTF return to the site to collect the SCP. A simple passive rp event.
A Test Of Faith
“Recent reports from within the Pinewood community have raised some concerns within the Foundation and the UNGOC. A recent ‘sect’ of people have moved in from out of town. Now this would be normal compared to the other activities in Pinewood if it weren’t for the disappearances of several members of the Community. Now it is time for the real investigation to begin”.
The objective of this event is to involve an external GOI (Sarkic Cults) alongside UNGOC, CI, and Foundation.
The event will begin with a group of individuals (cultists) moving into the Pinewood region. Their ultimate objective is to kidnap citizens of Pinewood as well as CI, UNGOC, and Foundation staff from the surface. These abducted individuals will then be used in rituals in order to create SK-BIO-Type 1’s and SK-BIO-Type 2’s.
SK-BIO-TYPE 1 - Large entities often over 4 meters tall. This will serve as one anomalous entity for the factions to attempt to capture or terminate.
SK-BIO-TYPE 2 - Smaller more humanoid-looking entities, compared to type 1 in this event will be faster but have a significantly lower HP pool and damage output.
The cultists will be taking people from the Pinewood region and attempting to create these entities by sacrificing them in a ritualistic manner. This will be rp within one of the buildings of Pinewood or an externally built location on the map.
While this is taking place hints/tips will be placed to each faction beforehand, allowing for them to investigate and stumble upon the cult naturally.
This will hopefully provide Intel & Nu-7 (Or DEA) with some fresh and enriching operations for them to conduct on the surface. Cooperation between the factions is not expected, however. Additionally, the Chaos Insurgency depending upon their mood/views may even attempt to help the cult in order to destabilize the region and threaten the Foundation/UNGOC.
Intel/Nu-7/DEA will be expected to perform recon on the cult activities before attempting to move in and detain members. This will generate some conflict roleplay in which all factions can partake. UNGOC would of course attempt to destroy the cults and the entities which they are attempting to create.
The cultists themselves will consist of 4 Orin (lowest rank within the cults), regular assault rifles for the defense of themselves, and a Zend (middle-ranking cultist within the lore) who will act as their “commander” for the event. The cultists themselves will be regular humanoid, perhaps slightly increased HP to ensure they are not immediately killed upon being detected; 250hp should suit.
Once the combat section has concluded there will be two options. One is that all the cultists are destroyed along with their entities, thus ending the event and resulting in a region-wide amnestication to project the veil of secrecy. Option two is that any member of the cult is captured alive. If this occurs the faction which captured them may interrogate them to learn the objectives of the cult. Regardless the cultist will eventually be terminated thus ending the event.
This will require additional assistance from other members of the Gamemaster team to pull off and some additional PAC3s for the Type 1’s and Type 2’s.
The objective of this event is to involve an external GOI (Sarkic Cults) alongside UNGOC, CI, and Foundation.
The event will begin with a group of individuals (cultists) moving into the Pinewood region. Their ultimate objective is to kidnap citizens of Pinewood as well as CI, UNGOC, and Foundation staff from the surface. These abducted individuals will then be used in rituals in order to create SK-BIO-Type 1’s and SK-BIO-Type 2’s.
SK-BIO-TYPE 1 - Large entities often over 4 meters tall. This will serve as one anomalous entity for the factions to attempt to capture or terminate.
SK-BIO-TYPE 2 - Smaller more humanoid-looking entities, compared to type 1 in this event will be faster but have a significantly lower HP pool and damage output.
The cultists will be taking people from the Pinewood region and attempting to create these entities by sacrificing them in a ritualistic manner. This will be rp within one of the buildings of Pinewood or an externally built location on the map.
While this is taking place hints/tips will be placed to each faction beforehand, allowing for them to investigate and stumble upon the cult naturally.
This will hopefully provide Intel & Nu-7 (Or DEA) with some fresh and enriching operations for them to conduct on the surface. Cooperation between the factions is not expected, however. Additionally, the Chaos Insurgency depending upon their mood/views may even attempt to help the cult in order to destabilize the region and threaten the Foundation/UNGOC.
Intel/Nu-7/DEA will be expected to perform recon on the cult activities before attempting to move in and detain members. This will generate some conflict roleplay in which all factions can partake. UNGOC would of course attempt to destroy the cults and the entities which they are attempting to create.
The cultists themselves will consist of 4 Orin (lowest rank within the cults), regular assault rifles for the defense of themselves, and a Zend (middle-ranking cultist within the lore) who will act as their “commander” for the event. The cultists themselves will be regular humanoid, perhaps slightly increased HP to ensure they are not immediately killed upon being detected; 250hp should suit.
Once the combat section has concluded there will be two options. One is that all the cultists are destroyed along with their entities, thus ending the event and resulting in a region-wide amnestication to project the veil of secrecy. Option two is that any member of the cult is captured alive. If this occurs the faction which captured them may interrogate them to learn the objectives of the cult. Regardless the cultist will eventually be terminated thus ending the event.
This will require additional assistance from other members of the Gamemaster team to pull off and some additional PAC3s for the Type 1’s and Type 2’s.
Ghosts of the Past
“With the unstable reality of Site-65, it has been noted that certain anomalous events occur more often than they should. Automated doors closing in people's faces. Lights turning off in rooms. Items going missing when you could have sworn they were there. Surely it’s nothing…right?”
The story for this event is inspired by SCP-4973 “Dead Men Walking” in which a former D-class has come back to haunt those who he believes killed him, literally. The job of the Foundation in this event will be to establish the cause of the paranormal activity on site; items going missing, doors closing on people, etc. The unnamed D-class “spirit” will be provided with the reality-bending swep but will only be allowed to use harmful actions under specific conditions; for example, you may only harm someone if they are alone in a room, etc. I am hopeful that this entity can be detected through the use of night vision which would enable a game of “cat and mouse” to occur, with MTF-E-11 attempting to locate the entity while researchers scramble to adjust their containment methods. The entity will be vulnerable to scrantons.
This event should take no longer than two hours depending on the activity of the “ghost” as it were; a player or gamemaster could play the entity. To conclude the event the entity will be vanquished via gunfire or multiple scratons being activated in sequence. (I might require assistance with this due to the fact that I am unsure if effects similar to SCP-966 can be passed onto event SCPs).
The story for this event is inspired by SCP-4973 “Dead Men Walking” in which a former D-class has come back to haunt those who he believes killed him, literally. The job of the Foundation in this event will be to establish the cause of the paranormal activity on site; items going missing, doors closing on people, etc. The unnamed D-class “spirit” will be provided with the reality-bending swep but will only be allowed to use harmful actions under specific conditions; for example, you may only harm someone if they are alone in a room, etc. I am hopeful that this entity can be detected through the use of night vision which would enable a game of “cat and mouse” to occur, with MTF-E-11 attempting to locate the entity while researchers scramble to adjust their containment methods. The entity will be vulnerable to scrantons.
This event should take no longer than two hours depending on the activity of the “ghost” as it were; a player or gamemaster could play the entity. To conclude the event the entity will be vanquished via gunfire or multiple scratons being activated in sequence. (I might require assistance with this due to the fact that I am unsure if effects similar to SCP-966 can be passed onto event SCPs).
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Destabilized reality
“Despite the knowledge and abilities of the Foundation to access the multiverse they have not been are cautious as they should have. Others were watching, and waiting, now their time has come”.
The story of this event would require multiple days or perhaps weeks of build-up. The premise of this event is that Site-65’s Foundation has been attempting to access the multiverse; a story that is currently under development by the gamemaster team at this very moment. However, in their attempts to access the multiverse they have drawn the attention of far too many individuals. An unknown, aggressive version of the Foundation, one who seeks not to establish contact but to remove us from the equation.
In order for this event to be pulled off this “Hostile Foundation” would need to invade the current reality. This can be done in a similar way to how Resh-1 is summoned on-site; increased HP, different models, advanced weaponry, etc. Their objective would be to cause an incursion in this reality and destabilize it to the point of collapse. They will succeed in this endeavor.
This will result in the local reality of the greater Pinewood region collapsing; this collapse would allow for the map to be adjusted and changed to the following:
As reality began to destabilize the “Hostile Foundation” did not appropriately configure their device. As a result, those from Site-65’s reality have been transported into their own (Site-54). This occurring it would result in an out war between the reality of Site-65 and the reality of Site-65.
With the maps being changed considerable setup time would be required. If it is an option it would be good to allow regular players to act as the Site-54 personnel, allowing for a significant number of people to be on the opposing faction.
The overall objective of individuals from Site-65’s reality will be the following; personnel from CI, UNGOC, and Foundation will attempt to move and protect the non-combative personnel immediately after the reality “switch”. Form there the factions would be advised to unite against Site-54 and attack it. Unsure of their objective they would attempt to take over much like how Site-54 was attempting to do to them. During this information as to how to restore Site-65’s reality would be located.
A device that is the direct cause of this reality's ability to access the multiverse. Site-65’s objective would be to capture the device, learn of its function through the use of researchers, and eventually restore their reality and sever Site-54’s link to the multiverse. Thus ending the event and protecting themselves. This will essentially result in a ‘factory reset’ whereby Site-65’s reality is restored to normality etc.
“Despite the knowledge and abilities of the Foundation to access the multiverse they have not been are cautious as they should have. Others were watching, and waiting, now their time has come”.
The story of this event would require multiple days or perhaps weeks of build-up. The premise of this event is that Site-65’s Foundation has been attempting to access the multiverse; a story that is currently under development by the gamemaster team at this very moment. However, in their attempts to access the multiverse they have drawn the attention of far too many individuals. An unknown, aggressive version of the Foundation, one who seeks not to establish contact but to remove us from the equation.
In order for this event to be pulled off this “Hostile Foundation” would need to invade the current reality. This can be done in a similar way to how Resh-1 is summoned on-site; increased HP, different models, advanced weaponry, etc. Their objective would be to cause an incursion in this reality and destabilize it to the point of collapse. They will succeed in this endeavor.
This will result in the local reality of the greater Pinewood region collapsing; this collapse would allow for the map to be adjusted and changed to the following:
Steam Workshop::SCP Site-54
With the maps being changed considerable setup time would be required. If it is an option it would be good to allow regular players to act as the Site-54 personnel, allowing for a significant number of people to be on the opposing faction.
The overall objective of individuals from Site-65’s reality will be the following; personnel from CI, UNGOC, and Foundation will attempt to move and protect the non-combative personnel immediately after the reality “switch”. Form there the factions would be advised to unite against Site-54 and attack it. Unsure of their objective they would attempt to take over much like how Site-54 was attempting to do to them. During this information as to how to restore Site-65’s reality would be located.
A device that is the direct cause of this reality's ability to access the multiverse. Site-65’s objective would be to capture the device, learn of its function through the use of researchers, and eventually restore their reality and sever Site-54’s link to the multiverse. Thus ending the event and protecting themselves. This will essentially result in a ‘factory reset’ whereby Site-65’s reality is restored to normality etc.
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Times up. The committee has grown tired of the actions of those within the Foundation. They have taken particular issue with a certain department director belonging to the logistics department; their attempts to embezzle funding and deprive the site of much-needed weaponry have been noted as treason. As a result, the chairman has seen it fit to designate this individual for termination.
The idea of this event is to allow O-1 to assassinate this individual; who will have a select protection force. The head of logistics will visit Site-65 at the request of the chairman; which is a ruse, however, they catch wind of their impending termination and so loyal units decide to fight back.
It would be O-1’s job to identify the location of the individual within the site and attempt to terminate them without detection.
A simplistic mission for O-1 to practice assassination-style operations.
A-1: Plugging the leaks. A recent ex-foundation employee has been identified as a source of information leaks. The council has grown tired of this and as a result, has sent their personal MTF to personally deal with this.
This event would utilize the gamemaster space in which a small forest and a defensive structure/house would need to be constructed. I would hope to involve CI in this event by having the information leaker protected by them.
A combat event in which the objective of A-1 is the capture or elimination of the information leaker. They would be required to destroy any hard drive or equipment found in the location.
Nu-7: Another day for the task force. Nu-7 is a combat-hardened battalion. One of the foundations best. However, that doesn’t mean they should grow complacent. The objective of this event would be to organize an Attack & Defend or a Capture the Flag-style situation with either another regiment or a GOI. It could be conducted in the general pinewood region or in the gamemaster space. Each side takes turns to attack and defend. Perhaps both types of missions can be done, two waves of A&D and two waves of CTF. Allowing those involved to practice their skills while enjoying some combat roleplay.
E-11: Into the hornet's nest. A recent gateway has been detected within the pinewood region, upon entering it the DEA operatives have entered a cave system with unknown hostile entities. It will be E-11 responsibility to recon this place and by extension neutralize/contain the anomalous threats within. A simple recon mission with the hope of using NPC’s or GM’s with PAC3’s to provide enemies. Combat orientated but researchers could be involved in order to “explore” this new location.
The location itself would be constructed in the gm area to provide a ‘cave system’ for the units to clear.
CI: Two sides, same coin. Recent elements within the leadership of the insurgency have begun to disagree with one another's decisions, this has led to a fracture among its operatives. This will inevitably lead to conflict within the regiment.
Foundation Staff: Realisation. Recent advances within the research department have led to several experimental chemicals called mnestics being produced. It will be the responsibility of the research and medical departments to successfully apply these chemicals. A passive rp event that will be heavily reliant on /me’s, /it’s, and perhaps some chemicals to conduct. Of course, these chemicals will have certain side effects… (potentially altering people’s hp, memory, ability to walk, talk, and eat etc).
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