- Aug 25, 2023
- 659
- 1
- 135
- 61
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:445345967
Discord name: showerloverman
For how long have you played on CG SCP: so far i have 1100 hours on this server
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Saudi Arabia
Time zone: AST
Character name(s): Revolutionary
Civilian name: Mac Junior
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Alpha-1 MAJ (Holding)
- Ambassador (Holding)
- Consultant (Holding)
- OSA (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes , 1 Warning for FearRP
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- i believe i would be a good candidate for ethics assistant as my extensive experience in the server proves that i am suitable, First of which being my Ambassador experience of which i have been one for about 5 total months now , i believe this would come in hand for Ethics Assistant as an Ambassador i took part in investigations and have written documents relating to arrests i made which would come in handy should an Ethics member make an order that involves writing documents, i would also like to add my brief experience as an Overseer Assistant where i contributed to the orders made , i will admit and say that my time as an Overseer Assistant was rather short but i believe that it gave me experience that will help me in doing my Ethics Assistant duties , and lastly i would also include my experience in ISD specifically in Alpha-1 where i rose to the rank of MAJ during which i made some Roleplay for my regiments by doing audits and issuing hearings, All of this would be very beneficial to Ethics Assistants
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- Authorizing AA only if no one higher is on:
During a very bad breach where 2 or more keter SCPs have been breached it is your duty if no one higher than you is on to use your judgement and authorize Advanced Armory if a breach is effecting the site.
- Enforcing the Foundation Legal Codex:
As an Ethics Assistant it is your duty to enforce and make sure the Legal Codex is being followed at all times, Should you observe someone to be breaking the Legal Codex it would be your duty to make sure swift punishment is handed out to said individual.
- Acting as the prosecutor in a tribunal:
As an Ethics Assistant you could be asked or volunteer to act as the prosecutor in trial, You could do that by either volunteering or opening investigations yourself which lead to tribunals during which you may act as a prosecutor there
- Authorizing Mass Terminations if no on else is higher:
As an Ethics Assistant it is your duty to determine when is the appropriate time to call for Mass terminations of any d-class that leaves airlock, Of course such actions cannot be done without reason, You should only authorize mass terminations if and only if The D-class interfere in handling a breach to the point where its effectively hurting the site, During that you have the responsibility of authorizing it and De-Authorizing it.
- Act as Ethics Committee's Assistant :
As an Ethics Assistant you may be asked to by members of the ethics committee to enforce their will as it would be dangerous for an Ethics member to wander around the site for every little thing and risk being potentially assassinated by Chaos or by Alpha-1 , so it is your duty to enforce their will and act as the voice of the ethics committee
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Mac grew up in the slums of Victoria, Canada to a poor family that could not support him or provide for him, As a result of that he had to fight to survive, He resorted to stealing and robbing people to survive and tricking them , He did not like doing it but he did whatever it took to survive, As the years have passed Mac had tried to look for a living and find a job to support himself though unfortunately none would accept him because of his background, Mac tried constantly but to no avail, He would eventually join the army as that was the only resort available to support himself,
His time in the army for lack of a better word hell, He was constantly harassed by co and the likes in effort to shape him, Eventually he adjusted to the army life and began improving, Due to his rough childhood where he used to trick and scam people using various methods of identity them and such Mac was chosen to become an undercover agent in the Canadian army, He excelled at undercover work and was one of the best the army had to offer, As time went on he would get promoted and eventually he would be a CO himself, All seemed well for mac, He got everything he ever wanted and could finally support himself, Though all would change when on one night on a vacation to pinewood something strange happened, While he was walking through the small quite town he was all of sudden attacked by a zombie, Mac did not have anything on him to defend himself with and even if he did it would be to no avail as this zombie thing shocked him to his core, Thankfully he would be saved by an Nu-7 Private who quickly handed him a gas mask to protect against the virus, Eventually the virus was stopped by the Nu-7 agents, After that the local military base in pinewood ordered all pinewood citizens to come to military base for a ''vaccine'', Mac obliged and went to the military base with a number of people, He was the last to second in line to get the vaccine but something strange happened,
The people that were handed the vaccine seem to just forget what happened all of the sudden, Also Mac realized that the military people were unfazed about the whole thing almost like this was normal to them, And he also began to think "wait a minute how do they even have the vaccine to this strange zombie virus, They couldn't just come up with the vaccine out of nowhere, No there must be something fishy going on i just have a feeling", Mac with his undercover expertise from the army infiltrated the base, What he saw there just shocked him, Human test subjects, Strange anomalous creatures, It was like something out of a movie, Unlucky for Mac at the Scp-173 breached containment and while he was walking through the site he and some random gensec cadet stumbled to scp-173,In the blink of an eye the cadet beside him just died all of the sudden, Confused Mac then began to question what had just happened, he could not believe his eyes, "Oh my god .....He jus-... he just died how...????? how did he-....'' he began to say out loud, Eventually SCP-173 was recontainted but the suspicious behavior he displayed alarmed everyone there, He was questioned to show his ID, Thats when Mac then confessed that he was undercover, He was then questioned about his intentions and why was he undercover, Mac responded by telling them 008 and about what happened at pinewood made him suspicious so he went undercover, The foundation then pondered on what to do with him either execute him or use his expertise, They decided on the latter and approached Mac with an offer, They told him about the foundation and its goals and that they want someone like him in the foundation, Mac was hesitant at first but eventually decided to join as he thought it was a very noble cause, Due to his undercover expertise he was chosen to be an agent, He as been serving the foundation ever since.
2 Years have passed since Mac has pursed the Internal Affairs in which during that time he has served the Ethics Committee with all his heart and soul, Everyday he would wake up at exactly 6 sharp skipping breakfast and immediately heading to enforce the oh so precious Legal Codex, During this mac has found himself in a constant loop, Wake up, Enforce the Legal Codex, Sleep, It was the same thing each and everyday, the same constant cycle for two years straight, Mac work's was unnoticed, he was working for 20 hours every single day only sleeping for 4 hours and his hard work was not noticed at all by the Ethics Committee, He had grown tired of this , tired of not being acknowledged, tired of the ethics committee ignoring his hard work, And to this he’s had enough, to show his dedication to the ethics committee , to finally get their precious acknowledgment of him he had conjured up a plan, a plan that if to fail his very own life would be compromised to a permanent end, he was going to do the impossible, he was going to infiltrate the depths and evil of the overseer council, Mac knew of the hostility between both the overseer and the ethics committee as a result of a botched execution of the site director by the hands of Alpha-1, he knew about this as the rumor spread like wildfire, he decided thats it , that’s his moment, his time to shine , his time to prove his value to the Ethics Committee, He hatched up a simple yet complex plan, During exactly 4PM there was an Alpha-1 SGT that goes for a medical checkup every single week, this left a perfect opportunity to steal his disguise and left an opportunity to infiltrate Floor 3 to get the evidence he needed on the execution, He had grabbed the disguise and then headed down to floor 3, as soon as the elevator opened he was welcomed by The Alpha-1 PVT he was training and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, he did appear suspicious himself so he strolled around floor 3 looking and hoping to finally get the dirt he needed On the Overseer council.
he looked through everywhere rummaging through thousands of documents for hours, he had looked at every single room in floor 3 except for one single room, The Commanders room, of course he had knew that the only place it could be was there, the big problem he was facing was the fact that a total of 7 Alpha-1 were near the room, getting to the room almost seemed impossible, so he thought to use the only trick he could think of, distractions, he’d used distractions to lure out the Alpha-1 near the room and blend in with them then head immediately to the Commanders room, this would prove to be successful and he would have the chance to go to the commanders room and rummage through the bunks, in there he found the golden ticket, the official order issued by the overseer council to execute the site director, as soon as he got it he raced for the elevator but to his misfortune he was stopped by an Alpha-1 CPL who was suspicious of him and his general appearance, Mac had no time to hesitate and would immediately pull his pistol and shoot the CPL, the shots alerted every Alpha-1 member there and all of them moved to hunt him down, though he was quicker and he evaded the Alpha-1 and raced to the Ethics committee offices, he brought the evidence and with his help the ethics committee took action and fought the overseer council in a bloody war that left the whole site wrecked, but most importantly the Ethics committee had finally recognized his services and as gratitude they promoted him to be their personal assistant ready to serve them and to carry out their will
Discord name: showerloverman
For how long have you played on CG SCP: so far i have 1100 hours on this server
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Saudi Arabia
Time zone: AST
Character name(s): Revolutionary
Civilian name: Mac Junior
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Alpha-1 MAJ (Holding)
- Ambassador (Holding)
- Consultant (Holding)
- OSA (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes , 1 Warning for FearRP
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- i believe i would be a good candidate for ethics assistant as my extensive experience in the server proves that i am suitable, First of which being my Ambassador experience of which i have been one for about 5 total months now , i believe this would come in hand for Ethics Assistant as an Ambassador i took part in investigations and have written documents relating to arrests i made which would come in handy should an Ethics member make an order that involves writing documents, i would also like to add my brief experience as an Overseer Assistant where i contributed to the orders made , i will admit and say that my time as an Overseer Assistant was rather short but i believe that it gave me experience that will help me in doing my Ethics Assistant duties , and lastly i would also include my experience in ISD specifically in Alpha-1 where i rose to the rank of MAJ during which i made some Roleplay for my regiments by doing audits and issuing hearings, All of this would be very beneficial to Ethics Assistants
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- Authorizing AA only if no one higher is on:
During a very bad breach where 2 or more keter SCPs have been breached it is your duty if no one higher than you is on to use your judgement and authorize Advanced Armory if a breach is effecting the site.
- Enforcing the Foundation Legal Codex:
As an Ethics Assistant it is your duty to enforce and make sure the Legal Codex is being followed at all times, Should you observe someone to be breaking the Legal Codex it would be your duty to make sure swift punishment is handed out to said individual.
- Acting as the prosecutor in a tribunal:
As an Ethics Assistant you could be asked or volunteer to act as the prosecutor in trial, You could do that by either volunteering or opening investigations yourself which lead to tribunals during which you may act as a prosecutor there
- Authorizing Mass Terminations if no on else is higher:
As an Ethics Assistant it is your duty to determine when is the appropriate time to call for Mass terminations of any d-class that leaves airlock, Of course such actions cannot be done without reason, You should only authorize mass terminations if and only if The D-class interfere in handling a breach to the point where its effectively hurting the site, During that you have the responsibility of authorizing it and De-Authorizing it.
- Act as Ethics Committee's Assistant :
As an Ethics Assistant you may be asked to by members of the ethics committee to enforce their will as it would be dangerous for an Ethics member to wander around the site for every little thing and risk being potentially assassinated by Chaos or by Alpha-1 , so it is your duty to enforce their will and act as the voice of the ethics committee
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Mac grew up in the slums of Victoria, Canada to a poor family that could not support him or provide for him, As a result of that he had to fight to survive, He resorted to stealing and robbing people to survive and tricking them , He did not like doing it but he did whatever it took to survive, As the years have passed Mac had tried to look for a living and find a job to support himself though unfortunately none would accept him because of his background, Mac tried constantly but to no avail, He would eventually join the army as that was the only resort available to support himself,
His time in the army for lack of a better word hell, He was constantly harassed by co and the likes in effort to shape him, Eventually he adjusted to the army life and began improving, Due to his rough childhood where he used to trick and scam people using various methods of identity them and such Mac was chosen to become an undercover agent in the Canadian army, He excelled at undercover work and was one of the best the army had to offer, As time went on he would get promoted and eventually he would be a CO himself, All seemed well for mac, He got everything he ever wanted and could finally support himself, Though all would change when on one night on a vacation to pinewood something strange happened, While he was walking through the small quite town he was all of sudden attacked by a zombie, Mac did not have anything on him to defend himself with and even if he did it would be to no avail as this zombie thing shocked him to his core, Thankfully he would be saved by an Nu-7 Private who quickly handed him a gas mask to protect against the virus, Eventually the virus was stopped by the Nu-7 agents, After that the local military base in pinewood ordered all pinewood citizens to come to military base for a ''vaccine'', Mac obliged and went to the military base with a number of people, He was the last to second in line to get the vaccine but something strange happened,
The people that were handed the vaccine seem to just forget what happened all of the sudden, Also Mac realized that the military people were unfazed about the whole thing almost like this was normal to them, And he also began to think "wait a minute how do they even have the vaccine to this strange zombie virus, They couldn't just come up with the vaccine out of nowhere, No there must be something fishy going on i just have a feeling", Mac with his undercover expertise from the army infiltrated the base, What he saw there just shocked him, Human test subjects, Strange anomalous creatures, It was like something out of a movie, Unlucky for Mac at the Scp-173 breached containment and while he was walking through the site he and some random gensec cadet stumbled to scp-173,In the blink of an eye the cadet beside him just died all of the sudden, Confused Mac then began to question what had just happened, he could not believe his eyes, "Oh my god .....He jus-... he just died how...????? how did he-....'' he began to say out loud, Eventually SCP-173 was recontainted but the suspicious behavior he displayed alarmed everyone there, He was questioned to show his ID, Thats when Mac then confessed that he was undercover, He was then questioned about his intentions and why was he undercover, Mac responded by telling them 008 and about what happened at pinewood made him suspicious so he went undercover, The foundation then pondered on what to do with him either execute him or use his expertise, They decided on the latter and approached Mac with an offer, They told him about the foundation and its goals and that they want someone like him in the foundation, Mac was hesitant at first but eventually decided to join as he thought it was a very noble cause, Due to his undercover expertise he was chosen to be an agent, He as been serving the foundation ever since.
2 Years have passed since Mac has pursed the Internal Affairs in which during that time he has served the Ethics Committee with all his heart and soul, Everyday he would wake up at exactly 6 sharp skipping breakfast and immediately heading to enforce the oh so precious Legal Codex, During this mac has found himself in a constant loop, Wake up, Enforce the Legal Codex, Sleep, It was the same thing each and everyday, the same constant cycle for two years straight, Mac work's was unnoticed, he was working for 20 hours every single day only sleeping for 4 hours and his hard work was not noticed at all by the Ethics Committee, He had grown tired of this , tired of not being acknowledged, tired of the ethics committee ignoring his hard work, And to this he’s had enough, to show his dedication to the ethics committee , to finally get their precious acknowledgment of him he had conjured up a plan, a plan that if to fail his very own life would be compromised to a permanent end, he was going to do the impossible, he was going to infiltrate the depths and evil of the overseer council, Mac knew of the hostility between both the overseer and the ethics committee as a result of a botched execution of the site director by the hands of Alpha-1, he knew about this as the rumor spread like wildfire, he decided thats it , that’s his moment, his time to shine , his time to prove his value to the Ethics Committee, He hatched up a simple yet complex plan, During exactly 4PM there was an Alpha-1 SGT that goes for a medical checkup every single week, this left a perfect opportunity to steal his disguise and left an opportunity to infiltrate Floor 3 to get the evidence he needed on the execution, He had grabbed the disguise and then headed down to floor 3, as soon as the elevator opened he was welcomed by The Alpha-1 PVT he was training and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, he did appear suspicious himself so he strolled around floor 3 looking and hoping to finally get the dirt he needed On the Overseer council.
he looked through everywhere rummaging through thousands of documents for hours, he had looked at every single room in floor 3 except for one single room, The Commanders room, of course he had knew that the only place it could be was there, the big problem he was facing was the fact that a total of 7 Alpha-1 were near the room, getting to the room almost seemed impossible, so he thought to use the only trick he could think of, distractions, he’d used distractions to lure out the Alpha-1 near the room and blend in with them then head immediately to the Commanders room, this would prove to be successful and he would have the chance to go to the commanders room and rummage through the bunks, in there he found the golden ticket, the official order issued by the overseer council to execute the site director, as soon as he got it he raced for the elevator but to his misfortune he was stopped by an Alpha-1 CPL who was suspicious of him and his general appearance, Mac had no time to hesitate and would immediately pull his pistol and shoot the CPL, the shots alerted every Alpha-1 member there and all of them moved to hunt him down, though he was quicker and he evaded the Alpha-1 and raced to the Ethics committee offices, he brought the evidence and with his help the ethics committee took action and fought the overseer council in a bloody war that left the whole site wrecked, but most importantly the Ethics committee had finally recognized his services and as gratitude they promoted him to be their personal assistant ready to serve them and to carry out their will