Steam ID: 76561198262684488
Discord name: Tastik#0816
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 month { 1 week 6 days (vtime_menu) }
In what country are you located?: Kuwait
Time zone: GMT +3
Character name(s): Requis Jaquavian
Civilian name: Tyrone Jaquavian
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Executive Researcher
- CI-Operative
- MTF E-11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Warns: 1x Mixing
- Bans: 1x MRDM (It was my first ever time on the server, I didn't think to read the rules which was a bit silly. My exact thoughts were: I am a prisoner in a prison, and I will now start stabbing 2-3 people as D-Class. Thinking back now it seems so silly and stupid. The appeal was later accepted and I learned from my mistakes and made sure that it never occurs again)
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I am going to first start by saying that I am unsure if I'd be the best, but what I do know is that I try my best in everything I do. I attempt to succeed and excel in everything I set my mind to. I really want to attempt to be in ethics as it seems like a really interesting role for me. I will learn and attempt my best to fit this role as an assistant and hopefully higher later on in the future. I've always followed the Legal Codex and the Code of Ethics in all my experiments as a researcher and will continue to do so always. Though I am at an age in which most people would call "immature and unprofessional", I try to make every effort in being mature and professional when I am required to be. I've had multiple experiences in which I've had to personally make sure that I defuse the situation by being respectful and professional and "not add fuel to the fire". These reasons that I've provided, and more are why I believe that I am a good candidate for this role.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- As an Assistant is what the name suggests, they assist. They assist in matters that do not require an Ethics Committee Member to be present. In RP I believe that the same rules apply, I assist Ethics Committee Members to do their work in a more minuscule form. For example, to keep supervision on everyone involved in the RP situation and report/deal with any and all unethical behavior that I've observed during the scenario. They are also the first point of contact to the Ethics Committee, they work as administrative support assisting the Committee Members in the arrangement of meetings, documents, and others. However, an assistant isn't defined by this list and can be more adaptable to other scenarios.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Requis Jaquavian, a prominent member of the Jaquavian Family. He was born on ██/██/████ in the westside hood, where he and his brothers grew up with little to nothing to their name. His parents died when he was at a small age, and he and his brothers had to fend for themselves in a cruel society. Requis managed to gather up enough money to put himself through university, but his money slowly ran out due to the specific degrees that Requis wanted to study it; he later got a sponsorship from the SCP Foundation to put him through the rest of his university. He managed to get a Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Philosophical Ethics, Theological Ethics, and Global Ethics. He was employed by the SCP Foundation as a Junior Researcher and later to be promoted to an Executive Researcher. He and his brothers who are employed in all fields of the Foundation swore to abide by the Code of Ethics and do so to this day. Though he loved his job as an executive, during his time he observed countless ethical violations done against D-Class personnel and surface civilians; though not perpetrated by himself. He wanted to find a way to reprimand and punish the people who commit these acts against the code of ethics, and would later use his Philosophical and Theological Ethics degrees to apply for the position of in the Ethics Committee of the Foundation. Even though he applied for an Assistant job, he needed experience in the Ethics department first and the legal conduct. Requis is a fast learner and will hopefully get accustomed to the job rapidly, and wishes to, later on, be the man who instills and uphold the rights of Foundation personnel. No matter their occupation.
*Apologies if the application is a bit small*
*Edited to add a ~bit~ more detail, attempted to fix grammar mistakes*
*Updated vtime_menu time*
Discord name: Tastik#0816
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 month { 1 week 6 days (vtime_menu) }
In what country are you located?: Kuwait
Time zone: GMT +3
Character name(s): Requis Jaquavian
Civilian name: Tyrone Jaquavian
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Executive Researcher
- CI-Operative
- MTF E-11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Warns: 1x Mixing
- Bans: 1x MRDM (It was my first ever time on the server, I didn't think to read the rules which was a bit silly. My exact thoughts were: I am a prisoner in a prison, and I will now start stabbing 2-3 people as D-Class. Thinking back now it seems so silly and stupid. The appeal was later accepted and I learned from my mistakes and made sure that it never occurs again)
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I am going to first start by saying that I am unsure if I'd be the best, but what I do know is that I try my best in everything I do. I attempt to succeed and excel in everything I set my mind to. I really want to attempt to be in ethics as it seems like a really interesting role for me. I will learn and attempt my best to fit this role as an assistant and hopefully higher later on in the future. I've always followed the Legal Codex and the Code of Ethics in all my experiments as a researcher and will continue to do so always. Though I am at an age in which most people would call "immature and unprofessional", I try to make every effort in being mature and professional when I am required to be. I've had multiple experiences in which I've had to personally make sure that I defuse the situation by being respectful and professional and "not add fuel to the fire". These reasons that I've provided, and more are why I believe that I am a good candidate for this role.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- As an Assistant is what the name suggests, they assist. They assist in matters that do not require an Ethics Committee Member to be present. In RP I believe that the same rules apply, I assist Ethics Committee Members to do their work in a more minuscule form. For example, to keep supervision on everyone involved in the RP situation and report/deal with any and all unethical behavior that I've observed during the scenario. They are also the first point of contact to the Ethics Committee, they work as administrative support assisting the Committee Members in the arrangement of meetings, documents, and others. However, an assistant isn't defined by this list and can be more adaptable to other scenarios.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Requis Jaquavian, a prominent member of the Jaquavian Family. He was born on ██/██/████ in the westside hood, where he and his brothers grew up with little to nothing to their name. His parents died when he was at a small age, and he and his brothers had to fend for themselves in a cruel society. Requis managed to gather up enough money to put himself through university, but his money slowly ran out due to the specific degrees that Requis wanted to study it; he later got a sponsorship from the SCP Foundation to put him through the rest of his university. He managed to get a Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Philosophical Ethics, Theological Ethics, and Global Ethics. He was employed by the SCP Foundation as a Junior Researcher and later to be promoted to an Executive Researcher. He and his brothers who are employed in all fields of the Foundation swore to abide by the Code of Ethics and do so to this day. Though he loved his job as an executive, during his time he observed countless ethical violations done against D-Class personnel and surface civilians; though not perpetrated by himself. He wanted to find a way to reprimand and punish the people who commit these acts against the code of ethics, and would later use his Philosophical and Theological Ethics degrees to apply for the position of in the Ethics Committee of the Foundation. Even though he applied for an Assistant job, he needed experience in the Ethics department first and the legal conduct. Requis is a fast learner and will hopefully get accustomed to the job rapidly, and wishes to, later on, be the man who instills and uphold the rights of Foundation personnel. No matter their occupation.
*Apologies if the application is a bit small*
*Edited to add a ~bit~ more detail, attempted to fix grammar mistakes*
*Updated vtime_menu time*
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