[UK-SCPRP] Hamster's Security Chief application.

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Aug 14, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:566429056
Discord name: mrhamster2272
For how long have you played on CG SCP:Nearly 2 years
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s):Jimothy”Hamster”Smith[F],R.”Hampter”[CI]
Civilian name: Jeremia Hamster
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- GSD Captain.
- GSD Sergeant.
- Nu7 LCPL.
- CI-Delta.
- DEA sr agent.
- DEA operative/agent.
- ISD operative/agent.
- Nu7 CPL.
- Nu7 LCPL.
- E11 CPL.
- E11 SPC.
- CI-Alpha.
- IA operative/agent.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Active warns:
  • RDM: I shot a Dclass who was cuffed, I believed they were resisting.Turns out they were not.
  • Failrp/nlr: I referred to OOC in character, I said a 912 that was cuffing me, whilst I had a weapon out, that they were combat cuffing in character chat and not in looc. I realized my mistake and continued to speak in looc after that. NLR I shot at 912 who beat me to death in my previous life after I respawned.
Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
I am applying for chief of security because I feel like the department needs to be improved drastically. Too many times I have seen others not take Gensec seriously and view GSD as misbehaving imbeciles, this is not true, I believe that GSD has the potential to be A LOT more than what it is now and show others how amazing we can be for the site and everyone in it.

I am also applying for chief because at the moment there is only one CoS, although they are doing a lot of good work and trying to improve the department for the better, it is hard work for only one chief to take on. I believe if I am chief that we can improve the department a lot more and make it way more fun for the people inside of it, introducing more projects, new objectives and new aims for all ranges of Gensec personnel to engage in and potentially allowing for multiple departments to come together and create a better RP dynamic between them. In my opinion RP is extremely lacking in the GSD department as there are not too many opportunities where regular Gensec can engage in roleplay and be a part of a more fun and intertwined gameplay. GSD has always been a more guns blazing department, but I hope to soon change this for the betterment of GSD as a whole.

Not only do I want GSD to be more active in RP and involvement with other departments but I also want Gensec to be a place where new players can get an understanding of how the server operates and learn skills that can assist them in becoming different roles in the future, an example of this could be skills to help people join MTFs. I believe that GSD could be a strong place for these newer players to gain a better sense of community and ability to improve, with the right leadership and motivation.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

I have been a part of this server for a long while now (nearly two years) and in this time I have been part of many different departments and GOIs, One examples of this are:
Gensec: My time in GSD has been fruitful and productive. As a sergeant in Gensec I took up many responsibilities, such as issuing work permits, leading sweeps and assisting captains in their duties. This allowed me to achieve the rank of captain, where I did many more things such as overlook the operations of Dblock, ensuring it was well maintained and that peace was kept within it. I wrote and approved documents often, providing work for class D and creating reports eventually being promoted to Sr Captain. As a sr captain I maintained my activity and eventually was given the opportunity to be “assistant chief” alongside another captain (Buddy). It was here that I began to get a feel for the duties of a chief, assisting chief Harvey Bridger in making decisions on the betterment of GSD, and pitching in new ideas to potentially make Gensec a far better department. As a captain I also gained an understanding for how CL4 personnel operate and run a department, working as a team to better those underneath them, allowing for a smooth and well operation of the department. These are all skills necessary for a chief to have.

CI: During my Time in CI (so far), I have achieved the rank of Delta, on my path to this rank I have led countless raids against the foundation which require strategy, planning and preparation all things that are useful in things such as sweeps or raid defence for GSD. Furthermore My leading of sub regiments and guidance are also good traits used to teach newer recruits in GSD how to be a good member of Gensec.

Research: I have been a part of the research department for some time (before taking a break for a while), during this time I have written lots of documents, many of which achieving Excellent grade (Total of 9), my skills in writing documents is also essential for Chief of Security, as writing documentation and reports is a key aspect of a chiefs duties. Throughout my time as research I have also been part of key projects and objectives often set by higher ups and different departments, this shows my ability to fulfill requests and orders efficiently, providing results and information.

MTF/DEA: I have been in Mobile Task Forces such as epsilon 11 and nu7 “hammer down”, during my time in these MTFs I have gained reasonable combat capabilities, fighting against the chaos insurgency and other hostile GOIs when necessary, while also taking the fight to the surface on DEA. I believe communication is also key, so in my time in SOP I have gained an ability to communicate and give out key information despite having no mic. These things are key things needed for a chief, as communication can make or break any team. Furthermore the ability to negotiate and reason with opposite GOIs is also a useful skill to have for a chief, as speaking professionally and in a non hostile demeanor can allow a chief to connect with different people and departments.

For all these reasons, I believe I am a good fit for chief.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
  • Recruiting captains and teaching them how to be suitable and effective captains.
  • Overlooking operations and objectives of Gensec.
  • Insuring captains are performing their duties up to standard.
  • Issuing discipline to those who do not perform their duties.
  • Engaging in new opportunities with different departments.
  • Hosting meetings for GSD leadership.
  • Creating documentation and reports.
  • Giving updates to site administration about GSD.
  • Ensuring that GSD is well maintained.
  • Regular CL4 duties. E.g. closing PW BD, opening bunker etc.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Jimothy”Hamster”Smith
Country of origins:Iraq
Eye colour:Green
Hair colour:Black
Blood type:AB-

Jimothy Smith grew up in a war torn nation, fending for his right to live every day; it was due to these conditions and will to fight against those that opposed his country he joined the army, graduating boot camp with flying colours. Jimothy faced intense and dangerous battles, surviving against all odds, racking up his kills and experience, he was recruited into the Iraq special forces. It was in the special forces where he gained real recognition going up the ranks eventually facing off against an unknown creature in afghanistan, managing to terminate it; It was from there that the SCP foundation reached out and offered Jimothy smith a job as a member of the GSD, Smiths will to protect those he loved and his country accepted this deal, curious as to what he would be facing; a NEW challenge.

Jimothy Smith began his journey as a nobody cadet, first stationed at site 15, securing Dblock and listening to orders without a second thought. It was after a year or two of work that Jimothy reached the rank of Officer, fighting numerous GOIs and repelling countless riots. Mr Smith was transported to site 65 in the year [REDACTED], where he really began to get a name for himself as a trustworthy and skilled Gensec, terminating threats to the foundation with no effort at all. After a year in site 65 Jimothy smith earned the rank of sergeant where he gained a reputation for his ability to lead and command those under him, leading them through many riots and breaches, killing countless dangerous Dclass. Throughout the years a deep and rooted hatred for Dclass, taking extreme actions against those who dare resist the will of Gensec. This anger and determination to keep order within Dblock led to jimothy’s promotion to Gensec captain.

As a captain Jimothy Smith ensured all beneath him met the ELITE standards of GSD, and making sure that they had the same fiery spirit and determination as him, to keep all those Dclass locked away, unless being used for the betterment of the site and the SCP foundation’s understanding on SCPs, along with maintaining the general safety of all personnel on site, working with MTFs to accomplish this honourable goal.

Thank you for reading!
Last edited:
Aug 14, 2023
Hang on a second, you told casseno to remove something, evidence of you breaking server rules or just being an absolute idiot? If this should have been bright to staff as it is a rule break then -Support.

Edit: I got the evidence that casseno had:

So with that, I am leaving a MAJOR -SUPPORT. Calling someone a retard because they arrested you is crazy to be honest, especially when you are a CL4, imo you should get removed for that. The fact you told Casseno to take this down shows you are trying to hide it which is terrible.
He is doing it to ruin my reputation, he viewed it as a joke, me and him are not any sort of enemies or anything, we play together usually on the server. I am not gonna reveal details about what happened but it was a mutual ordeal that was sorted already. He and I were both argueing in VC its a normal thing that happens. He just did this as a way to joke...
Hang on a second, you told casseno to remove something, evidence of you breaking server rules or just being an absolute idiot? If this should have been bright to staff as it is a rule break then -Support.

Edit: I got the evidence that casseno had:

So with that, I am leaving a MAJOR -SUPPORT. Calling someone a retard because they arrested you is crazy to be honest, especially when you are a CL4, imo you should get removed for that. The fact you told Casseno to take this down shows you are trying to hide it which is terrible.
Regardless of if you think he's being funny or has some agenda against you, that is a next level crash out, basically assaulting someone in DMs due to an IC issue, completely unbecoming of ANY Clearance 4, let alone a Director...

-support, that screenshot should even make SA/SC question your standing as a Captain.
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Reactions: SimonL2002
Aug 14, 2023
No. You are ruining your reputation, not him, he simply brought foward evidence of you doing something bad and you told him to take it down, this is worse as it shows me that you are trying to cover it up, this is your fault, you are ruining your own reputation.
It was taken out fo context, and I know him , dont involve yourself if you dont have all the details. and he removed it from his own will.
Aug 14, 2023
Regardless of if you think he's being funny or has some agenda against you, that is a next level crash out, basically assaulting someone in DMs due to an IC issue, completely unbecoming of ANY Clearance 4, let alone a Director...

-support, that screenshot should even make SA/SC question your standing as a Captain.
I know him previously, I didnt just go out of my way to go into a random ISD agents DMs and harras them, He was instigating in a vc and took this out of context, please dont give an opinion if you dont have details thank you.
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands


The following message is composed via consensus of the Site Administration.
Hello, @Jimothy"Hamster" Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.
You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

CONFIDENTIALThis document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

Aug 14, 2023


The following message is composed via consensus of the Site Administration.
Hello, @Jimothy"Hamster" Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.
You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

CONFIDENTIALThis document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

its a bit obvious why it was denied no offense XD fair enough
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