[UK] Rose Medical Consultant Application

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Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:722065146
Discord name: roseexervion
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 200+ Hours in-game.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Rose
Civilian name: Roses
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Epsilon-11 LCPL & ISD Agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
I’m applying for the role of Medical Consultant for the following main reasons. I want to help the medical personnel in the knowledge that they want to know about their work so that could be about fractures from x-ray machine, giving out medicine with the infection testing kit and/or scanner also the ECT machine in regards to removing disguises and effects from SCPs. I would also like to start progressing on what I can do myself outside of leadership. That being I could then start working with other departments to do medical related research with them, which I already have an idea with an Executive Researcher on something medical and research can do together, I feel ideas like this can build a bridge of positive attitude between departments to keep any conflicts on a smaller scale between them. Another main reason is that I would like to help the new trainees with getting their licenses as well as Senior Doctors wanting Combat Medic training. I am mostly available throughout the day to do it for people who need it and I feel I will be great at that task of training those who need it.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I feel what makes me suitable for Medical Consultant is that I get along with many departments personnel and even Class-D so I will be able to help those departments with their questions and concerns if they have any issue with going to other medical leadership. I have watched 2 medical license trainings been done to get how they should be done so I know fully I won’t go through it as each leadership member has their own way but for the most part it is all the same this will help me to understand how it is done first then I can work on helping them more in certain areas so they have all the knowledge they could possibly need. I already have helped medical staff with questions relating to the medical procedures and other questions unrelated so I feel I am rather helpful to those who need it. I am also aware of the lack of discipline that are currently being giving out by the medical leadership so as much as I can be understand to an honest mistake like giving too much of a medicine or even the wrong one I can easily see when they are just doing it to troll on the job and give them a job ban for the reasonable amount of time for what they have done while on the job itself especially if it is every day they are getting job bans.I’m quite active member of medical staff at least around five hours each day of course having days where I do doubl;e that is the least hours I do a day on medical as I enjoy the work at hand. I have also helped many researchers in their tests when they need a Medic for a requirement like SCP-409. It is a rule they have. I also have much experience in hosting training for personnel and also many medical leadership experience from other genres.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
I will be explaining about the x-ray machine procedure. So firstly the patient will come in stating they have a fracture you will bring them to the x-ray machine with all the scanners so the ECT & ITS is also in this room, so you will ask the patient to lay down on the table like bed so the machine can scan them for the fracture, after about 10 seconds you ask them to stand up as it would of been enough time after which it will show you a screen of a human with either white or red limbs if a limb is white it is not fractured if it red it’s fractured so if all limbs are white they have no fractures, of course important to remember that the machine is mirrored so if it looks like the right arm is broken it will be the left arm. So you will look at the screen ensuring you recall it is mirrored you will then proceed to the blue medical cabinet next to it and say !medic in chat then go to the drugs section there you will see each calcium bottle for each fractured limb so you want to ensure you get the right one out as they can not use one if they do not have that fractured limb. So you will get it out they will drink/eat it then that fractured limb is fixed you must ensure you do this for each fractured limb they had.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
There are various duties of a Medical Consultant, the first one I will mention is doing medical license training for the trainees that request one and meet the requirements to do one, a second training a consultant may have to do is the combat medic training which is rather quick and simple in the kill house. Also a Consultant may have to help doctors with all the paperwork they need like, blood samples, d class eval, psych eval, scp eval, surgery reports and any other medical paperwork, this is to ensure they know how to do it on their own without any help from others but of course may ask for help in the future. There is also the responsibility to ensure that all members of medical staff are following the rules correctly and to punish or warn them accordingly with what they have done wrong. There is also the duty of consulting departments on procedures done by the medical staff when they have asked about it. Also to ensure that medical staff are providing medical procedures to those who need it and healing those who are injured without needing a medical procedure.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Jessica 'Rose' Valentine
Age: 20
DOB: 31/10/2004
Nationality: Italian and English
Spoken Language: English
Backstory: Rose was a simple Chef on the surface for a small city and brought the attention of the DEA with their culinary skills in making Pizza so they offered Rose a job as a Foundation Chef in which they accepted such offer, from there Rose went on to a medical career within the Foundation and later on a Combat Medic in which they had helped many researchers with medical aid for their testing most noticeably with Senior Researcher Tuco Poco. Rose had excelled in their original training as a trainee getting to Doctor and with their culinary skills helped keep the O-1 Commander fed with the large stock of food. Rose has always been helpful and very willing to provide healing to Class-D and Site Staff no matter of the past experience they may have had, as their medical duties come first.
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Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2024

Active, very good medic, has been helpful in tests, also does good rp


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @RoseExervion . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this role reassignment request. This request is to be DENIED. If you wish to know the reasons behind the denial, feel free to message one of the current Directors of Medicine.
No further action is required and you may reapply in 2 weeks.

- Director of Medicine Kayla.​
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