[UK] Requis's Ethics Committee Member Application

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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:151209380

Discord name: Tastik#0816

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played for about 889.6 hours according to the 1y achievement in the past 3 months or so


In what country are you located?: Kuwait

Time zone: GMT+3 (BST+2)

Character name(s): Requis Jaquaivan [CI-D 'Soap]

Civilian name: Tyrone Jaquaivan

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 CSG
- CI-D
- Executive Researcher
- Ethics Committee Assistant
- SCP-096

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

- Warns: 1x Mixing, 1x FailRP (I don't even remember the reason, it may have been because I started speaking to the admin mid-RP, I'm unsure it was also about the time that I first joined the server)
- Bans: 1x MRDM (It was my first ever time on the server, I didn't think to read the rules which was a bit silly. My exact thoughts were: I am a prisoner in a prison, and I will now start stabbing 2-3 people as D-Class. Thinking back now it seems so silly and stupid. The appeal was later accepted and I learned from my mistakes and made sure that it never occurs again)

(Note: I joined the server with about 90 hours of full gameplay in GMOD so I was a bit unsure about the rules and have fixed myself since then, hopefully, my role as a SMOD has amended my actions)

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- Ethics Committee Member

There are a vast amount of reasons why I would love to become an Ethics Committee Member.

The first of which is to bring a new perspective to the Ethics Committee, I come from a background that is not from Omega-1 but instead from Epsilon-11 and the Research department, this would give the committee a refreshing view of those MTF units. Ethics Committee members usually only interact with people within their circle, and I really want to break that barrier between the Ethics Committee and Epsilon-11 & The Research Department as a whole.

I believe that the Ethics Committee is a crucial role within the foundation, and them having that toxic tension between MTF units, Other departments with themselves makes it much harder for the Ethics Committee to enforce their rules behind closed doors and without their direct supervision; and I believe that I could be able to break that toxic tension between the Committee and the rest of the facility and to keep the facility balanced, with the maintenance of order within it.

Since I was introduced to the server, I've always seemed to have aspired to become an Ethics Member, my introduction as an Ethics Assistant has fully made me realize how much I really enjoy the serious roleplay on this server, the interactions your get, the people you speak to I just personally really enjoy it and believe that if I get the opportunity to become an Ethics Member I will work for it as much as I work for anything I enjoy.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- As stated in the previous question, I can bring a new perspective to the Ethics Committee, I come from a background that is not from Omega-1 (as the norm for most Ethics Members) but from other positions within the facility, this would give me the ability to help a smooth and friendly interaction and enforcement of the will and law of the Ethics Committee with other departments within the Foundation.

Another reason to why I believe I would be the best candidate is how hard I work for something I love and enjoy, I believe full heartedly that my inspiration to join the Ethics Committee will give me everything I need to be able to work as best as I can for the position. I would give this position my best and work as hard as possible to prove myself capable of maintaining it, even though this application may look a bit short I have always seriously enjoyed document writing in RP for when I was an Executive Researcher and believe those skills would come in handy in this role in RP

Even though I have not been active much lately as I am on vacation (I come back on the 7th), I can attest that I am extremely active and engaged within the Facility; I am reachable and able to be interacted with and don't seclude myself within the site; I simply enjoy interacting with people on this server and think this role would fit me best! Overall, I am responsible, mature, and professional when I need to be, and someone who can have a laugh and a mutual conversation with people.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- The Ethics Committee has various responsibilities in RP as they are co-leading the Foundation in a sense with the O5 council, I personally believe that they are the most important; even though some may disagree. They are tasked with the most difficult task which is to uphold order and balance within the Foundation by enacting the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics and to keep the Foundation in a state of order in which it can operate smoothly. They oversee all members in the Facility no matter their position for any defiance of the Code of Ethics

At their disposal is Mobile Task Force unit Omega-1 whose sole duty is to uphold the standards set by the Ethics Committee and receive orders from the Ethics Committee directly, either to prosecute people who defy the Code of Ethics no matter their position in the Facility or carry out covert missions that benefit the Foundation. (ie. Ethics Committee gives O-1 RP)

In the research side of the Facility, the Ethics Committee are given the difficult task to lay out what is Ethical and what isn't while not hindering the ability of the Foundation to test on live D-Class personnel, they are assigned to approve or deny unorthodox methods to testing depending on how ethical it is to use said D-Class personnel. This ensures that no D-Class personnel experiences unnecessary pain and suffering during their month with the Foundation.

To ensure that the Facility is operated efficiently and is actively upholding the Code of Ethics, the Ethics Committee is tasked with shadowing all Departments to review their standing within the Foundation and make sure that said Departments act within the interests of the Foundation and give crucial advice to said Departments on ways to improve themselves.

Overall the Ethics Committee ensures that the Foundation runs smoothly and efficiently while upholding its best interest of itself. They ensure that all Departments and MTF units have transparency with the Committee and can report any misconduct and disobedience to the Committee.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

CO-Handling with O5:
Internal Affairs Director
Department of Medicine
Intelligence Director

Handling within themselves:
Ethics Assistant
Ethics Committee Member

- The constant improvement of the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and other documentation/rosters.
- Ensure that Director applications and the transfer of power between department goes smoothly.
- Hold meetings with the US/UK side of the committee to ensure transparency.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
(I am a really bad storyteller so go easy with me please :) )

Requis Jaquavian is a prominent member of the Jaquavian Family. He was born ██/██/████ in Detroit, where he and his brothers grew up with little to nothing to their name. His parents died when he was at a young age, and he and his brothers had to fend for themselves in a cruel society. They had to work for every penny they could get. He had a hard life and he and his brothers learned to trust, depend, and rely on each other.

After years of hard work and determination, his brothers managed to enter the military service and Requis gathered as much money as he could to put himself through university. Though it was going well for his starting years, he realized that his studies would cost an unfathomable amount and desperately needed money, which was clear to his professors. After weeks he gave up, went back to his dorm, and found a letter on his coffee table which read the following:

Title: Foundation

Good evening Requis,

This letter has been sent to you after a close discussion with one of your professors Dr.█████. We have agreed, that we will provide you with all the money you would need to complete your degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, and Philosophical Ethics, Theological Ethics, and Global Ethics. With the promise of you working for the Foundation as a starting job of Researcher in which you would help research and develop new ways in containment to ensure humanity's survival.

We will know when you are done, and we will contact you.
12 years later he was employed by the SCP Foundation as a Researcher and showed excellency in his work and rose through the ranks of the Research department until he reached Executive. He and his brothers who are employed in all fields of the Foundation swore to abide by the Code of Ethics and do so to this day.

Though he loved his job as an executive, during his time he observed countless ethical violations done against D-Class personnel and surface civilians; though not perpetrated by himself. He wanted to find a way to reprimand and punish the people who committed these acts against the code of ethics and made it clear to his superiors about his issues with the Foundation.

This caught the eye of the Ethics Committee, and he would later find this letter in his room:

Good Afternoon Requis,

You have managed to catch our attention once again. Your concerns within the Foundation are similar to ours, and your devotion to the Foundation has given us the necessary means to transfer you effective immediately into the ethics committee, though of course, this is a huge jump from your current position which is why we have decided on a compromise; work as an assistant for the Committee for █ years and slowly introduce and accustom yourself within the Committee.

This is to be done effective immediately, without any possibility of reversal.

Director █████
Requis, worked day and night as much as he could as an Assistant to help ensure the committee's will is enacted and followed. He would excel as an Assistant and was one of the first to interact with members across the entire Foundation, this garnered him respect among even CL1 personnel which worked to his benefit as they were tasked as invisible informants to The Ethics Committee. He shadowed most of the Members of the committee and gained experience with them, he found out how he seriously enjoyed his position and worked as hard as possible to prove himself more. Though he loved it, Requis wanted to do more for the Foundation. His loyalty, patriotism, and devotion to the Foundation only grew and he felt like the time was near for him to be the person that instills beneficial and great change to the Foundation.

Later on, rumors say Requis was seen getting grabbed by men in black; no one is sure what MTF unit they belong to... He was never seen again.
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Well-known Member
May 28, 2022
huge +Support

- Amazing work as Ethics Assistant
- Crazy active (playing Gmod on holiday)
- Great leadership skills
- Mature

- Kuwaiti

- personally believe he would make an outstanding addition to the Ethics Team, adding both activity and valuable RP
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Reactions: Requis


Well-known Member
May 31, 2022
+always provides good rp
+knows what hes doing
+has experience as ethics assistant
+serious when he needs to be
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Reactions: Requis

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
You are without a doubt the most fit person to be a new member in my opinion since you are the most active of the ethics assistants as well as being mature in rp and you would know exactly how to be as a member
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Reactions: Requis


Well-known Member
May 26, 2022
A dedicated ECA
Would be an incredible addition to the committee ?
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Reactions: Requis
May 24, 2022
Requis has been incredibly active on ethics assistant and i only have positive things to say.
He is approachable, professional, mature and has very good knowledge on the code of ethics.
Requis has also been able to create new RP situations throughout the facility while he is playing E11 or Assistant and having these qualities make him a great candidate for the ethics committee.
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Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
Has a lot of knowledge
Has a lot of experience as a EA
Great Interactions

Wish Best of Luck
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Reactions: Requis
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