[UK] Rose Special Agent Application

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Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:722065146
Discord name: roseexervion
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since 7th Oct 2024.
Age: 20.
In what country are you located?: England.
Time zone: GMT.
Character name(s): Rose.
Civilian name: Roses.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
What are your total levels?: My total level Is 133 last I checked.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GSD CPT, GSD SGT, DEA Senior Agent, ISD Agent, Nu-7 CSG & E-11 LCPL.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Metagame warn on Christmas 2024 & failrp for eating cyanide to avoid questioning by ISD on Feb 20 2025.
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
2 weeks.
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
I'm applying for Special Agent as I feel I can offer the Department some more in terms of roleplay as far from what I have seen it is mainly myself and Jeremy actually doing some kind of roleplay outside of our base function of just shooting CI and escorting GOIs on site, so this could include more operations, interviewing departments to obtain information in regards to their understand of the GOIs and to assist them in obtaining the knowledge required as a member of the Foundation to help them understand that when they see a CI they should report it and hide from them when they are on site., while also that I wish to help DEA grow as it has a lot of potential to do well but it doesn't have the sufficient activity from its members to do so so I wish to help in doing that.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
What makes me suitable for Special Agent is that I help the current Director and manager in operations that I won't explain what they are here as its related to CI so it does not get metagame for obvious reason but these operations I follow them around where they question people and recruit people for these operations while also informing them on the findings of the operations so that we can keep the operation being useful and not just sitting there rotting, so I can help with providing the roleplay part of DEA quite well. Secondly I am very active and have the experience as CL4, I have been a GSD Captain since I believe Christmas day of 2024 so this shows that I can be trusted and will uphold my duties as the role which will show you the reader that I will do my duties as a Special Agent whatever that may consist of. Thirdly I am suitable as I have all the knowledge needed about DEA to be able to help those who require the help in certain bits and pieces that they are not informed on.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have not wrote any documents for DEA the only is when I wrote documents in Research Department during Niko Murks tenure as Director I believe I wrote four that got a "good" mark put on the SCIPNET and given money for it, so what a document should concise of is the home page of what it is about so lets an SCP sampling document so it would have the SCPs name the clearance to read further on and well stating it's a sampling document, after that would be an index page which will have all the pages put down to two or three words describing what they are so like, home page, index, objective, reason, goals and signatures then if you had already done it you would have put the findings, so that to my knowledge is what would make a good document, of course you would want to format it well so titles headlines pictures if needed and of course valid signatures.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
Will be listed below:
1. Authorising and taking part in raids and/or DEA Infils.
2. Inducting DEA Agents and seeking those for Senior Agent.
3. Assisting MC&D and GOC with documents for them coming on site or agreements.
4. Fighting hostile GOIs in or off site.
5. Dealing with Hostage Negotiations.
6. Creation and involvement in DEA operations
7. Being helpful and a guide to DEA subordinates

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Hannah 'Sky' Fox
Age: 27 Years old.
Date of birth: 21/09/1997
Nationality: English

Hannah Fox had a normal childhood within New York City and had excelled in their school life in fitness and math, Hannah had joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the age of 21. Hannah chose to join the FBI due to her wish to stop large crime organisations which she had witnessed happening in New York with corrupt police. Hannah was found to be an expert in interrogations always getting the truth out of people with or without torture. Hannah at the rank of Field Agent was assigned to an operation to take down a Police Captain in Chicago however at this time it was not known that there would be an SCP Foundation object being stored here stolen from the Chaos Insurgency, upon arrival of arresting the Police Captain at a location that being ████████████████ the Captain was arrested without any issue during the search of this warehouse Hannah stumbled upon SCP-1356 when she picked up was seemingly was a rubber duck from a bath tub all of sudden water had appeared inside the bath tub that was not there before, she put it on the water and the water vanished again, she called for her superior Special Agent Clark who was an undercover DEA Field Agent, the Special Agent took the SCP-1356 with Field Agent Hannah Fox to a Site to question Hannah on what she saw so of course she explained its effects on her and what it caused, the DEA Field Agent gave her two choices to be given Class E Amnesticates to forget everything or work with this organisation to stop terrorist trying to weaponize SCPs, she chose to assist in stopping these terrorists which she later found out was the Chaos Insurgency, Hannah had worked for two years for DEA out in the field stopping and finding escaped SCPs for MTF Units to contain, where she was then transferred to Site-65 as we speak which is located in ██████ in the mountains, she has been assigned to Site-65 to help in the prevention of Chaos Insurgents breaching SCPs.
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2023

To: @RoseExervion
Special Agent Reassignment

Thank you for your interest in applying for Special Agent,

After careful consideration with External Affairs leadership, we have come to a conclusion regarding your request for reassignment.

This request is to be elevated to the next stage. Please contact myself to arrange a time and place for interview.

Best of luck,
Department Director Jeremy Bennett
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