[UK] Puzzle's DoEA Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 17, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209669564

Discord name: phile6926

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Approx 9 Months

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone: GMT +2

Character name(s): Norbert "Puzzle"

Civilian name: Ricky Rich

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 PVT Held
A-1 PVT Held
CI Gamma Holding
DEA DPT Manager Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
06-08/2022: RDM
06-08/2022: ARDM
31-01/2024: ARDM -> I was a Gensec Cadet, accidently shoot the wrong D-Class
24-02/2024: FailRP -> I was a Techie giving guns to D-classes

Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs?

The reason for my application for DoEA is first and foremost to do my upmost best of trying to revive it from the grave, I have been in DEA for quite a while approx since Febuary. Although my experince with Cl4 and leadership may be a concern to some people reading this because I've only got experince within in DEA and trying to lead it, I've been apart of the CO team within DEA since the 22/04. Nonetheless as I previously stated that my main reason for applying is to give it my all to revive it, because it's really depressing seing these decline in numbers and the lack of attention from the playerbase. Hence why I want to see if I'm capable enough to even somewhat lift it from the grave. I thoroughly believe that I have what it takes to lead it, despite the fact that I've never fully lead a department before nor any prior experince except being a DPT Manager.

What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?:

Maturity. I don't involve myself in petty OOC fights and I always try to keep myself in line if I might get frustrated about something and not letting my anger spill out on anyone else. In addition I will always behave in a respectful matter and always try to reconcile myself when talking to people. If I have done a mistake I will always own up to it and never hide the fact that I've done something wrong.

Experince. My experince has been solely DEA and I mean it, DEA is something truly special to me and it's exactly what I enjoy. It's a mix of a combative diplomat which therfore can lead to many different and unexpecting events hence why I keep playing it. As a so called "Dea Main" with my somewhat of a long time within DEA it has therfore lead me to almost witness every possible scenario, which in return makes me prepared to lead my fellow DEA in the right direction and teaching them accordingly on how to handle each situation.

Activity. I believe that for the most part, I have been active as a DEA Main. It still vividly remember my days as an Agent and when I log on as DEA there were barely any one if any. Which is also my I'm so active is to be there for the new recruits who stand and guard D-block as DEA Player. To try and help them in the right direction so they will understand what their duties are as a DEA. Even though I'm basically saying I'm an active DEA even though my activity has not been on par with my previous months due to the fact of me working an absurd amount during holiday weeks (It ends next week).

Leadership. When it comes to my leadership in DEA, I'd like to believe that I have what it takes to lead the whole department. As a leader for new agents I strive to be a good role model and always teach respect. I would never scream upon any of them nor have I done it in the past. Personally I'd like to believe that if you're going to lead someone or something you need to be liked.

RP. Even though I have not been apart of many events or even created ones. The only RP I've really been involved with is the GOC and being apart of their meetings and some Operations. One example here, the most recent one with the GOC being banned from site and I gave myself the task of reading some of their charges out loud. And doing my best to keep my calm when the GOC tried to debunk my claims. Even though I should be apart of more rp I always try to create some small rp or atleast something.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:

Taking part of Leadership Meetings

Creating Operations

Implemting new Ideas

Taking part in Meetings with GOIs additonaly hosting them.

Being the face of DEA and a role model for some.

Managing the CO Team.

Helping out any and all with questions and anything related to DEA

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

After Norbert Codenamed "Puzzle" had signed his papers for the SCP Foundation and finally enrolled in the "Department of External Affairs" Program everyone made a mockery out of him due to his cowardly backstory on his recruitment. To those who didn't know already one of the reason for why the foundation even decided to give him a choice of employment was due to the fact that he "accidently" caught an anomalous teddy bear in his home. Even though the Teddy Bear gave him the worst nightmares and bad scar it still ended him up with a job. But his fellows peers within the "DEA" Program found it hilarous and made a mockery out if him by throwing random Teddy Bears at him which would give him flashbacks and make him shiver.

But after a multitude of harassments from his peers who could never stop talking and laughing about Norbert had enough and wanted to get a bit of sweet revenge. So during the "DEA" Program in it's 4th week of the tests they we're going to do a some 800m laps twice with 2 minutes of rest. In the locker room his peer Ron "Welper" threw a Teddy bear right at Norberts head "Will this make you run any after" Ron said. Norbert just kept at changing into his running shoes and clothes, with a tiny smirk. Because Norbert had done a bit of research on his computer within the SCP Foundation Database and started to take an interest of "Potent Duloxtine" "Significant Increased Speed when Sprinting". That's exactly what I need to beat him.

*Whistle*" Alright gather around Team C-1, basically what you are here for today is a stamina and velocity test" said Special Agent "Demmid".
Start streching now because you're going to feel it in those tiny legs of your's and Remember you will not have access to that water bottle that each of you have besides you so fill them up now or just be a maniac and run dehydrated. "Said Speical Agent "Demmid".
Norbert walks back into the lockeroom and slowly and silently fills up his water bottle which this new and weird chemical that he had created the otherday with his good chemist friend "Entertainer". After Norbert had filled up his entire bottle without spilling a single drop he walks back out to the course and starts chugging the whole bottle done
Damm you must be thirsty Trainee "Said Special Agent Demmid".
Norbert swiftly answered "Hydration is key".

*Whistle* TIMES UP, EVERYBODY STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND LINE UP "Screamed Special Agent Demmid"
And the race was on, Norbert flew away the speed was unmatched. Maybe to unmatched as the tripped and flew right into a sandbag flying over 48 KM/H.
Norberts back was in pain, but he knew that he must show them that he won't give up and keept on running even though is back slighly injured and his lower back was screaming in agony. His legs we're almost eletric and the top speed was 53KM/H.
Norbert succesfully completed 16 Laps.

Well done Trainee, you've seen to have beaten the previous record by 10 Laps. "Said Special Agent Demmid".
Norbert was exaggerated the adrenaline, the speed, the attention. Everything that he got from the race and people could not believe their mind nor fathom that Norbert could very well be the fastest human alive. This exictment that he got from this race was something that he wanted more of. During nightime he'd slip by security and make his way into the chemlab with a note containing the recipe for creating more of "Potent Duloxtine".

Mix Yekonel Y-33 with Duloxtine 50/50 in a beaker afterwards put it under the fire

Norbert was hooked, it was everything he dreamt of the speed finally gave him attention and people started to forget about his past and that he still shivers when seeing them and now they see someone who not only broke the previous record but absolutely destroyed it and left nothing else behind.
Weeks passed and Norbert had is routine, that every night at exactly 23:20 he could sneak out of his bunk. Avoid the creeky floorboard and make his way into the chemlab and keep on making his new favourite drink.
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