[UK] Security Captain 'Lock' Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 14, 2021
Steam ID:

Discord name:
MTF E-11 CSG 'Lock' | NekoHG#0947

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since the Server was first made.
Since the vtime was installed - Last Check 6d 4h 21min


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
GMT +1

Character name(s):
Lukas 'Lock' Zuul

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
+ Epsilon 11 CSG (Current)
+ NU-7 PVT (Have Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
1. Banned by Metterson for Mass Mixing/LTAP as the rule was first installed | Ban was removed after I talked to them. (2021)
2. RDM | Pan (2021)

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am currently looking for a CL4 job as I have not held any of this kind, tried to apply for Executive Researcher, Ambassador and tried to archive the CL4 in E-11 but currently, they are full. So I am now looking at the Rank of Captain of GENSEC so that I can get some experience here if possible.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I bring a system in many things that I do as I can work with one much better than without one, in this case, it would be the use of the GENSEC Handbook used to set up regular escort but also Guards at Site points of interest that could cause trouble. I am friendly and focused most of the time as strong stress can kick me out of the friendly mindset and into a confused or harsh mindset.

+My Strengths+
+ Focused
+ Friendly
+ Very Creative
+ Takes Initiative and works as a Leader

-My Weaknesses-
- Loses cool under strong stress
- Retreats if unable to take more stress
- Becomes very tired
- Some ideas are better than others

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
+ Lead the current GENSEC
+ Assign Guards to Hotspots
+ Clear offences and send them to the IA Department
+ Train GENSEC with Drills when necessary
+ Have Shakdowns of D Block Directed and Coordinated
+ Work under the Security Dpt. Chief Orders

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
◘Warning Access only of Level 3 Personnel◘
○Access Granted○

Currently working on a SMART-Handbook for GENSEC to give a deeper sense of order and higher use of radio.

Thank you for reading,
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Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
+you are a great sergeant
+good decision maker
+good rp

+ Support

+ As E-11 LT and GENSEC Captain I’ve seen perform well in both roles as E-11 CSG and a GENSEC Sergeant so I would say he would be suitable.
+ When he’s on sometimes he use props to make D-Block more neat.
+ Good communication in E-11 so if applied in GENSEC would be good.
+ Is intentive when listening to orders and can maintain D-Block with little Cpt assistance.

-/+ Sometimes jumps the gun before be given authorisation.

Dennis Fred

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2021
-/+ I've not seen you a lot lately.
+ Is a good leader and has experience.
+ Mature.
+ Professional

- You're a bit unethical at the catwalk and when I called you out for it once you said that it was allowed.
-/+ He's a good sergeant but shouldn't always jump to the gun.
Is somewhat suitable to become a CPT but should read the code of ethics so he doesn't break them.
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- Support
+ Mature.
+ Trusted.

- Activity Drastically dropped.
- When I saw you online D-Block was a complete mess and confusion with frequencies was caused in comms.
- Unable to work with other Sergeants.
- Needs a revision of the Code of Ethics

Good guy but due to the activity and the other stuff I listed I cannot leave you my support.
Wish you the best
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Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
- Support
+ Mature.
+ Trusted.

- Activity Drastically dropped.
- When I saw you online D-Block was a complete mess and confusion with frequencies were caused in comms.
- Unable to work with other Sergeants.
- Needs a revision of the Code of Ethics

Good guy but due to the activity and the other stuff I listed I cannot leave you my support.
Wish you the best
I don't have much to put on the application itself but I agree with the stated pieces here. While a great role player. I don't think CPT would be a good fit due to constant talk of unethical behavior/terminations and stated pieces above.


Well-known Member
Dec 14, 2021
Thank you people for the many posts and replies,

I believe that I can work with other SGT fine as can be, today I have been working on keeping the GENSEC in line. Implementing a default Radio channel, creating a GENSEC Handbook, and building a D Block advanced duplication that includes lines to move D Class and general facility make it look more realistic.

On there other I have to say that Activity has dropped as I have a job now so I have not had the time I had before, but calling this something negative would suggest that having a job in real life would be something negative. Which I do not believe is the case, I always also default to the 757.1 channel as GENSEC should always have a default channel (which will also be part of the Handbook). It is very confusing for Cadets to change the channel every time they come on Site. I have a bind that calls out to the default channel and I wish not the change it every time.

I have read the ethics codes and handbook multiple times and I have not seen any rules that I have broken to quote Site Administration that was talking to me: "You are an example to the GENSEC, continue your work please."

Thank you for reading,
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believe that I can work with other SGT fine as can be
I said that you are unable to work with other SGTs especially for what I saw today: I asked multiple times in team chat if there was a radio channel already, no answer so I decided to put a new frequency. After a few minutes you send a new message in NON secured comms saying to everyone to get on a different frequency. I tried to tell you in comms but you ignored me and kept changing it. If you say you did not pay attention to comms well you broke a Gensec rule:1655556580779.png
And when you answered me in C3 comms you did not want to change the frequency even though it was changed way before
I have been working on keeping the GENSEC in line. Implementing a default Radio channel, creating a GENSEC Handbook, and building a D Block advanced duplication that includes lines to move D Class and general facility make it look more realistic.
While I was online I entered D-Block and I did not find you so I tried to organize it for a good 20 minutes when I saw you coming back inside: Class-Ds were everywhere, you were not checking anything such as formations and you went on catwalk to kill a Class-D for unknown reasons to me. I believe you are lacking of teamwork and you D-Block was not organized at all especially during the 096 Breach.
On there other I have to say that Activity has dropped as I have a job now so I have not had the time I had before, but calling this something negative would suggest that having a job in real life would be something negative.
I do not want to sound rude or anything but if you have a job and your activity cannot be the best for obvious reasons you should focus on real life instead of applying for such a challenging position.

This is all, I have nothing against you. Once again

I wish you the best Lock.
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Simon "Kitton" A.

Active member
Apr 16, 2022
+ Support

As a Nu-7 Captain so far I have seen your activity to be average, which due to the fact that most captains are pretty inactive, you seem like a good candidate for gensec Captain. Your RP is very good as i have seen you multiple times as gensec or other like SCPs. Overall a friendly and very nice guy. Also has a high position in E-11 which shows maturity and overall rule knowledge.

I wish u best of luck from Nu-7.

I do not want to sound rude or anything but if you have a job and your activity cannot be the best for obvious reasons you should focus on real life instead of applying for such a challenging position.
Everyone has jobs and real lives doesn't matter he shouldn't have the job. Well he might not be a 14 year old that can play all day he still would be a good gensec captain. + Gensec captain is one of the least challenging jobs from C.L.4.
Everyone has jobs and real lives doesn't matter he shouldn't have the job. Well he might not be a 14 year old that can play all day he still would be a good gensec captain. + Gensec captain is one of the least challenging jobs from C.L.4.
The concern isnt focused only on the activity which isnt the biggest issue among the others. I am totally sure that Lock is a great guy and is a good RPer within E-11 but I believe he does not show the same passion as he shows in other jobs.
In fact he applied for all Clearance 4 positions in a really short time lapse and that makes me think that he is only looking for a Clearance 4 job since the performance among GENSEC is not the best

EDIT: I want to state that this is only my opinion which is totally IRRELEVANT in front of the final verdict
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Application Accepted

Hello, @Lock/Neko
After review of your recent performance as a Gensec Sergeant I'm happy to inform you that you application for Gensec Captain has been accepted. Thank you for your patience while under application review.

Please contact Chief of Security Nate Mercer for the next steps.​

Signed by:
Chief of Security Nate Mercer
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