[UK] Red's Security Captain Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1
500+ hours - Since June 2022
In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom
Time zone:
BST +1
Character name(s):
Foundation: James ‘Red’
CI: ‘Red’
Civilian name:
James ‘Red’
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
O5-2/O5-6 - Jan-March 2023
Nu-7 COM - October-Jan 2022/2023
Nu-7 CPT - March-April 2023
E-11 SGT - April-May 2023
Site Advisor - May - June 2023 (Left due to getting Senior Admin)
Overseer/Ethics Assitant - OSA September-Jan 2022/2023 ECA July-September 2023
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM - 5th November 2023

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

I’ve always liked playing GSD and spending time around D block. You get to experience the core loop of CN, with newer players and get to assist them with learning the server and ensure they understand what the server is about. I would like to help the leadership, and also try my hand in a part of the server I’ve not yet fully explored. I’ve spent much time in GSD over my time on the server.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have extensive leadership experience and have a lot of knowledge of how it works. I can lead very well, with my experience in Nu-7 among other places, I can assist in growing and suggesting new ideas to try and keep GSD active. I am forward-thinking and also can act quickly.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Keeping D block secure, and overseeing the lower ranking GSD to ensure they are covering the points and assisting researchers
- Overseeing/hosting HW/RC license tryouts
- Assisting the Department chiefs in running GSD.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

General Security Officer Corps: Sergeant James “Red”

Personnel Information:

- DoB: 30th May, 1987
- PoB: Birmingham, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
- Sex: Male
- Ethnicity: British
- Race: White, English
- Height: 5’ 11”
- Weight: 93.67 Kg

- Scar, Left Eye
- Auburn, Short Hair
- Mole, Right Cheek
- Missing Finger, Left Pinky
- Permanent Burn, Right Thigh

Notable Characteristics:
- Shows initiative during high pressure situations
- Compliant
- Respectful to all, no matter position or rank
- Appreciative of Motorcycles
- Old Guard
- Aggressive against enemies
- Full of goals and aspirations
- Can often be emotionless and silent

Notable Exempts from Sergeant James Red’s Journal (2024-Present):
- March 3rd, 2024:

Got told to start up a journal to refer to in future? Suppose I’ll give it a shot.

To catch up, started off doing Janitorial work under Supervisor Simon Gray. He was tough to work under but he did ensure that the work was done at least. Was doing this since 2023 around June or July? Anyways, I have always noticed the other combatants dealing with intruders and breaches. Listening to what they were doing from the safety and comfort of the Personnel Wing Bunker made me feel like a coward. I mean, a perfectly capable and fit man, of age as well and I am cleaning? After the passing of most of my direct family, I was out of a job and nearly out of a life. I needed a change but not this type of change. I could be more, I know it.
So comes March 3rd, 2024. I have just completed my induction with the Department of General Security. Despite them being the butt end of most jokes within the Foundation, I still did hold decent expectations for them. It is sad to say that I was disappointed when I saw the state of the department. Due to the influx of new recruits from various backgrounds, Sites and Departments. It was hard to get anything done.

I was assigned to Squad Kappa-09. Our Squad Lead, Sergeant Jamie Fransisco was one of the only ones aside from the Captains with any sense of Leadership and Initiative. He is what inspired me to bear with the Department’s many flaws and attempt to progress higher within the ranks.

Our Squad’s primary duty outside of Code-2s was to Patrol from the Class-D Cells, around and above the Medical Wing, around the MTF Training Room then back. It was pretty dull for the most part but we did get to detain the occasional escapee or civilian.
- June 7th, 2024:

I was doing the usual patrol when my friend Kerian Locket - who was a Guard at the time - noticed multiple strange humanoid green blurs running straight through the Entrance Zone Doors. Initially we were all confused as no one saw this before, but despite what my gut told me. I didn’t call it out on the general communications line. I just thought that people would laugh and call me weird? Looking back on it now, why would they? This is the same place where haunted stairwells and weeping angel-like statues are kept.

Around 20 minutes later and the Code-5 Containment Breach alarms activated. The SCP designation was classified but all units were called to defend their areas of interest - ours being D-Block of course. So, all General Security Squadrons are called to D-Block and are assigned areas of interest to protect. Our squad got the Railway Tunnel. For some reason - and I can’t stress this enough, I don’t know why - they put a ventilation system, with a functioning biometric door leading straight to the D-Block Cells.. So we needed to make sure no D-Class took advantage of the chaos and attempted an escape.

Fast forward another 10 or so minutes and we are all collectively getting tired of this area of interest. Sergeant Fransisco ordered me to stay behind while the rest went out to check on what was happening. 5 minutes goes by and our boss hasn’t checked in yet so I make a callout on the radio - nothing. I then changed frequency to the general communications lines and it was just static. Believing there was just a malfunction with my radio device I left my post and slid down the ladders to see about getting the radio checked out.

Thankfully I did end up catching up with the rest of the squad. Well.. What remained of them anyways.

Sergeant Fransisco was on the floor, the wall and on the top shelf where the spare gloves were kept. My closest friend Kerian was sat nicely in the corner with both eyes clawed out of his sockets and his lungs ripped out of his chest. Finally, our newest operative Cadet Lewis McNamara was laying cold dead with a USP in his right hand, and a 9mm bullet in his cranium - I suppose he saw that as the better way out..

I don’t even remember how I initially felt when I saw the scene. My whole team, my closest friend, all dead.. I must’ve been numbed to losing my close ones I suppose. I remember just leaving the closet ready to kill whatever had done this to them.
D-Block was an absolute mess. D-Class dead everywhere, as well as many of our General Security Staff. I believe I saw a few E-11 Operatives laying lifeless there among all the others too - God rest their souls. I finally get feedback on my radio device only to hear petrified screams from various Foundation Personnel and Operatives.
Amongst the screams I managed to piece together that the Chaos Insurgency had infiltrated the facility and successfully went into an SCPs chamber, where they then hacked the Containment Control Box. Apparently it was some mad Anomalous Supercomputer they hacked and that then hacked SCP-096 - which I believe is the one who doesn’t like getting looked at. Now that I think of it, that’s what I think got my Squad - considering the fact that Kerian’s eyes were clawed out. Anyways, there were also callouts of a Plague Doctor who did the opposite of what a plague doctor was meant to do and a dark, old and goo-like figure who - through his goo by the way - sucked people into his own dimension!

Thinking back on how the hell the Chaos Insurgency got into the Heavy Containment Zone undetected. I believe that the green blurs me and Kieran - Rest In Peace - saw were actually them! I could have prevented this, but I chose to instead save myself potential Site-Wide embarrassment and kept it to myself.. Am I the reason why my Squad died? Fuck.. Am I the reason this whole facility went to shit?!

At the time I didn’t have the choice to drown myself in regrets and “what-ifs”. I needed to try and get this right. If not for me, for my Squad..

There was no harm in trying out the radio first to see if there were any survivors. There was no way I could resolve this myself. After a few minutes of flicking through the lines I managed to get in contact with an Epsilon-11 Lance Corporal, Omega-1 Captain and an External Affairs Senior Operative. Of course they were all spread about the place, thankfully all in the Light Containment Zone.

After agreeing to group together in the Personnel Wing Breach Shelter, we deduced that the root of all the problems was that Supercomputer I mentioned earlier - they told me it was the one designated SCP-079. To keep it short, we all needed to find a way by all the breached SCPs and make it into the Heavy Containment Zone via the Secondary Checkpoint to recontain SCP-079. Afterwards, we needed to find a way to establish communications with the Emergency Response Team’s Switchboard. There was no way four guys could take care of this.

After agreeing on the plan, we headed up to the Security Sector to stock up on equipment. Because the O-1 Cap’ was a Clearance 4, we got let into Advanced Armoury. Of course, me being me I went straight for the Auger Minigun only to get a slap on the wrist by the Captain.. We were all to collect nerve gas and nitroglycerin alongside prototype energy rifles - still pretty fuckin’ cool, I can’t lie.

Anyways, we get all stocked up and head down the lifts to the Secondary Checkpoint. Never been inside the Heavy Containment Before, I was as thrilled as I was nervous. Place is massive too, easy to get lost in. Thankfully the E-11 knew the place like the back of his hand and guided us through to SCP-079s Containment Area. The fortunate thing with having an O-1 Cap’ with you is that you can get into just about anywhere in the facility - or so we thought. SCP-079 being the mad Supercomputer it is, only went ahead and disabled the biometric scanners for the keypads. Meaning, it couldn’t scan for the Cap’s biometric readings.
Stumped on a way to get in, we had to get creative. The only possible way was temporarily shutting off the master fuse switch for all of the facility's doors. We had to since the bloody designers of this place put SCP-079s fuse box INSIDE its containment area.. With the master fuse switch being in Floor-3 we had to split up into separate teams. The O-1 Cap’ chose to take me up to Floor-3 and left the Lance Corp’ and the Operative down in the Heavy Containment Zone to ensure that the surrounding areas are secure - like they 2 could stand a chance against anything..

You would expect Floor-3 to be the most secure place in the facility? Well, so did we before entering. To our shock, SCP-096 was sitting in the corner crying over a dead Site Inspector! When we were Security Sector we all grabbed a set of Scrambler Goggles. So as long as we played it safe, we should have made it past with no issue. However after another case of “Curiosity Killed the Cat”, the O-1 Cap’ always met the same fate after he tried to get a read at the Site Inspectors clearance card. He must’ve accidentally saw a few pixels of SCP-096’s face and he set the bastard off!

Only chance of me getting anywhere in Floor-3 was by risking my own ass by dragging the O-1 Cap’ about while also using his keycard. Of course, I needed to haul him around the place to pass the biometric scanners. Thankfully, as you probably guessed I survived and didn’t set that slender creature off.

On the same day, as all of this was going on. I had been in the Heavy Containment Zone and Floor-3 for the first time. Not going to lie, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. Navigating Floor-3 was pretty cool, but didn't manage to get a peek at any of the classified stuff due to the O-1’s biometrics not being able to pass most of the doors on Floor-3. Thankfully - probably in case of emergency - the O-1’s biometrics worked with the Electrical Centre. This place was massive! Every single door, monitor and camera could be operated and controlled through here. Fortunately for me everything was all colour coded and labelled. Didn’t take too much time finding the master fuse box.

I relayed to the guys down in the Heavy Containment Zone to be prepared to enter the Containment Area rapidly as, as soon as I flipped this switch it NEEDED to go back on straight away - unless we wanted the rest of the anomalies to join the party. Also told them about the O-1. They weren't all too phased for some reason? Anyways, I flip the switch and back again, they confirm that they are in the Containment Area.

I use my Tablet to view their helmet cameras to see how they were doing down there. After finding the Sr. Operatives camera feed I got comfortable and watched as they found where to link the TE-5s. Ironically, they needed to hack the Supercomputer to ‘re-contain’ it.

The Operative - obviously not knowing basic health and safety. Managed to give himself an electric shock and fell unconscious before he even managed to get a shot at the device. I believe seeing the E-11 scoff at the Operative before putting on rubber gloves before attempting to connect the device.. Despite the severity of the situation we were all in, that was pretty funny.

Anyhow, the E-11 manages to successfully re-contain SCP-079 - fuckin’ legend! Conveniently one of the few Emergency Response Team Switchboards was on Floor-3. So after contacting them, it was a case of waiting where we were for our saviours. Well, that was the case for me anyway..

Remember when I mentioned that we had to shut off power to all doors in the facility to access SCP-079? Yeah, in that split second another anomaly managed to escape and it wasn’t too kind to the E-11. While watching his camera feed I saw him jump up all of a sudden, like he was being grabbed by the throat. I then saw a big splodge of blood come out for where his neck was! His body drops and stuff starts moving around but I see nothing. I activate the Night Vision Filter for the camera feed and see this ugly creepy lanky bastard just smiling at the corpse of the E-11.. It must have thought the Senior Operative was already dead as it didn’t touch his corpse before it walked away through the doors.

5 minutes after that, the whole site - or what’s left of it. Gets the announcement that 3 Emergency Response Team Squads arrived on site. Goes by another 20 minutes and they manage to locate and escort me out of the facility. I remember asking how they got on, but got little response from them. They were really evasive with me regarding what they did and where they went but considering the fact that they all seemed relieved they got the job done.

Rest in Peace to all those with me.. Rest in Peace Kerian. Old Friend.

- September 22nd, 2024

It’s taking a good bit, but the facility has recovered from the mass breach. Everything is back to normal - I say everything, not everyone. I have been assigned to a new squad, “Delta-7”. Unfortunately, my newly assigned squad lead, Sergeant Stewart Patrolla, has passed away from a brain haemorrhage. So the Chief of Security himself calls me up to his office in the Security Sector and hands me an envelope with my name on it in pretty fancy writing.

I opened the letter to find a thank you note from the Chief Site Inspector. It reads “Mr. James Red, I have heard of your recent acts of initiative and action in Site-65’s most recent containment breach. I have to say, me and the other Site Inspectors are impressed. However, I believe we are past the point of “Site Inspectors” are we?

I am writing this letter today to inform you of your promotion to General Security Captain. Us in the Overseer Council are pleased to say that we have concluded our discussions regarding your future at the Foundation. We are all extremely confident that your abilities and accolades are best suited in the Captain position.

Your Chief of Security will brief you regarding your new responsibilities. This position is non-negotiable, so you best listen.

(Did get a lot of help for the lore from Enclave o7)
Feb 22, 2024
Big +support
you have a bunch of experience with high ranking foundation personnel, clearly showing you know how to manage personnel/create RP
while some more could be added in some parts, its more then covered by your experience
Big +support
you have a bunch of experience with high ranking foundation personnel, clearly showing you know how to manage personnel/create RP
while some more could be added in some parts, its more then covered by your experience
Yeah, that's true, I just wasn't sure what to put in this app, as it's regarding Security Captain without just yapping and not adding any useful points.

Thank you tho.


Aug 30, 2024
Best lore ever.

Red has experience in many departments of the Foundation - was literally -2.

Plenty combative experience too - Nu-7 COM.

Plays seriously and always ensures to uphold rules - was a Sr. Admin at one point

In all honesty, GenSec is at such a low point right now, we need more active Captains and Red would play a vital role in reviving the RP in GenSec.

(I will literally bomb the Chief of Security's Office if Red is not accepted)
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