(UK) Phoenix's Moderator Application

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Mar 18, 2024
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
Contains a full legal name so I prefer not to post it here, but during any interview I am more than happy to give it.
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):
1 day and 2 hours.
In what country are you located?:
United States.
Time zone:
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
Internal Affairs Operative Phoenix McConnor.
Chaos name (include your rank):
None at this moment.
Civilian name:
Cade Santiago.
Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):
Do you have a mic?:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
I have had a significant amount of staffing experience on GMOD. This has ranged from DarkRP, PrisonRP, to Starwars RP. I was a community manager for a server for a long time, directing all other staff members besides the owner. Aside from that, I have been a moderator or admin on a number of other servers in the past.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I have had a decent amount of experience in serious roleplay over the years. Most of it comes from Starwars RP and Metro RP. Though I find this server to be the most immersive of all of them and have enjoyed it plenty since I joined.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Monday - Friday roughly 2 hours but occasionally more here and there. Saturday - Sunday I can log on for much longer, ranging from 1 - 10 hours.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
As I said before, this server is truly unique in my eyes. It is extremely in depth, in regards to things like its politics or all the different jobs and paths you can work. I would love to be a part of the system that helps keep this server running efficiently. I have also always enjoyed moderating servers, as it brings me closer to the members by helping them and also gets me more integrated into the community.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
As I have a lot of experience when it comes to moderating servers, I consider myself skilled in handling whatever situation a staff member runs into. I always make sure to be unbiased and fair. I stick to the SOP and makes sure each sit is handled properly. I also make sure to always hear the full side of each members story and discuss it from there, as I have had MANY experiences in GMOD RP when a staff member sides with one person whether that is because of a bias or simply who sent the ticket. Overall, I believe I can be a trusted, fair, and dependable member of the staff team that will remain here for a long time. Thank you for your time.
-/+ Neutral

  • ...who is this? do i know you? wha... huh? wha? ...huh? o_O i'm serious, i spent a good few minutes trying to recall you - like, have i just not ever interacted with you or are you literally that new, that i just won't have seen you? that being said, my own lack of activity right now isn't helping, but - anyway, you get my point. i can't speak to this person's disposition, etc. whether they're trustworthy for the staff team. please correct me if i'm wrong

  • something just generally feels off about this? i imagine someone will post saying this is ai gen or w/e - but it just... the app overall just has this extremely sterile feel to it. can't put my finger on it. or this could just be your writing style, i don't know

  • i definitely agree about this:
    this server is truly unique in my eyes. It is extremely in depth, in regards to things like its politics or all the different jobs and paths you can work. I would love to be a part of the system that helps keep this server running efficiently.
    yes. i feel the same way; there's a depth to the servers that is not immediately appreciable

  • ...otherwise, the app is good? but... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i don't know, maybe i'm the problem here :alien:
Mar 18, 2024
-/+ Neutral

  • ...who is this? do i know you? wha... huh? wha? ...huh? o_O i'm serious, i spent a good few minutes trying to recall you - like, have i just not ever interacted with you or are you literally that new, that i just won't have seen you? that being said, my own lack of activity right now isn't helping, but - anyway, you get my point. i can't speak to this person's disposition, etc. whether they're trustworthy for the staff team. please correct me if i'm wrong

  • something just generally feels off about this? i imagine someone will post saying this is ai gen or w/e - but it just... the app overall just has this extremely sterile feel to it. can't put my finger on it. or this could just be your writing style, i don't know

  • i definitely agree about this:

    yes. i feel the same way; there's a depth to the servers that is not immediately appreciable

  • ...otherwise, the app is good? but... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i don't know, maybe i'm the problem here :alien:
I typed this app all myself lol. I have just gone through this process a lot so I kind of have it down to a T so maybe that's it? I also try to always type concisely and organize my app as well as I can. But I appreciate your feedback :)

Xavier Vangray

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Feb 1, 2024
Vtime and warn log as im not sure you require a screenshot of them.
View attachment 14202View attachment 14203
we mostly need it to make sure your time is correct as for the warns sometimes people forget their warns so having it posted helps

Anyway my opinions on this app
+Staff experience
+no warns or bans
-not a lot of time on the server

that's really it i know my opinions are more detailed but that's my thoughts


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Dec 20, 2023
Hello @Phoenix McConnor , I will be giving a -Support for the following reasons:
-Very low vtime
-New to the community
-Never seen you/no interactions

-Good application
-Previous staff experience

While the extensive previous staff experience is good I recommend playing a bit more before applying for staff, it will help you learn some of the more specific rules other servers may not have, you may struggle to meet reqs on your current vtime and it will let people in the community know you better so that they be able to give a better opinion. I'm sure once you've had a bit more experience on the server you'd make a great addition to the staff team. Good luck with your application!
Mar 18, 2024
Hello @Phoenix McConnor , I will be giving a -Support for the following reasons:
-Very low vtime
-New to the community
-Never seen you/no interactions

-Good application
-Previous staff experience

While the extensive previous staff experience is good I recommend playing a bit more before applying for staff, it will help you learn some of the more specific rules other servers may not have, you may struggle to meet reqs on your current vtime and it will let people in the community know you better so that they be able to give a better opinion. I'm sure once you've had a bit more experience on the server you'd make a great addition to the staff team. Good luck with your application!
That’s fair reasoning. I appreciate the feed back! I don’t mind if i’m denied as it’s understandable because my V time. I just figured why not try. Either way I am content lol
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