[UK] RedMann's GM Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): LORD GABE
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since November 2022
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Ireland
Time zone: GMT/BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Ethics Chairman Oisin "The General" McKenna (prior Séan "RedMann" O'Shea)
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: Séan "RedMann" O'Donnel
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460297762
Discord ID (name#0000): redmann4869
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first GM application however i have previously applied for:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Outside of this server i have had my fair share of experiences on other games and servers, so, yes

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Typically i am on for about 2 hours bare minimum everyday, though when i can i play for upwards of 5 to 7

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I want to be a GM on the server to better enhance the roleplay i can provide as a Sr CL5, but also on a fundamental level, such as being able to hop onto a random job and utilize the props and commands available to create a roleplay experience for players on a whim. Props are an amazing tool to enhance a situation and increase the engagement and or roleplay opportunity within it. In short, i want to be able to build up my abilities and use them to create a much larger and more engaging roleplay dynamic all across the site, from Site Command down to any where like the Medbay or D-Block. I also want to use what being a GM can give to better assist in smaller roleplay scenarios, such a SA calling in an off site MTF or E-11 working on the maintenance within a containment chamber

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am special over other applicants due to my vast experience across the server, from combative to site command i am confident in my understanding of what different aspects of the player base enjoy and would be more engaged with. I also work well in a team and like to think i am a quick learner, so i doubt i would have any problem slotting into the GM team and getting straight to work on events. I also want to expand what events mean and the aftermath of them, example being off site MTFs are criminally underused in my opinion, and calling one in can be a major show of strength from the likes of SA, this can open the door to a greater aftermath such as a cover up to an event, documentation or even a sequel


Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Dr. Wondertainment's Pinewood Grand Opening

"Come one come all to Dr. Wondertainment's grand opening! Please take a ticket and wait your turn!"

Dr. Wondertainment has arrived to the quaint town of Pinewood with his travelling band of oddities and treats. He has set up in a local residence and will be soliciting only his finest of sweets. From gobstoppers that will blow your mind, to comfort ice cream with no limitations. He'll only be available for short time, best to get to the store while you have the chance.

OOC: Foundation would take a natural interest in acquiring the sweets and the candyman himself, as such they would likely make it their mission to lockdown the store. GOC would likely try arrest Wondertainment and research or destroy his foods. CI are the wildcard, but they could certainly get creative and use an explosive chocolate cake in an elaborate assassination attempt. Wondertainment himself has little regard for the security of the veil and will gladly sell his goods to anyone willing to pay a decent price. However he will not tolerate any attempts to end his business, ultimately he will leave Pinewood but in the mean time he may establish a contract of protection with any faction in the agreement they can test on his anomalous foods.

MTF G-13 and SCP-6660

"Mornin Site-65, CPT Cipher here, we're enroot, some numbskull at your site has a machine, one dangerous ass machine, sucker paid a penny for it and we tracked him here, ETA-5 minutes"

An unidentified personnel has purchased a Machine from Anderson Robotics, little do they know it's the recaptured SCP-6660, which was unfortunately tracked by "Asimov's Lawbringers", MTF Gamma-13, G-13 Begin their inspection and investigation of any personnel they find suspicious until they can find the machine, meanwhile, a mad consultant begins to use SCP-6660 to rewrite the very DNA of his D-Class victims

OOC: A pre-selected agreeing Consultant will sneak up to Lakehouse to make a transaction and will set up SCP-6660 in an empty room in LCZ, behind the cage door near secondary SS elevator, He tests his new machine on very unwilling D-Class. G-13 will work with DEA to find the culprit via a ciphered AR database, once connected up to a server system, such as the one on floor 3 or lower HCZ. Piece by piece the database can become deciphered, DEA will have the supporting role of assisting G-13 in their investigations by questioning staff that fit the description of the encrypted database.

"The Gift"

"A gift from high command, to the Pinewood Cell"

The local cell of CI in Pinewood have received the package they've been waiting for, an SCP-966 control kit, able to tame SCP-966 instances using a bit of persuasion through the delicate art of shocking the hell out of it, only thing they need now is a live instance. Conveniently enough Site-65 keeps one locked up in the HCZ, get down there, get that kit on and CI has the best assassin they could dream for, only problem is actually getting down there, which can be somewhat troublesome to say the least.

OOC: CI have to get into HCZ and buy themselves enough time to rig up the control kit, after that SCP-966 is theirs but should 966 be captured, and the kit reverse engineered by Foundation, the game will be on for who can control the silent assassin.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Area-098-354... Alert?...Affirmative.
Distress signal from Area-098-354:


Area-098-354 contains SCP-354, the blood pool, but something has gone catastrophically wrong, the usual output of creatures from SCP-354, has beyond quadrupled, the area has been completely lost, but low and behold, the worst of timings, O5-8 and 2 Ethics Members have been caught in the madness and require an evac out of the site. Technical teams will need to be brought in for dire maintenance and field researchers need to establish what variable has caused SCP-354's triggering. D-Class are running rampant, area security is a aloof. Site-65 has responded to the call and has initiated QRF, a joint force of ISD, E-11, Nu-7 and GOC have been deployed to pick the area back together, move VIPs out, and re-establish order. But such a large movement of manpower surely means profit and chaos to be afoot, the Pinewood terror cell are enroot.

E-11 and UN Must eliminate all threats and pave the way for the technical and research teams to begin their set up and restore the facility, Nu-7 work with scattered security teams to fight off CI, ISD Work on getting the VIPs off the area. Once the bloodshed has been wrapped up, the assortment of assets off the area will begin, key files, databanks and staff will be evacuated back to Site-65.

This map change event would utilize the SCP-354 map and would require some decals, props and setup

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Internal Affairs Ambassadors and E-11 Staff have gone missing, and something is brewing within the bowels of the Site, within the HCZ, in a dank, dark room, a group of bodies spring back to life, these are the people so often tossed aside by O-1 under the orders of the Committee, the executed, an army of soldiers walk the walls resurrected, and very angry, a disgruntled thaumatologist has enacted the process of ΩK, albeit on a small localized scale, after learning of SCP-3984. O-1 Must silence the living dead who wail with the crimes of the "Law's Left Hand" and find the instigator for this resurrection
A-1: The lights flicker... the elevator to floor 3 gets cut off and all admin floor power ceases... the computers on Floor 3 all flash the same familiar face of SCP-079, and 3 letters. D...I.....E, A-1 Have to combat 079 in the server room before he breaches any information onto his own database or gets access to site wide systems, all the while keeping him out and unaware of the Nuclear option, but the power is out and the ventilation system is failing, the clock is ticking to boot 079 off the hardware. They'll have to hack the mad AI out of the servers and pursue him around the Site blocking his access to systems before getting him back into his box.
Nu-7: MC&D are once again up to no good, Site-65 ought to have a no soliciting sign, although this agent seems to be selling something a little bit different, he's selling...souls? For the low price of 1 dollar and a picture of your desired victim, you can have your very own soul, of course it belonging to anyone of your choice, after that it's up to you what you'd like to do with it, kill it, control it, hurt it, its a sort of noncorporeal voodoos doll, Nu-7 should arrest this man, although, they could certainly use this individual's wares to their benefit
E-11: Site-65's DEA has reported unusual happenings in the Pinewood region, looks like there's some sort of animal out there, it's killing without remorse. Sightings of a chimeric creature of unknown origin, Claw marks are found on houses and half eaten bodies are found in the woods. Rumor has spread of a 4 legged Griffith like creature with scales and deep red eyes. Best to send in the best hunters available, E-11 need to suit up in their surface gear and have one shot to track down, and contain it.
CI: CI scouts have sent in word, Site-65 is expecting a whole new host of inanimate anomalies to be transported in, ambush it, and it'll be worth millions to the Foundation, GOC, hell even MC&D might be interested. ambush that truck and get your hands on the anomalies, scouts say it might be SCP-705? Whatever that might be? Regardless, let's pray to god it's good
UNGOC: GOC Cognitohazrdous detection rays have spiked again in the region, roughly every 3 to 4 minutes there's a flash emitted in the sky, and the detection spikes, it seems to administer a amnestic like affect, people forget the last moments before the flash, deploy strike teams to get to the bottom of it, word is there's cult activity just out of town, it has to be their doing, and now the kant counts have spiked, maybe the cult has a had breakthrough, be prepared for anything, kant readings this high suggest reality bending
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Hello Redmann,
There are several factors which prevent me from being able to confidently support your application to join the Game Master team.
Dr. Wondertainment's Pinewood Grand Opening
While this idea mostly works, i do imagine parties other than GOC/F/CI would be kicked out of involvement with the event very quickly, and any faction would be very liable to mobilise within minutes and monopolise the event.

Aside from this, there is minor uncertainty about how exactly you would intend to run this event.

Im unsure if having an Off-site MTF run the investigation is ideal, not to mention that the consultant would be detected incredibly fast (secondary has several cameras leading up to and within it) , this is mostly based on my assumption of how the "investigation" would occur, could you perhaps elaborate on how you expect to event to play out in a more detailed manner?

"The Nest"
This event seems kind of random, both in how the outcome is decided and in the idea itself. To keep it basic, where exactly would this nest be? How much counterplay is there to the explosion aside from "shoot them quick", and additionally, the outcome between "exploded" and "didnt explode" is not very different. Lastly, 5 may be severely overtuned, but this assumption could simply stem from the assumptions i am forced to make about your event from lack of information.

Please elaborate more.
To begin, i would prefer if you had linked the exact specific map you would have wanted to use.
While the core premise probably has some potential, i do not belive it to be significant enough to occupy the entire server for around 2-3 hours, which is the time most map changes aim for. This would mainly be a Deathmatch between the factions with randomly spawning enemies within Foundation providing a distraction, with minimal potential for RP.

Firstly, Omega-K / SCP-3984 does not refer to people coming back to life, it refers to the "end of Death" as in, everyone and everything no longer being able to die. Thus, i am not entirely certain you understand the article, unless you actually mean to imply that this single thaumatologist is stopping death globally, making it a much bigger event than i believe you are intending. Aside from this misunderstanding, the Idea of Omega-1 having to cover up their crimes, either having to rely only on themselves to deal with the risen vengeful dead or to have to clean up information leaks after asking other departments for help has some merit, though id imagine most people would simply respond to O-1s request for help, not ask questions, and then return to their normal duties after killing the "undead", how would you anticipate this event to go if you were to run it, and how would you keep it from just being "shoot a few things and then be done with it" event.

I actually quite like the locked room scenario, but what kind of actions could A1 do to repel SCP-079 from their floor. Additionally, i would caution against SCP-079 just breaching information over comms or the like as "punishment"

I do not believe "Nu-7 gets guns and tanks and builds checkpoints in / patrols pinewood" would be a very interesting event.

This event is too vague, "contain whatever the hell is out there" does not tell us enough about what E-11's opponent is actually going to be, or why it would be a fun enemy to fight on surface, please expand on this event.

Again, I think this is too vague, what makes an "SCP convoy" type event interesting is not just the fact you are attacking a vehicle, but rather what you are attacking it for, you specified its "valuable" but not what it actually is, which is a missed opportunity and is leaving out the real meat of the event in my eyes.

The idea of the GOC busting a "cult" centered on a reality bender in pinewood has some potential, though i imagine the state of pinewood would make it not very difficult to figure out.

Additionally, something I like to see from applicants is something to indicate that they are familiar with the SCP "universe" beyond the content prominently and obviously featured on the server. Your application actually contains multiple instances of such, from Anderson robotics, to an obscure SCP, which is something i greatly appreciate.

As of now, i feel unable to support your application because of the lacking depth in several areas, that i feel need to be elaborated on for me to be able to gauge your viability as a game master. If you were to take measures to address this, I would be happy to re-evaluate my conclusion
Hello Redmann,
There are several factors which prevent me from being able to confidently support your application to join the Game Master team.
Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the feedback i greatly appreciate it, i've tweaked the application in accordance to what you have provided, if you think there is anyway i can develop my concepts further please let me know over DMs, i'd love to take any feedback on and reflect it in my application.

Corr "Perseus" Vynd

Active member
Nov 24, 2023
The only right answer for this app is + MASSIVE Support

Do I even need to say why? Come on. It's RedMann.

But in any case, he listens to feedback, he's goated and INSANE amounts of server and RP experience, if anything, I'd have expected him to have been GM ages ago, not to mention knowledge of the universe beyond what's shown on the server by default (Anderson Robotics is such a fat W, one of my favorite GOIs.)
These proposed events in your application are okay, I like the concept of MTF Gamma-13 and SCP-354 (Though the map change would be a little painful to work with). I also see your range of skills and your current experiences with creating desirable roleplay that actually follows up with a proper storyline, I've seen it from your time as Senior CL5 while playing and it's mostly alright. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you make it to Game Master.
Jul 10, 2023
Hello @RedMann,

+All my experiences with you have been positive
+Creates RP to a good/excellent standard
+Application is quality and well thought out
+From my experience trustworthy


Dr. Wondertainment's Pinewood Grand Opening
"Come one come all to Dr. Wondertainment's grand opening! Please take a ticket and wait your turn!"

Dr. Wondertainment has arrived to the quaint town of Pinewood with his travelling band of oddities and treats. He has set up in a local residence and will be soliciting only his finest of sweets. From gobstoppers that will blow your mind, to comfort ice cream with no limitations. He'll only be available for short time, best to get to the store while you have the chance.

OOC: Foundation would take a natural interest in acquiring the sweets and the candyman himself, as such they would likely make it their mission to lockdown the store. GOC would likely try arrest Wondertainment and research or destroy his foods. CI are the wildcard, but they could certainly get creative and use an explosive chocolate cake in an elaborate assassination attempt. Wondertainment himself has little regard for the security of the veil and will gladly sell his goods to anyone willing to pay a decent price. However he will not tolerate any attempts to end his business, ultimately he will leave Pinewood but in the mean time he may establish a contract of protection with any faction in the agreement they can test on his anomalous foods.
I do like this idea, but an issue that may happen is that civilians/rangers may get left out as GOC & Foundation attempt to prevent info leaks (This may have been the event's intention). Overall this seems to be a good idea if it is not over-scripted and the GOIs are allowed to play it out.

MTF G-13 and SCP-6660
"Mornin Site-65, CPT Cipher here, we're enroot, some numbskull at your site has a machine, one dangerous ass machine, sucker paid a penny for it and we tracked him here, ETA-5 minutes"

An unidentified personnel has purchased a Machine from Anderson Robotics, little do they know it's the recaptured SCP-6660, which was unfortunately tracked by "Asimov's Lawbringers", MTF Gamma-13, G-13 Begin their inspection and investigation of any personnel they find suspicious until they can find the machine, meanwhile, a mad consultant begins to use SCP-6660 to rewrite the very DNA of his D-Class victims

OOC: A pre-selected agreeing Consultant will sneak up to Lakehouse to make a transaction and will set up SCP-6660 in an empty room in LCZ, behind the cage door near secondary SS elevator, He tests his new machine on very unwilling D-Class. G-13 will work with DEA to find the culprit via a ciphered AR database, once connected up to a server system, such as the one on floor 3 or lower HCZ. Piece by piece the database can become deciphered, DEA will have the supporting role of assisting G-13 in their investigations by questioning staff that fit the description of the encrypted database.
This does seem like a fun event but having a whole MTF enter the site for an investigation does seem rather drastic and may limit access or possible RP with the SCP.
"The Gift"
"A gift from high command, to the Pinewood Cell"

The local cell of CI in Pinewood have received the package they've been waiting for, an SCP-966 control kit, able to tame SCP-966 instances using a bit of persuasion through the delicate art of shocking the hell out of it, only thing they need now is a live instance. Conveniently enough Site-65 keeps one locked up in the HCZ, get down there, get that kit on and CI has the best assassin they could dream for, only problem is actually getting down there, which can be somewhat troublesome to say the least.

OOC: CI have to get into HCZ and buy themselves enough time to rig up the control kit, after that SCP-966 is theirs but should 966 be captured, and the kit reverse engineered by Foundation, the game will be on for who can control the silent assassin.
The main issue I have with this idea is CI or F using 966 as a murder weapon instead of attempting to RP with it. It would also require a CI raid which F already experienced a lot of.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Area-098-354... Alert?...Affirmative.
Distress signal from Area-098-354:


Area-098-354 contains SCP-354, the blood pool, but something has gone catastrophically wrong, the usual output of creatures from SCP-354, has beyond quadrupled, the area has been completely lost, but low and behold, the worst of timings, O5-8 and 2 Ethics Members have been caught in the madness and require an evac out of the site. Technical teams will need to be brought in for dire maintenance and field researchers need to establish what variable has caused SCP-354's triggering. D-Class are running rampant, area security is a aloof. Site-65 has responded to the call and has initiated QRF, a joint force of ISD, E-11, Nu-7 and GOC have been deployed to pick the area back together, move VIPs out, and re-establish order. But such a large movement of manpower surely means profit and chaos to be afoot, the Pinewood terror cell are enroot.

E-11 and UN Must eliminate all threats and pave the way for the technical and research teams to begin their set up and restore the facility, Nu-7 work with scattered security teams to fight off CI, ISD Work on getting the VIPs off the area. Once the bloodshed has been wrapped up, the assortment of assets off the area will begin, key files, databanks and staff will be evacuated back to Site-65.

This map change event would utilize the SCP-354 map and would require some decals, props and setup
This has amazing potential but if executed poorly could just end up being a firefight between GOIs and monsters.
O-1: Internal Affairs Ambassadors and E-11 Staff have gone missing, and something is brewing within the bowels of the Site, within the HCZ, in a dank, dark room, a group of bodies spring back to life, these are the people so often tossed aside by O-1 under the orders of the Committee, the executed, an army of soldiers walk the walls resurrected, and very angry, a disgruntled thaumatologist has enacted the process of ΩK, albeit on a small localized scale, after learning of SCP-3984. O-1 Must silence the living dead who wail with the crimes of the "Law's Left Hand" and find the instigator for this resurrection
My main concern with this one is it will just be O-1 shooting a couple of zombies/ Maybe using an item that resurrects the dead instead of ΩK as to my knowledge it prevents death instead of complete re-animation.
A-1: The lights flicker... the elevator to floor 3 gets cut off and all admin floor power ceases... the computers on Floor 3 all flash the same familiar face of SCP-079, and 3 letters. D...I.....E, A-1 Have to combat 079 in the server room before he breaches any information onto his own database or gets access to site wide systems, all the while keeping him out and unaware of the Nuclear option, but the power is out and the ventilation system is failing, the clock is ticking to boot 079 off the hardware. They'll have to hack the mad AI out of the servers and pursue him around the Site blocking his access to systems before getting him back into his box.
This seems quite good
Nu-7: MC&D are once again up to no good, Site-65 ought to have a no soliciting sign, although this agent seems to be selling something a little bit different, he's selling...souls? For the low price of 1 dollar and a picture of your desired victim, you can have your very own soul, of course it belonging to anyone of your choice, after that it's up to you what you'd like to do with it, kill it, control it, hurt it, its a sort of noncorporeal voodoos doll, Nu-7 should arrest this man, although, they could certainly use this individual's wares to their benefit
Not quite sure how you would get this to work but seems like a fun event
E-11: Site-65's DEA has reported unusual happenings in the Pinewood region, looks like there's some sort of animal out there, it's killing without remorse. Sightings of a chimeric creature of unknown origin, Claw marks are found on houses and half eaten bodies are found in the woods. Rumor has spread of a 4 legged Griffith like creature with scales and deep red eyes. Best to send in the best hunters available, E-11 need to suit up in their surface gear and have one shot to track down, and contain it.
Once again seems possibly like quite a combat-based event (Has potential if you elaborate)
CI: CI scouts have sent in word, Site-65 is expecting a whole new host of inanimate anomalies to be transported in, ambush it, and it'll be worth millions to the Foundation, GOC, hell even MC&D might be interested. ambush that truck and get your hands on the anomalies, scouts say it might be SCP-705? Whatever that might be? Regardless, let's pray to god it's good
Could have some pretty cool RP if it is executed well
UNGOC: GOC Cognitohazrdous detection rays have spiked again in the region, roughly every 3 to 4 minutes there's a flash emitted in the sky, and the detection spikes, it seems to administer a amnestic like affect, people forget the last moments before the flash, deploy strike teams to get to the bottom of it, word is there's cult activity just out of town, it has to be their doing, and now the kant counts have spiked, maybe the cult has a had breakthrough, be prepared for anything, kant readings this high suggest reality bending
Quite vague but definitely has good potential

(I have mainly highlighted negatives with what I have said above as I don't want to be here for hours)

With all that said and done, I think you definitely would be an amazing GM and are fully worthy of the position

Kind regards,
Hello Redmann,
There are several factors which prevent me from being able to confidently support your application to join the Game Master team.
While this idea mostly works, i do imagine parties other than GOC/F/CI would be kicked out of involvement with the event very quickly, and any faction would be very liable to mobilise within minutes and monopolise the event.

Aside from this, there is minor uncertainty about how exactly you would intend to run this event.

Im unsure if having an Off-site MTF run the investigation is ideal, not to mention that the consultant would be detected incredibly fast (secondary has several cameras leading up to and within it) , this is mostly based on my assumption of how the "investigation" would occur, could you perhaps elaborate on how you expect to event to play out in a more detailed manner?

This event seems kind of random, both in how the outcome is decided and in the idea itself. To keep it basic, where exactly would this nest be? How much counterplay is there to the explosion aside from "shoot them quick", and additionally, the outcome between "exploded" and "didnt explode" is not very different. Lastly, 5 may be severely overtuned, but this assumption could simply stem from the assumptions i am forced to make about your event from lack of information.

Please elaborate more.

To begin, i would prefer if you had linked the exact specific map you would have wanted to use.
While the core premise probably has some potential, i do not belive it to be significant enough to occupy the entire server for around 2-3 hours, which is the time most map changes aim for. This would mainly be a Deathmatch between the factions with randomly spawning enemies within Foundation providing a distraction, with minimal potential for RP.

Firstly, Omega-K / SCP-3984 does not refer to people coming back to life, it refers to the "end of Death" as in, everyone and everything no longer being able to die. Thus, i am not entirely certain you understand the article, unless you actually mean to imply that this single thaumatologist is stopping death globally, making it a much bigger event than i believe you are intending. Aside from this misunderstanding, the Idea of Omega-1 having to cover up their crimes, either having to rely only on themselves to deal with the risen vengeful dead or to have to clean up information leaks after asking other departments for help has some merit, though id imagine most people would simply respond to O-1s request for help, not ask questions, and then return to their normal duties after killing the "undead", how would you anticipate this event to go if you were to run it, and how would you keep it from just being "shoot a few things and then be done with it" event.

I actually quite like the locked room scenario, but what kind of actions could A1 do to repel SCP-079 from their floor. Additionally, i would caution against SCP-079 just breaching information over comms or the like as "punishment"

I do not believe "Nu-7 gets guns and tanks and builds checkpoints in / patrols pinewood" would be a very interesting event.

This event is too vague, "contain whatever the hell is out there" does not tell us enough about what E-11's opponent is actually going to be, or why it would be a fun enemy to fight on surface, please expand on this event.

Again, I think this is too vague, what makes an "SCP convoy" type event interesting is not just the fact you are attacking a vehicle, but rather what you are attacking it for, you specified its "valuable" but not what it actually is, which is a missed opportunity and is leaving out the real meat of the event in my eyes.

The idea of the GOC busting a "cult" centered on a reality bender in pinewood has some potential, though i imagine the state of pinewood would make it not very difficult to figure out.

Additionally, something I like to see from applicants is something to indicate that they are familiar with the SCP "universe" beyond the content prominently and obviously featured on the server. Your application actually contains multiple instances of such, from Anderson robotics, to an obscure SCP, which is something i greatly appreciate.

As of now, i feel unable to support your application because of the lacking depth in several areas, that i feel need to be elaborated on for me to be able to gauge your viability as a game master. If you were to take measures to address this, I would be happy to re-evaluate my conclusion

Bro did not need to write a Peel Paragraph for the gm app response :skull:

also +support epic guy
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