[UK] Polaris's Gensec Captain Application

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Feb 22, 2024
Steam ID: ID:STEAM_0:1:494587824
Discord name: cup_of_coffee100
For how long have you played on CG SCP: actively playing for 6 months or so
In what country are you located?: rather not say
Time zone:UTC+2
Character name(s): Polaris (former Henry "Pirate" Morgan, Atlas "Pirate" Lancaster)
Civilian name: Bob "Pirate"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 SPC
Nu-7 PVT
Riot control license
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
3 failRP warns for talking as SCP's
2 RDM, once for shooting an armed d class through the door, and another for when exfiling a sweep a d class came up behind me, got spooked and shotgunned him
and one ARDM for missfiring at a d class
Why are you applying for Security Captain?:
i enjoy this department, and would like to give \ use some of
my better qualities to benefit the department
and make the department a more welcoming place, aside from
that, giving back to the department for some good
relationships and experiences that will benefit me along the way
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
i am qualified for this position for the following reasons:

I'm a good leader:
so far i have lead 2 sweeps and they went just perfect
knowing each gensec personnel strengths and weaknesses allows me to assign
them the correct positions for the least casualities and have the most effective sweep.

Being a friendly and approachable:
being a friendly higher up makes your subordinates more likely and more have more of a reason to listen to
you, other then the Chain of command, basically doing it more effectively.

I am a good planner:
i am a good planned and can help organize bigger and more valuable events, weather it be sweeps, or conducting tryouts,
planning how to conduct the event that is going on with more detail, lets say a tryout,
i can plan how to pass the information in a way that allows the cadets (cause tryout) to understand it and be more
well versed in the knowledge
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Some of the responsibilities of a GSD captain are but not limited to:

as a gensec captain you are expected to lead \ authorize a sweep when a code 2 is active
or lead/authorize other major events regarding D block, keeping the least amount of casualty
on the department's side and authorizing \ asking Nu-7 HH for assistance with sweeps

Enforcing department rules / FLC within the department, as well as putting misbehaving gsd personnel back in line
using either verbal \ Job bans \ PT etc etc
or enforcing good behavior with but not limited to credit \ money \ verbal reinforcements etc etc

captains can start tryouts for riot \ heavy weapons etc etc and helping
new cadets \ guards \ SRU learn the basics of the department

because captains are CL4 personnel they are trusted with helping with opening
elec door \ HCZ BD (sec,prim etc) \ D-block airlock entrence \ PW BD \ opening and manning AA door etc etc

captain may authorize work permits for well behaved and calm d class, letting them help with the
general upkeep of some undermanned departments or just helping out
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Polaris" was born in ██ in ██\█\███ in ███, a rather large town.
from a very young age "Polaris" showed his empathy and need to care for others, growing up he was a very well behaved kid,
learning in "███" pre-school.
getting into high school he had to pick a place to do charity in, either the local police dpt. the
local fire-station, or the EMS (im not sure if its the right name tho).
without much choice, he chose the police dept.

after doing some hours in charity there, a fire started burning in him for that need, the need to help and protect.
after finishing high school he started an internship in the ██PD as a cop.
he worked there for a while and eventually got to be the captain of the station,
handling high end cases and general upkeeping of the station.

after a while of working there he went to his apartment, put his stuff down and scrolled on ███ for a bit
after seeing someone spreading some "miss information" about the foundation
after it was known that he has been exposed to confidential info,
he was abducted from his own bad
and taken into Site-65
there he was briefed on the situation.

either join the SCP foundation, and leave everything behind

or have his memory wiped and be left for dead

wanting to live a semi-normal life, he chose to join the SCP foundation,
joining gensec, and was assigned the officer position, after being in the position for a while, he thought to himself, why stay in place, so he applied for the captain position.

Keep on moving.
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Captain 'Jacket' / Fang

SCP-RP Staff
Jul 19, 2023

Unfortunately, i'm not too much on these days as a Captain, but i really wish to see you on site when i'm on, to judge your skills, apologies for not being able to support you.

If we meet in game again, please contact me

-I would suggest you to get more MTF experience ?
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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Sep 8, 2023
Alberta, Canada
Dear @Pirate McPirate
After careful consideration of your application, as well of your qualifications, we have come forward to inform you that you have been accepted for the position of Security Captain.

Please message either @Skinner or @Zack Baker to begin with the on-boarding process. This process will include an Interview as well as a trial phase in order to let us finalise the decision that will possibly let you take on the duties of a Security Captain. Once again, we congratulate you on passing your application in becoming a Captain, and we hope to see you as a fully-pledged member of our team.

- James Siegel

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