[UK] SCP RP Wrath's Demotion Appeal

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Name: Meliodas 'Wrath'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:493254998
Previous Rank (convert if required): Head Moderator
Who demoted you?: Admin Blue
Date of demotion?: 26 August 2024
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
What is the case against you?: I have missed my requirements twice within a four-week period.
Is this true?: Yes it is.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No I have not been demoted before.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Yes, that was 2 years ago when I was new to the server and I did not know the rules What is your side of the story?: I was in a severe health issue due to a lot of stuff from the war my country is in and losing a family member, I was on LOA of course but once it ended I thought I would be able to meet my requirements but I failed to.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I should return because I was always doing my best as a staff member and always aimed to provide the best support to the people who needed my help and being there to make sure no rules are being broken, And I have always been helping my fellow staff members who needed me.
And in terms of what I will change, Since I'm glad to say that I'm better now I feel like I’m more prepared now and committed to making those changes to enhance my performance and effectiveness as a staff member.

MTF Alpha-1 LTCOM Meliodas 'Wrath'
Jul 30, 2022
- Longest running A-1 LTCOM known to man and still better than Wonka Kane

- Always been professional and Wrath is a chad
- Getting demoted even though your country is a war is crazy work
Oct 12, 2023
Massive + Support

helped when I was Smod with questions I had regarding stuff and was also a very nice and supportive staff colleague.

I hope your health is better and that u get a second chance.

Good luck !

Sincerely Simon Johansson


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022

Appeal Response

Hello @Wrath ,

Thank you for making a appeal,

After reading through your appeal, understanding your current situation, reasons you were demoted and your current stance within the community along with responses from the SL Team, Unfortuantely we won't be accepting you back into the Staff Team as this current time. Please reach out to me in DMs when you read this for further information regarding this decision.

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