[UK] 'Pyrite' - Ethics Committee Member Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Over 8 months
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
F - Nicholas ‘Pyrite’ Bryer -> Leon 'Duke' Baranov
CI - ‘Pyrotechnic’
GOC - ‘Craftsman’
Civilian name:
Vicholas Pryer

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Manager
Senior Agent

Site Advisor
MTF E-11 CSG -
Valkyries Captain
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
3x FailRP warning (Outdated)
1x FearRP warning (Outdated)
1x RDM warning (Outdated)
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the position of Ethics Committee Member for the following reasons:

Further Experience

Within my time on the server, I have spent most of this under the orders of the O5 Council. This, as well as having its perks, also means that I have not had the experience of the other part of the server, being mostly part of an Ethical hierarchy. Of course, the Site Administration team that I am currently a part of follows both sides of SC, however. I wish to be able to experience how the Committee truly functions. Having served in Site Administration for some time now, I wish to broaden my horizons and achieve a greater position within the Foundation. I wish to expand on my Administrative knowledge by achieving the position of Ethics Committee Member and see where it takes me in the future.
As well as this, I wish to further my own experience within the server. With this being a CL5 position, it would provide me with experiences I have yet to live through and would love to be able to build upon myself within the Department as well as the server as a whole. The experience that this position can bestow is amazing and would build my character up greatly, as well as give me a better perspective on the Foundation as a whole. I strive to experience all corners of the server at some point in my time within it. I wish to test every aspect that there is to experience. With that being said, I have chosen the Committee as my next experience point, as it will give me a whole new view on the Ethical side of the Foundation and how the Committee runs alongside the Council.

Friendly Environment
Those that are within the Committee currently are pleasant to be around and provide a good laugh and friendly discussion. It is a joy to interact with them given the chance and I wish to be able to have a closer connection with them. I see this as a welcoming department that would be a treat to be a part of. Furthermore, those that work closely with the Committee are also very lovely people and I wish to enhance my relationship towards them as well. I wish to build on relationships and maybe make new ones. I believe that with the publicity of Ethics as well as their general image of helpfulness and reliability it will allow me to do what was previously said. The people that you meet in a public position such as this is extraordinary and the reputation you can earn from just being polite and courteous is something that I strive to achieve. While Site Administration can achieve this as well, I believe that the position of Ethics Committee Member will help achieve that great reputation more efficiently.

Further Purpose
I wish to have some new and interesting duties to attend to. I wish to begin anew within a new department. As of now, Site Administration is the Department/Regiment that I have spent the longest time in, or it feels like it at least. With my other notable positions, those being in E-11 and in A-1 there has always been something to strive for and achieve, with E-11 it was to be accepted into an ISD, with A-1 it was to achieve something greater and move onto further positions, with me it happened to be into Site Administration. And now it comes the time again, I must achieve my new experience. I wish to build upon myself by attaining a new position within the Foundation. That happens to be as a Member of the Committee. I want to assist or even create greater projects that can be built upon and transformed into something great. The Committee has many tools to make this happen and I wish to use all at my disposal to create something enjoyable in my time as a Committee Member, If I am to be accepted.

RP Potential
With this being a Site Command position, this means that they must create RP that will influence the site, and create something new and refreshing for the personnel of it. There is a wide range of RP that comes with a Site Command position and that is wonderful to me. I wish to expand my RP capabilities as well as create RP of my own. I do have a RP line planned that will be further built upon in my lore below. However, what I will say is that I find it interesting and I hope others do too. Also, with others in both the Committee as well as the Council, I may learn from the best at this, and be able to enhance my skills further. The Roleplaying capabilities are unparalleled to any other position, possibly besides Site Director, however their RP potential is immense and I wish to be able to utilise this to its fullest potential. Being a CL5 position, the Committee Members can create a vast amount of RP, from small occurrences to large-scale events that can influence a Department or even the whole Site.
I do not plan to commit treason this time I swear

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

These reasons are what make me the best candidate in my eyes:

General and Administrative Experience

As my time on the server will tell you, as well as my time within Site Administration, I have had the privilege of working with some of the best in the server. Through this I have learned a lot about how to manage the site as well as provide for what a department/regiment needs. The experience that I have accumulated over the months has, in my eyes, made me available to apply for this position, as well as earn this position. Though there may be more experienced members of personnel, I believe that my experience should still be acknowledged and worthy of recognition. I have put a lot of time and effort into this server in the hopes of achieving a role such as this. I have done my best to climb the ranks of the Foundation, and with reaching Site Manager, I feel that I have a leg to stand on when applying for a position such as an Ethics Committee Member
Within Site Administration, I have learned a great deal about the Administrative side to the Foundation, working on keeping the facility secure by spoken means rather than by military means. Of course these two will often overlap, however I believe that the experience I have gained dealing with both the Foundation as well as outside GOI's is important for building good character. I understand that Ethics do not deal with GOI's, however the experience itself builds off of what has already been gained. I have done everything I can for Site Administration from organisation and documentation work, to holding meeting such as the Large Scale meeting that included Senior CL4 from each department as well as Site Command as well. The organisation for this meeting was done by myself as well as some snippets done by others, however the bulk was handled by myself.

Willingness to Talk out Issues
I am very much about Diplomacy, I believe that conflicts are for a last resort or to be used in drastic circumstances. For this, I much prefer to discuss things out and work on the best possible outcome without causing any unneeded hostilities. There are two examples of this that I have had to experience. one of which went very well, the other fell on deaf ears. During the previous GOC x F conflict, where I managed to negotiate a 24 hour ceasefire when the past 2 had failed and broken down hours after they were created. Nothing can ever work fully however, as proven by a rather nasty ISD war. Conflict raged on for far too long, and all attempts I made to try and calm it down failed. It only stopped when both sides decided on their own to end it. While Diplomacy is not perfect, I do believe that the skill makes a reliable and capable member of the Foundation, and would be a key skill to have as a Committee Member. The unmatched abilities that words can have on people may not be understood by most but they are, by far, a better tool to use to quell a disagreement compared to emotionally charged conflict.

Friendliness and Readiness
I would like to say that I am a considerate and kind person within the server. I pity people in bad conditions and do what I can to allow them to ease the burden they have, whether this be allowing them on an LOA, assisting in Departmental duties or other tasks that would help them out. Of course there are things that I cannot help with however, if asked I will be of service as soon as I can be. I believe that friendliness and readiness are key aspects that an Ethics Committee Member should have, however swamped with work. An answer is what they look for and even if you are not available, then at least telling them you will help sometime, is all they want and need. My readiness also comes into RP, when presented with an RP scenario, I will slip myself into it if given the invitation. I will run with it and do my best to build on it. I will be willing to do whatever work is set for me, so long as it does not overflow the schedule. I will handle what I can and am always ready to think on the go.

Activity and Performance
I make myself as available as I can possibly be; by either being in TS, Discord, in-game or all of them. If I am away from my PC, I will make myself more available on Discord. If the server is full/down, then I will be available in TS and Discord to discuss any topics that need bringing up. Pretty much, no situation will stop me from being available. Unless I physically cannot access any form of communication during a public event, family event, asleep etc, I will be available for the time that I can.
As well as this, I believe that public opinions are important for an ECM. Being a public figure within the facility, it is important to have the personnel look up to you as capable and resilient. Because of this, I handle myself greatly when in public areas, making sure that I am seen as someone who is worthy of their position. The work I conduct is done to the best of my abilities, not faltering on any duties that I have. A good, recent example would be the Senior CL4 meeting that I have been organising at the time of writing this, however will most likely have passed by the time this goes up. For this meeting, it was first ordered by O5, however I took over and have organised a day and time based off of feedback from the Senior CL4, and of SA and O5. The rest of the work that I do is, in my eyes, up to good standards and always carefully considered before being shared.

Roleplay Ideas
To make an outstanding Ethics member, one must be able to create roleplay that will be positively taken by those that experience it, whether that be a select people, one department, multiple departments or the whole site and beyond. Applying for this position, as well as my past application for Site Director has made me think of what I can do in this respect. I have some ideas that, if accepted, would love to run by the rest of the Committee as well as those that will be involved in the ideas that I have. I believe that what I have planned will benefit the site in one way or another and hope to be able to build upon them. These ideas will not be revealed unless I am accepted and such will be spoken with along with the other members of the committee.
As well as this, my past experience with Roleplay has to be mentioned as well, and while I have always actively been seeking RP to involve myself in, such as the most recent example, and an IC example, where I was a main player within was the
Treason event with myself and The Site Director, Flacon, in which we were both brought before the O5 and EC, with Falcon being shot on F3 and myself being Tribunaled and receiving the death penalty . As well as this, as an OOC example, building from a simple order to organise a meeting from the O5, I reached out to all Department Leaders and MTF CO's in order to set up and hold a meeting between everyone. While the meeting was mostly held by the SD, it was only by myself and some guidance and feedback from members of SA and SC that it was properly organised. These two highlight both an IC and OOC example of how I have engaged in roleplay and also had a hand with developing further. An example of both of these being put in place would be my Project order for Research, Project Homo Lunae, which can be viewed via the hyperlink. I love engaging in the RP that the server has and also initiating said RP as well. I believe that, if accepted, I can build off of my RP capabilities and be able to create more accessible RP.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee RP-wise are:

- Entrusted with CL5 duties such as:

Authorising the Mass termination of D-Class when necessary
Calling a Code Black when a breach has become too uncontrollable and the Site needs to be evacuated
Activate the Alpha Warhead when a breach has become completely uncontrollable and ERT failed
Authorising Site Wide Amnestication in the result of a 008 breach being successfully contained or because of an info leak

- The approval of Research such as:
Approving the use of more than 3 D-Class to be used during a test
Approving 008 test proposals that are worth researching into
Approving the use of Biological matter on 914
Approving 049 tests that require an 049-2 instance to be created

- Other IC Responsibilities
Maintaining and updating the Foundation Legal Codex along with O5
Dealing with FLC violations of great importance or severity
Discussing with the O5 Council about Site Wide changes and overall situations of the Site
Managing MTF Omega-1 along with it's Command Team
Managing the Ethics Assistants and giving them tasks to work on for their behalf
Managing the Internal Affairs Department as they directly oversee this Department
Being the Judge of Tribunals of CL4 Personnel or of CL3 if they wish
Ensure that the site is running smoothly and Ethically
Being someone to look up to and trust, being Leaders of RP

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The Out Of Character duties of the Ethics Committee are:

- Handling Applications:

Ethics Committee Member Applications
Ethics Committee Assistant Applications
Director of Internal Affairs Applications

(All being handled through discussion with the rest of the Committee)

- Other OOC Responsibilities
Appointing a new Omega-1 Commander with the rest of the Committee
Providing Site Administration with the Ethics review for their Monthly Reviews
Discussing with other Departments via External Communications on non-in-character subjects
Discussing with SA and O5 about RP scenarios and issues that should be brought up

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Input: #000837-E5
Welcome, Ethics Committee Member, How May I Assist You?
Input: Item 24-PB
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