[UK] SHING LE ban appeal uk server

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shing lee/lee shing

Well-known Member
Jul 30, 2022
Your in-game name:SHING LE
Your SteamID:
Steam ID: 76561199161785098

Your steam community link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/borissse/

Date of ban:24/12/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): FAIL RP STACK BAN
Who banned you: nassua and churmite
Ban length?: 4 weeks 3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): uk
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I wont go up to gensec barrack's
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? yes

Why should you be unbanned: because the only rule I broke when I was 096 was moving after killing and not waiting 60 seconds because i was staring exactly at the barrack's so I did the kind thing and moved out the way so I wouldn't spawn camp them
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: wont go up to gensec barrack's

Why do you want to re-join this server?:
because I do really enjoy playing and some of my happiest memories was playing this server and i have spent a bit of money and I feel my ban was unjust and I do like playing with the community and i have met some really nice people on it and some of my closest friends are on this server and I don't want to be left out
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Well-known Member
Jul 16, 2022
Multiple people made sits about you not following the rules for 096 so I spectated you for 10 minutes or so and in that time I saw you break multiple rules for 096 you were purposely looking for people and not following the 60 seconds Rule and you wasn't even breached at the time you should have never left your CC
and I believe you had problems with Nassua earlier on in the day so with that we decided to give you a FailRP and you were already on a FailRP [E] so with that and the stacked bans you got the 4 weeks and 3 days

sorry for the late reply was dealing with Christmas

shing lee/lee shing

Well-known Member
Jul 30, 2022
Multiple people made sits about you not following the rules for 096 so I spectated you for 10 minutes or so and in that time I saw you break multiple rules for 096 you were purposely looking for people and not following the 60 seconds Rule and you wasn't even breached at the time you should have never left your CC
and I believe you had problems with Nassua earlier on in the day so with that we decided to give you a FailRP and you were already on a FailRP [E] so with that and the stacked bans you got the 4 weeks and 3 days

sorry for the late reply was dealing with Christmas
don't you find it strange you pull me into a sit as soon as you get deployed as ert and isn't it strange how your clips corrupted when u pulled me into a sit idk man seems bit sus to me and you didnt want to ask the 3 ppl who was in the general vc with me if they think i broke the rules also me moving so im not spawn camping gensec i think is pretty reasonable so then i don't brake the rule of making ppl look at me also i don't want you taking my sit considering ive had bad experiences with u in the past and you didn't ban me nassua did and i even went to pm lily saying can u please make sure nassua looks at my appeal since i feel you are prejudice towards me

Man of Culture

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Hi @shing lee/lee shing and thank you for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Churmite here called in admin chat for a second opinion for a sit. So I responded to help him deliver my professional opinion.
Before I go into detail about the sit Churmite was involved in, I will mention a previous sit earlier that day, where you ran into a room and forced 3 people to look at your face.
You said this was unintentional and said that you intended to kill then, and from your view you did kill them, however the clip showed otherwise, and killing none of them. Now this is a strategy to get as many people to look at your face then leave to kill them later, this is to prolong your breach and also gain more XP. I left you with a verbal warning and told you to be more careful.

Now during the sit with Churmite, he did indeed have a corrupt clip (the clip was 10 minutes long and had no audio or video). However he had another clip of you inside security sector, just spinning in circles, like you are searching for someone. And the clip also showed you violating a SCP-096 rule:

  • Whilst breached, SCP-096 may roam when left undisturbed for more than 60 seconds

With this evidence, it was clear you violated the FailRP rule for incorrectly roleplaying as 096. On top of this, Churmite claimed that he heard you say to a different SCP “I am just hunting people” in voice, which is also FailRP as 096 is not allowed to speak either in voice or chat.

Now for the length of the ban, you had a previous FailRP Class D ban within the past month, leading to a FailRP Class E and Stacked Bans E Punishment, along with a removal of your SCP-096 whitelist by a SSL Member for incorrectly roleplaying as the SCP and also breaking multiple rules on 096.

Have a nice day.

EDIT: If @Churmite could upload the clip and send it here, that would be nice.
Complaint Response

Hi shing lee/lee shing,

Thanks for taking the time to make a complaint.

After reviewing this appeal and speaking to the staff involved and adding your confession that you did break an SCP-096 rule I can't in good favor accept this appeal. I hope you spend the duration of it reading our rules.

Based on the above, no action will be taken in regard to your complaint.

Kind regards,
Moha Demi​
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