[UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Member Application

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Dec 24, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96962464
Discord name: Weestink
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 2 years.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Remmy "Brightside" Marshall
Civilian name: Rummius Beet Tackle
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently holding: Director of Internal Affairs, Ethics Committee Assistant
Previously Held: Internal Affairs Ambassador, MTF Omega-1 Sergeant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Two warnings around a year ago, for FailRP and FearRP.

VTime: Here

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member. My first reasoning for this is my longstanding commitment to Internal Affairs. I've spent an extensive amount of time in the department, as an agent, ambassador, and now as director. I believe I have seen, done, and contributed all that I can in my current position. I've spearheaded operations, investigations, and tribunals, and I've participated in and devised innovative RP scenarios for junior members of the department. I am now eager to progress into a site command position to apply and further develop my skills in RP and leadership. I've wanted to hold a Site Command position for quite some time now, and I believe that based on my playstyle and the contacts I have both in character and OOC, Ethics Member is a well-suited role for me.

My time spent in Internal Affairs has been fundamental to developing my managerial skills and my understanding of RP creation at a higher level. I've learned how to improvise and create the best possible situation for all players involved out of anything that is thrown my way. My communication skills between groups of individuals and departments as a whole have improved massively, both in and out of character. Given the opportunity to be an Ethics Member, I would have a platform to employ my skills in larger pre-planned scenarios and situations involving numerous senior personnel. I understand fundamentally that the scope of RP which can stem from IA is somewhat restricted, since Internal Affairs is expected to perform a key function on the server. I understand the importance of not continually creating scenarios that deviate from the core, expected duties of the department. For the purpose of maintaining public image and ensuring the department's integrity and status are maintained. As an Ethics Member, I would be free to create RP for various departments as an RP leader, and would would accrue the capabilities to create operations and RP scenarios of my own volition, without departmental restrictions. Overall, If I were given the opportunity to be an Ethics Member, I believe I could bring a breath of fresh air into the RP standards.

The Ethics Committee and the Overseer follow the Administrator's mission statement, although the way in which they execute it differs dramatically. It's clear that currently, the communication between O5 and Ethics is poor. There are no considerable joint operations, and most interactions between the two arise from FLC violations. This may be due to the consistent personnel changes occurring within the Council. Such as the -1 position being replaced several times during the tenure of the current Chairman, making the maintenance of long-term projects troublesome. It is also clear, that the Committee are not always involved and uninvolved where they should be. Misguided attempts to perform the duties of the Ethics Committee, often arise from the poor understanding of what circumstances the Committee have consideration in. As an Ethics Member, I would take upon the approach of advising the council on proceedings which will affect the SCP Foundation, and how the process taken to achieve goals and complete projects can be efficient, and ethical. This might mean sitting in on meetings with the Council, working closely with the other Ethics Members to determine appropriate proceedings. Or it may mean joint-overseeing operations for personnel, involving A-1 and O-1 operating shoulder-to-shoulder.

Currently on the server, there is a fundamental misunderstanding between the meanings of 'Ethics' and 'Morals'. Ethics, is about determining acceptable loss. Analyzing how a task will be carried out, and whether the result outweighs the resources devoted to it. Morals, is concerning if an action is "right" or "wrong" based on individual values, and is blindly about what humanity considers to be acceptable or unacceptable. The SCP Foundation's mission statement is concerned solely with the protection of humanity. The Council are not concerned with what is 'moral', and seek only to further the Foundation's goals. However, the Committee are concerned with both ethics and morals. The Committee wish to maintain the Foundation's morality, to ensure the Foundation does not lose itself and become corrupt, as this would affect it's capacity to Secure and Contain anomalies. To quote the article entitled "About the SCP Foundation", the administrator outlines the Foundation's mission statement. Alongside the quote "Mankind must not go back to hiding in fear". This perfectly encapsulates what the overarching goal of the SCP Foundation is, and should the basis Site Command operate with during RP creation. If I were given the opportunity to become an Ethics Member, I would strive to alter the poor understanding of Ethics in RP, and approach all roleplay interactions with the grand scheme on the Foundation in mind.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- As Director of Internal Affairs, I've overseen exceptional growth and development within my department. I've innovated enticing scenarios for members of my department to be involved in, and I've put my first foot forward in all matters concerning IA's health and role within the server. My understanding of the nature of Internal Affairs, whom are overseen by the Ethics Committee, makes me a very qualified candidate for the position of ECM. I've listed below an extract from my DoIA application, showcasing my knowledge of the Director role prior to receiving it, and solidifying my understanding of my department's role overall.

The Director of Internal Affairs, like all other Departmental leads on the server, is tasked with heading the Departmental Leadership of Internal Affairs. Their responsibilities in RP and no less than the conservation of order and justice within the site, as well as the management of Agents and Ambassadors within the Department. I have listed some examples of the Director of Internal Affairs responsibilities in RP:
  • Upholding the FLC - Like all other members of Internal Affairs, the Director is tasked with upholding and enforcing the FLC. Although, a Director should be taking a more administrative approach to this process. It is beneficial in character to allow Agents and Operative to take the lead on arrests, and only step in when issues arise which they are unable to deal with. For example, multiple personnel requiring of arrest, or high-clearance personnel attempting to deter Agents from doing their job. The reason it is important to uphold the FLC, is for the health of gameplay on the server. Without use of the FLC, there would be no consequences for player's actions in RP. Directors hold the additional responsibility of advising Site Command on potential changes to the FLC, including condensing or removing current charges, and creating new ones.

  • Managing Ambassadors, Agents and Operatives - Like any Department Director, the DoIA is responsible for managing all personnel in their Department. This includes overseeing the recruitment process for Ambassadorial staff, and applications, assignments, and investigations which Ambassadors are expected to perform. They are additionally responsible for overseeing the training process for Agents and Operatives. Complaints concerning the conduct of an Ambassador can be brought to the Director of Internal Affairs, and they are ultimately responsible for the integrity and standards of personnel in Internal Affairs. Directors also hold the power to remove Ambassadors from their positions, as well as being able to warn, job ban, or job deny Agents.

  • Investigations, Tribunals and special authorisations - The Director of Internal Affairs is expected to begin, lead and approve investigations for the Department. This includes investigations of which they themselves decide the scope and purpose, and investigations brought forwards by an Ambassador or Agent. The Director is also expected to encourage and assist in the creation of cases for Tribunal, and may also be expected to escalate evidence to the Ethics Committee / Site Administrations in order to organise a Tribunal. The Director of Internal Affairs holds the power to provide special authorisations to Agents and Ambassadors, including access to inner D-Block and expanded lists of permitted disguises.

  • Overseeing the Departments development - The Director of Internal Affairs is expected to ensure the constant development of the Internal Affairs department. By means of overhauling outdated policies, procedures, trainings, and standard practices. Given the coming updates to the server, being a Director will now mean easing through the teething process of additional content, and ensuring the department as a whole remains integral to it's purpose.
RP Creation and Documentation has been a huge focus for me as DoIA. I have created, attended, and condoned several RP projects during my tenure. Including large-scale operations and Tribunals, small-scale RP scenarios such as arrests and investigations, and have created strong, relevant documentation where needed. My ability to produce high-quality documentation, be it for internal or external use, is the core skill of an Ethics Member. I've listed below examples of Operations and Investigations I have conducted within Internal Affairs, and attached the documentation I completed for each.

Operation Scope: Nu-7 "Hammer Down"

Operation "Bucket" was initiated following multiple reports of misconduct, as well as ethical and conductual violations resulting from MTF Nu-7. This operation was opened up to the entire department of IA, and to this day, is one of the most heavily engaged operations I have been involved in. I created the documentation alongside Merrick, whom at the time was the DoIA. Find the document attached here. Ultimately, this operation prompted a hearing from the O5 Council against all of the current Nu-7 COs, which happened to play perfectly into an ongoing storyline myself, Cade, and Charles had been working on for IASIB, (Elaboration under SIB Section).

Operation Scope: General Security Department
Operation "Blockade" was initiated via liaison with the Ethics Committee, after multiple concerning reports of FLC violations arose from Clearance Level 4 members of the General Security Department. This operation was opened to all members of IA, and received a large amount of engagement. At the time, there were worries that the continuous reports of misconduct and blatant negligence were damaging the departments reputation, hence why the Committee initially assigned this. I created the documenation for this operation alongside Merrick, I've attached the document here here. This operation resulted in raised expectations for GSD and their RP.

Operation Scope: Site Administration

Operation "Rat-Race" began after I was given an express order to monitor, and compile a report on Site Administration by O5-4. This idea was initially that of OSA Jax's, and he sought the resources of Internal Affairs in order to bring to light violations from Site Administration. Rat-Race was designed to highlight the fact that the Legal Codex extends to all personnel, regardless of position or clearance, and to assist the Overseers with keeping tabs on Site Administration as a whole.

Pennington, as Site Director, used this operation to begin building onto his character lore, which added an excellent storyline to the operation. This was opened as a senior investigation, with only Ambassadors and above being able to assist, to ensure that IA did not become a hindrance to SA. I additionally liaised with and sought support from Alpha-1 and Omega-1, to make up for the lack of resources with Agents not taking part. I've attached the documentation for this investigation here.

Operation Scope: E-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox"

Operation Basement began after I had audited Epsiolon-11, and found that they were creating little to no documentation. There were additional concerns raised regarding Epsilon-11's response time to duties such as sweeping 008, and communication over comms. I began this operation to gather evidence into E-11's behavior on site, and to ascertain where the majoritive issues within the regiment were stemming from. Although this began as a senior operation, I later released it to the entire department, so that E-11 could be surveilled in the absence of an IA CL4.

I additionally created a Public Roster for Internal Affairs during my tenure, which I have attached here.

Special Investigation Bureau
During my time in IA, I proposed and created a subdivision dubbed the "Special Investigation Bureau". The justification and lore surrounding the introduction of this department was a project I worked with Broda and Requis to create. The crux of the idea, was to establish an internal group of skilled individuals in IA, who would undertake small, classified operations. An example of such, would be investigations into individual players whom have established themselves as being treasonous or shown consistent violations of the FLC in-character. The purpose of this, is to ensure that if an individual is being investigated, they do not feel the brunt of the entire department attempting to gather evidence upon them, as this may be intrusive to their RP and they may feel targeted. By reducing the number of individuals actively investigation an individual, the chance the operation is compromised is heavily reduced, and pre-planned RP becomes easier to execute.

When this idea was initially proposed, it was given full support by both branches of site command and the higherups in A-1/O-1. I made it clear from the start that this branch was to be used for RP which was planned, and not as a "wildcard" to involve A-1 or O-1 in any RP IA undertook, or to disable any RP scenarios in which IA may be in the less favorable position. I additionally made it clear that we were not to take RP away from the department of Internal Affairs by privatizing operations or ideas made by other people without their express consent.

The introduction of this subdivision into IA, showcases my strong initiative. Should my successors properly manage and maintain this subdivision, it has the potential to continue being part of IA permanently. Due to my commitment to management of the department overall, I had not had significant time to produce continuous operations for this branch, I have listed below examples of operations and documentation that was created.

Operation Scope: Cade "Sunbeam" Valentine
As part of the initial operations we conducted for SIB, we recruited Cade Valentine as he had shown great dedication and skill in RP. This induction involved several members of SC, A-1 and O-1, as well as myself and Broda. We took Cade to a blacksite, constructed by gamemasters, in order to perform this induction. I created the following documentation, which has severed as a pseudo template for SIB since. Here.

Operation Scope: Ambassador Tadhg “Guilt” Morrison (Cain)

Following concerning reports of Ambassador Tadhg's behavior, including his involvement in an upcoming Tribunal against him for major charges, an operation began to monitor and gather information concerning him. Additionally, Cade issues several reports to myself and Broda regarding his concerning actions. This investigation involved A-1 and O-1, whom had both voiced their concerns regarding his conduct and actions. The scenario was eventually taken over by Site Command, as Tadhg confessed to high treason. See the full incident report here.

Operation Scope: Director of Medicine Kayla / Nu-7 Commander 'Neptune' / Ethics Member 'Cece' Kim

This operation followed multiple different departments, and arose from a simple prompt by the Chaos Insurgency. The RP began as a classified investigation into the Director of Medicine, Kayla, for SIB to investigate. Word from a contact in the Chaos Insurgency informed us that Kayla had been cooperating with CI and committing treason. This investigation started simple, and eventually formed into an enjoyable prolonged storyline, involving members of IA, O5 & A-1, Ethics and O-1, Medical, and Research. I was very happy with how this investigation had ultimately played out, with exceptional support from Cade and Charles to in order to develop it. I believe this operation set the quality standard for how SIB operations are to be conducted in future. A report was not created for this operation, as we did not at the time feel one was needed. Neptune was executed as a result of this in RP, by the O5 Council.

I am currently holding the role of Ethics Committee Assistant, and was until recently an Omega-1 Sergeant. Unfortunately, I had not had the time to maintain both of these roles alongside my existing department director position. Hence, I resigned from my position as Omega-1. My time in Omega-1 was crucial to developing my understanding of the Committee's role in RP, as well as Omega-1's operating procedures and personnel. Since I am applying for the role of Ethics Member, and would be directly overseeing Omega-1, I find my previous standing in their ranks to be relevant to my qualifications for the position. Whilst a part of O-1, I was a supervisor for the prosecutors squadron. The prosecutors squadron is responsible for the surveillance of high-clearance personnel, and are expected to organise Tribunals against personnel who have violated the legal codex. This further showcases my experience in the planning and organization process for Tribunals, and my understanding of their function and role on the server.

As and Ethics Assistant, I again felt the restrictions of my commitment to Internal Affairs, and was not able to attend the role frequently. I've found that the role of assistant is fun at times, however I think I am far better to suited to the creation of Operations and RP scenarios at a higher level, rather than engaging in them myself.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The Ethics Committee are best described as being "process-driven", and this theme should be present in their interactions with other personnel. It is commonly misunderstood that the Committee serves as the 'opposition' to the Overseer Council, aiming to scrutinize and sabotage the Council's plans in any way possible. While it is true that the Committee focuses heavily on the ethicality of the processes used to achieve the Foundation's mission statement, and may scrutinize and challenge the Council's decisions, their ultimate objectives align with that of the Administrator's. Furthering the development of the SCP Foundation, and maintaining it's goal to Secure, Contain, and Protect. In RP the Ethics Committee are expected to do the following:

Oversee testing and resource usage - To maintain a "well oiled machine" the Committee must monitor the Foundation's use of resources, and determine whether or not they are acceptable. Since almost all research on the server is oriented around the use of D-Class personnel the Ethics Committee would be expected to enforce strict policy over their use. They would additionally be expected to enforce the ethical use of resources via ECA's, Omega-1, or Internal Affairs by proxy. When determining the ethicality of a test, the committee should consider if the experiment will help to UNDERSTAND the SCP object, if the experiment will help to CONTAIN the object, and if the loss of a human life is justifiable in exchange for the information that will be gained. Based on the researcher's hypothesis, and the value that proving / disproving it adds to the Foundation's mission statement, the Committee may choose to permit or deny tests to converse D-Class personnel and other valuable resources. Per the Researcher Policy Handbook created by Eidolon, the committee are expected to authorize tests involving physical interaction with anomalies by NON D-Class personnel (including the use of anomalous sample materials), and must authorize all SCP-008 testing. The committee are additionally required to authorize any test involving more than three D-Class and tests involving the use of biological substances in SCP-914.

Senior CL4 & CL5 authorisations - As Clearance level 5 personnel, the Ethics Committee are expected to authorise the following during RP.
CL5 Authorisations:
  • Detonating the on-site Alpha Warhead. This action must be done in moderation, and Ethics Members should greatly consider the impact of activating the Warhead and causing a complete RP reset. Additionally, per the suggestion here Site Command should be able to forcefully call ERT, which will additionally need to be done in moderation, as to not ruin the experience for players who've waited to breach as SCPs.
  • Researcher tests requiring of their authorization (listed above).
  • Creation of Tribunals and issuing of summons.
  • Amnestication and termination of high clearance personnel (Primary action in the case of O5).
CL4 Authorisations:
  • Advanced armory (AA) when three or more SCPs have breached.
  • Mass Termination of D-Class Personnel when it's required in RP, for example during a mass escape.
  • Call a Code Black to evacuate the site when a breach is severe, to make way for MTFs and ERT to perform their duties.
  • Issue AOS orders and investigations.

Foundation Legal Codex - Enforcing, updating, and maintaining the Foundation Legal Codex is one of the core duties of an Ethics Member. The Legal Codex imposes Ethical and Conductual restrictions on individuals operating with the SCP Foundation, and in RP, is used to determine what 'should' and 'should not' happen. The Committee make use of the FLC to extend their own influence over the site, and oversee the department of Internal Affairs, whom are the primary investigatory and arresting authority on-site, in doing so. The Committee may also make use of Omega-1 to enforce the Legal Codex, or assistants to the Ethics Committee. The use of the FLC is core to the currently gameplay loop on the server, and the documentation itself acts as a platform to enforce consequences against personnel. Plainly, without the Codex, players would experience little to no retaliation for their actions, and this would impact RP massively. Hence the importance of it's maintenance and updating as new content and policies are introduced to the server.

Tribunals - Tribunals have long since been the sole responsibility of the Ethics Committee, however, were given to Site Administration in moderation. The Ethics Committee are expected to uphold an unbiased platform for personnel to bring forward and consolidate evidence of FLC violations, and reach a verdict determined by a panel of judges in RP. Tribunals open up the possibilities for enhanced punishments in RP beyond that of jailtime, and can be used to prevent evasion of high-clearance personnel whom may otherwise be overlooked for their violations.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The Ethics Committee handle applications for the following:
  • Ethics Committee Assistants
  • Ethics Committee Members
  • Director of Internal Affairs
The Ethics Committee are also responsible for the appointment of the Omega-1 Commander, and have a sway in other Senior CL4 appointments (However do not make these appointments themselves). The Committee are generally expected to uphold and consider the health of the server's RP environments, and make efforts to assist departments who are in need of assistance.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Greetings. I am Cairo.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by the Ethics Committee for archival and communications purposes. What can I do for you today?

Input: Access Clearance Level 5 Network
Where the old Saint threaded?

Input: The den of snakes erupted in cowardice
Credentials accepted. Welcome, Chairman O'Rourke.

Input: What of 'Praetorian', Cairo?
Ethics Member Thorn forwarded a report this morning. It would appear that the proposition has been denied, after little deliberation from the Council.

Input: Astounding. It's as though the Council have been shown sense. Show me the report.
Quite, sir.

Input: Then this is the next port of call.

Input: Search Query "Remmy Marshall"

Search Results (Displaying Most Recent):

File Name
Clearance Level
Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's personnel file, containing details of his tenure.​
Level 4​
IA Operation "Rat-Race" | Contains 'Operation Lead: Remmy Marshall'​
Level 5​
IA Operation "Blockade" | Contains 'Remmy Marshall'​
Level 4 [IA]​
M. Travolta

Find More Results...


Input: file open Remmy_Brightside_Marshall_Personnel_File


Input: Cairo. Marshall is to inducted into the Ethics Committee. Assign Thorn to the induction procedure, and ensure that post-completion Marshall is made the lead of our investigation into 'Praetorian'.
Understood, Sir. Shall I organise a liaison with the Council?

Input: No. Let him have his trial by fire.
I see, will that be all, Sir?​

Input: Yes. Goodbye for now, Cairo.
Input: Log off
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With little to no flaws within your application, what seems to be a good tenure within your current position in Internal Affairs and a great understanding of where you'd like to project the committee if you were to be accepted. It does seem that you are an excellent candidate for the position.

However, I will mention that within your most recent operation that's been running for what seems to be 4 weeks, the only submission of evidence or work towards this was done by yourself. It would be good to see the Director of a department pushing for lower level clearance personnel within your department to push for engagement within operations and RP that you attempt to create. This does push me towards a more Neutral stance towards you as a candidate as it's important to not only create opportunities for RP but to also develop them and ensure people are engaging within said RP. Additionally, I will mention that for a ECM application, your lore is extremely lacklustre. I'd keep in mind that the lore for your application is a form in which you can show us what RP you'd like to pursue if you were to be accepted and it allows us to see what storylines as you mention that you'd like to create.

Good Luck,
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Reactions: Remmy
Remmy has demonstrated an ability to create excellent RP and engage with members of the community via operations and other tools he has at his disposal as an IA Director. He was excellent to work alongside with as DoIA and I have no doubt he would succeed heavily in this role. The application itself is very strong and in my opinion is the prime candidate for the position.

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Reactions: Remmy
Feb 22, 2024
great rp
very polite
is ethical (boooo)
accepted me for ambassador (not boooo)
knows his stuff
(i'll make my oki so thing later)
overall, good luck man, it's been great working with you and interacting with you, i really hope you would get this position
I remember when you were just a teeny tiny little IA agent.. They grow up so fast...

You create amazing RP as a DoIA and have kept the department alive, honestly. They'd suffer to lose you, but that is no reason to deny you from ECM. It would simply need a suitable replacement! Funnily enough, selected by Ethics!

You have a certain talent for speaking to people, you manage to get your point across without exactly being brash, and you get things done. I'd like to see what you'll do as an ECM, should you be accepted.

Good luck!!
Feb 22, 2024
told you ill be back

oki so

Cons -

-could be a bit more active, if youre not on because of work, i retract this statement, you first, then the server (-0.25/0)

Naturals -/+

none really

Pros +

-great guy, really polite(+0.75)
-plenty of interactions, all of them were really nice (+1)
-extremely professional (+1)
-made great RP, the O5 interrogation workshop is a very key point from what i experienced from your RP skills (+1)
-one of the best DoIA that i experienced in a long time (+1)




would be a great ECM, kinda sad youre not applying for O5, but good luck man, you got the experience and you got the stuff for it, @Benji the moment he gets accepted apply for director
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