[UK] Reiner's 2nd Executive Application

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Aug 3, 2023
Hello everyone!

I have decided to apply for the position of Executive Researcher once again!
Research has been a lot of fun again lately with a few events and just casual RP, which has led to my decision to finish this application.
If there are any things you want to know please write them in your feedback to the application and I'll answer as soon as possible!
(Vtime at the bottom)
I hope you enjoy reading this!

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:619179282

Discord name: dasnexo

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1,5 years

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Germany

Time zone: GMT+2

Character name(s):

Reiner Zephyran/'Krieg' (Foundation)
Reiner (CI) (Currently not used)
Reiner 'Blitz' (GOC)

Civilian name:

Reiner Zephyran

What server are you applying for?:


Do you have a mic?:

Yes, I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Executive Researcher (Held); MTF A-1 LCPL (Held); MTF E-11 CPL (Held)
CI-G (Held twice); CI-G [PLP] (Held)
GOC PVT (Held); GOC SGT (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? And why?:

No, I haven't

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

During my first time as an Executive Researcher I had a lot of fun and had the pleasure to experience some of the best RP scenarios I have ever seen in my life. It also made me happy to see that a big portion of the Researchers who needed my help were excited to learn more about the Research Department and that some of them even became good friends of mine. After my removal from Executive I started to miss that special feeling and the RP oportunities that presented themselves by simply being an Executive. From what I have heard the Research Department currently doesnt have a lot of Executives and only one Director and I just want to support them. As you have probably noticed there are two other Executive applications at the moment. The people who wrote these applications know what they're doing since both of them have been in this position before and I'd love to work with them a second time.

I would also like to continue some RP that I started while I was an Exec and that never got finished due to my removal, which could possible improve the relations between RsD and GOC, depending on the result of the tests involved. (Lore)

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I have been an Executive Researcher for about 8 months during my first time as an Exec and had the pleasure to witness multiple well written RP scenarios and also some improvised ones that turned out pretty good, which gave me a good idea of what interesting RP should look and feel like.

Also the fact that I have already experienced what being an Exec is like would make it easier for me to assist the current Research Leadership with their projects and other problems.

Something that hasn't changed since my first application is the fact that I spend a majority of my time on Sr. Researcher or in R&D focused divisions when not on my foundation character.
I am confident that I could use my previous experience as an Executive to help with encouraging lower level Researchers to continue creating new RP tests and overall enjoying their time on the server.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have 2 excellent-graded document.

1. A behaviour study about the pack-hunting predators 939 and 939-2.
2. A crosstest between SCP-7722 and SCP-082 to see SCP-7722's reaction to SCP-082's 'sins' and his lies

There are many components that are required to achieve an excellent grade:

The test needs a creative aim that also benefits the foundation and/or the Department of Research. Examples would be: How can we defend against this SCP? How does the SCP react when another object/subject/SCP performs a certain action? Is it possible to make it cooperate by using a certain characteristic (7722 and religion, striking a deal with any animate SCP). Your aim should be as detailed as possible, while focusing on one primary goal. Do not include too many aims in one document unless it's a project document with multiple stages and aims.

The hypothesis is the result that you expect. It can be a directional hypothesis with a detailed description of what you expect, a non-directional hypothesis with a rougher and not so detailed description and a null hypothesis which states that you expect nothing to happen/change. Example: How would SCP-7722 react if confronted with the sins committed by SCP-082? Now you can state whether you think it would innitiate an attack or if it will choose to ignore it due to SCP-082's strong religious belief.

The method describes how you conduct your test. Without a method your document will most likely be denied or graded poor. You should be as detailed as possible and also list any equipment/personnel used/present during the test. The Method can change over the course of the test due to (un-) expected interruptions or last second decisions. You can seperate the Method into different parts depending on where something is taking place or when it is happening. Whatever you are preparing in LCZ/D-Block can be a different section than what you are doing in HCZ during the test.

It is mandatory for an excellent document to have few or no grammatical errors. Documents graded excellent or good are often used as a template by other Researchers. It is recommended to check the important areas of your document for any spelling mistakes or similar.

A good and clean format is important since the people grading the document want easy access to all the important information and dont want to search every page for what they need. If they dont find the information due to bad formatting it's your fault and you won't get an excellent. There are multiple templates spread around the Research Wing with good formatting and you can always search for excellent documents on the SCIPNET or ask any experienced Researchers for some of their documents.

Future Use:
Although it is not required, some information about what you will do with the results in future tests is a nice bonus that could change the opinion of the grader if you did well. It also makes you think about how you want to continue your RP in the future and can function as a reminder should you forget what you did or if you were unable to continue with the RP for some while.

As stated before it is necessary for an excellent document to have a lot of detail and depth. If the document has no details it's boring to read and will receive a bad grade or get denied. You should also only focus on one aim/method per document unless it's a bigger Research Project.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The role of the Executive Researcher in the Research Department comes with many responsibilities and tasks. These tasks include helping other researchers and providing support to the Research Department.

Their tasks include:

- CL4 Testing -
Attend and authorize Tests conducted by Researchers of Clearance Level 3 or lower on Clearance 4+ SCPs to ensure a controlle and safe testing procedure/environment. You can also authorize your own CL4 tests and can use your CL4 knowledge to create high quality RP.

- Supporting other Researchers -
Answer questions from lower Clearance Research staff and help them with any Problems or concerns to the best of your abilities. Forward any authorization requests above your level to the next higher Person in the Chain of Command.

- Document Grading -
Read through research documents uploaded by members of the Research Department.
Give the documents grades ranging from Denied to Excellent. It is also possible to give your opinion on a document that may deserve an Exemplary Grade, when requested.

- Enforce the Research Policy -
Hold lectures about new policy changes or the Research Policy in general. Deal with people who broke the Research policy and give a fitting punishment if necessary. You can also hand them over to ISD if a Research Ban is not necessary.

- Creating RP opportunities -
As a CL4 member of the Research Department you are expected to create interesting and fun roleplay opportunities whether it be a giant Research Project/Event or just a smaller test. Involve as many people as possible in your RP. Although you yourself are a member of RsD that doesn't mean that only the Research Department should be allowed/able to participate.

- Working with Site Administration and Site Command -
Site Command/Administration can authorise tests that you yourself can't conduct on your own. If you need help/funding for a competition or a larger RP project you are able to contact them and arrange a meeting to discuss it. They can also launch Research projects themselves and may ask you to be the Project Lead.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

(The lore will start from a different POV that is not my character and instead from UNGOC LT Jesse Curiosity's perspective!)
Distant voices can be heard.
They sound like screaming, repeating what could be a name over and over again.
The screams are accompanied by a dull banging against what is most likely glass.
But something is weird about these screams, how can I hear them? Oh I forgot, my comms are still on. This noise, it's annoying. I should turn them off so I can sleep... Sleep?
How can someone, no, something like me even do that? I can't move or feel anything, except the cold darkness around me.
Even with this robotic body of mine where I shouldn't be able to feel anything, it's cold. Extremely cold.

The screaming becomes clearer, the name they repeated over and over again was "Jesse"
Jesse? But that's my name. Who's calling me? I can't see anyone. Where even am I?
"Jesse come back! Wake up!"
The screams over the comms line were getting louder and more anxious with every second.
'Come back'? What do they mean by that? I'm right here. With them, on a mission. Mission...? What was the mission again? Wait, I remember now, we were tasked with studying and neutralizing a PTE near the moon. That means that this isn't just any darkness. I'm in space... OH SHIT I'M IN SPACE AND DON'T KNOW WHERE!
He awakened in an instance, quickly turning around and scanning his surroundings.
All he could see was a separated safety cable.
One of the ends was attached to the space station he was supposed to repair, the other one was tightened around his own waist.

After realizing the severity of the situation he was in everything became blurry and then back to black. The screaming continued, it was no longer distant or over his comms line, it was right next to him. He felt a sudden pain and when trying to open his eyes he saw the face of what looked like a soldier of the UNGOC. Even though he wore a helmet the sudden movements, quick breathing and panicked voice indicated that something was very wrong. Jesse tried to move, tried to speak, but every move was met with extreme pain, every attempt to speak only resulted in drops of blood coming out of his mouth. He was only able to turn his head to see the horrors that were happening around him. He now understands why this soldier was so panicked. He was no longer in space. He looked to his left and saw a group of UNGOC soldiers fighting a seemingly endless horde of SCP-049-2's that were the result of an unexpected containment breach during a cross-test in the Light Containment Zone that he was performing. Somehow the doctor was able to convince them to let him accompany them on this test. He could see his friend trying his best to protect him and the people around him from the mindless victims of the plague doctor. Once the SGT saw that his friend had awoken he told the PVT that was still kneeling by his side to switch positions while he was trying to save his dying comrade.
"Jesse! Hey man, don't die here alright? We'll get you fixed up right away, you hear me? Just hold on a few minutes! " he screamed, his voice shaking more and more with every additional drop of blood leaving Jesse's body.
"We need a medic over here to stop the bleeding! Right fucking now! You there! " he yells while pointing at a medical unit a few meters away from them. "Get your ass over here and help this man!".
"Understood sir!" the medic replied and started running to their location.
But it was too late, an attack from one of the -2 instances from earlier left a deep wound and Jesse seemed to be the only one to realize that fact. Everybody else was blinded by rage and panic and too focused on defending themselves against the approaching horde. Jesse began to turn his head, every single movement sending an extreme amount of pain through his damaged body. He remembered that before they began their test another pair of researchers was experimenting with an anomaly that could apparently transfer your whole soul into another body.
They were just standing there the entire time, hiding while we died out here. What were their names again? Reiner and Jimmy? Weird, they don't seem to be scared by this whole thing. People are dying and they don't even move a single muscle, not a single sign of emotion. What kind of fucked up things do they do down here to have no reaction at all to people dying in front of their eyes.
It took nearly all of Jesse's remaining energy but nonetheless, he raised his arm and pointed in their direction, then at the anomaly standing close by them. SGT 'Maid', who has been watching over him instead of the medic, looked at the two Researchers and understood Jesse's intentions immediately.
His friend was planning to use the anomaly to transfer his own soul into another body. But where would they get a body in the middle of cross-testing with the only way out of there being blocked by the doctor and his army? And then it hit him.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that earlier? Focus! Focus! he repeated the word multiple times in his head.
"Bring the Mk. Ⅰ UHEC over here! And you there, Researchers! Get the anomaly ready for a transfer!"
"Yes sir!" answered the GOC operatives tasked with defending the Mk. Ⅰ against any possible threats.
"Come on! What are you waiting for! Everybody lift the body at the same time."
"Whatever, as long as it makes this situation be over quicker, lay his hand on the machine and keep a safe distance once you're done, extraction begins in 5...4...3...2...1... Extraction has begun! "
Reiner presses the button on the front of SCP-9384 and the extraction process begins.
The anomaly can be heard emmitting clockwork like sounds, a ticking noise fills the chamber.

»Begin Extraction...
»Extraction Status: 0%...
»Extraction Status: 10%...
»Extraction Status: 40%
»Extraction Status: 60%
»Extraction Status: 99%
»Extraction Status: 99.9%
"Oh come on! Do it already!"
»Extraction Status: 100% Extraction successful
"Alright, now, time to bind his soul to the suit"
"Don't try anything funny. I'm warning you, Zephyran."
"I won't, it's not even close to being worth the trouble. No need for this hostile tone. Anyways, I'll start now."
He turns the dial next to the start button which is now set to 'Insert' and starts the process.
After a few seconds the process is completed and everyone is now looking over to the metallic suit that is supposed to be the new host for Jesse's soul.

The pain, it's still there. And moving still feels as heavy and slow as it felt before. Am I really inside the suit now? I wish I could open my eyes and see something. I want to see them. I need to see them!
In that moment the eyes of the MK. Ⅰ began to glow in a blue-ish color. Gasping and muttering can be heard coming from several people spectating Saturn's resurrection
"The transfer was indeed successful, although getting used to the new body will take several months at least."
Wait, what is that feelingI need to tell them that something isn't right, but I feel so weak.
The suit collapses back onto the floor and darkness surrounds him once more accompanied by more screams than before.
All of a sudden a clear voice yelled his name and he was suddenly in what seemed to be his bunks. The voice he just heard was coming from Executive Researcher Reiner Zephyran, who was also present during his 'resurrection'. He sounded annoyed, as if he had been screaming his name for some time now. Maybe that was the reason for the memories he just saw in front of him. It seems like his trauma haunts him to this day.
"Hey Jesse! I just heard something over there! Answer already!"
"Hello Reiner, I was sleeping so I didn't hear you. What do you need?"
"I doubt that someone like you needs to sleep, but whatever. I have been trying to contact you for some time now. I assume that you have been busy, however I need confirmation that you are still willing to help me with my problem."
"I'm sorry, what was it you needed help with again? I am a bit confused at the moment."
"For the last time, SCP-912 broke SCP-9384 during a cross-test that we lost control over. I have tried many methods to restore it but none succeeded so far. That's why I need your help because I'm nearly out of ideas. I have one last thing that might work and want you to assist me with it."
"Oh that, I remember everything now. Yes. I'm still willing to help you. However, I have to tell you that I am no longer the leader of our R&D division."
Don’t worry, you being the lead was just a small bonus. I chose you because of your experience, not because of your position within 656."
Alright then, when and where do you want to meet?"
"In our Site, but in your embassy. I will arrange a meeting as soon as possible and once that's done I'll contact you."
"That works for me. I'll take a look at my calendar. See you soon."
"Have a good day 'Curiosity'."
Jesse turns off the <SE/30/24> comms line and sits back down on his bed.
Remembering a line he had heard in his memory about Reiner from SGT 'Maid'
he decided to open a file he created after Reiner's last visit to the 225th Arctic FOB of the UNGOC.

»This is not my file. Explain what happened.
»Good Morning Sir. I cannot process your request. This file was created by LT 'CURIOSITY' on the [Data Expunged]«
»The file is not the one I wrote. It includes information no one in the GOC, not even me, knows about. The information about being a Type-Gray-child? He didn’t tell us anything about that. And we only performed the tests on Jimmy Swan, no extra tests on Reiner Zephyran were ordered as far as I know.
«External Access detected»
«You are right. You did in fact not write this file. Well, you did, but I modified it. This file now includes my information.
»May I ask who this is and why you did this?
«Because we're even now. I know about you and you about me.
»Know about you? Is that you Reiner? How did you get access to my file storage and this terminal?
«I just simply didn't tell your friend the whole truth back then. While you were busy fighting for your lives, I snuck over to your suit and added some minor modifications to it. I gotta say, your life is a lot more interesting than mine.
»You have been spying on me all this time?
«Not all the time, just when I am bored. But don't worry. I won't share the information with anyone without your permission. I do not plan on misusing your trust.
»Well that's something at least. I hope you can keep a promise.
«I can and will. Anyways. I have to go and prepare some projects. Don't interfere with them if possible.
»I'll do my best. However once they decide act, there is nothing I can do.
«Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll find a solution for it once it's necessary.
»User '████████████' logged out«

»User ‘Curiosity' deleted the chat log«
»User ‘Curiosity’ logged out«

Sentences with "Text" indicate something that someone has said out loud and clear.
If the text is a colour other than
grey and cursive it is tied to a specific character or larger group of the story.
If a text has a
special colour and no quotation marks, it is something that the person thinks.
Lines with
»Text« or only one of these symbols followed by text are used for the chat terminal of a computer.

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