[UK] Sion Llewellyn (Sceptre)'s ECM Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196545607
Discord name: a1fyy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have over 28d of in-game playtime just from kTime and I have played CN SCP-RP for over a year.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): 'Sceptre', Siôn Llewellyn
Civilian name: Alfred Seymour
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Omega-1 Sergeant (Holding)
Ethics Assistant (Holding)
MTF Omega-1 Captain (Held)
MTF Nu-7 Sergeant (Held)
DEA Senior Agent (Held)

This Month's Playtime

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Over my entire time of playing, I have received about 7 warnings, none of them are currently active. The most recent ones vary in reason, specifically NLR and FailRP. I take these warnings as an opportunity to reflect upon my behaviour, of which was inadequate at the time.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am currently seeking to apply to the position of Ethics Committee Member. There is currently one slot vacant and I would love to have the honour of filling it to promote a higher standard of Roleplay throughout the server in a Site Command Position and to lead by example - interacting with personnel and playing the role of an ECM.

Throughout my time playing on SCP-RP UK, I have came to interact with many amazing faces from many different positions and have found myself a home in the 'Ethics Side' of the server, within Omega-1 and currently as an Ethics Assistant. I came into it not knowing much about the Committee apart from the basics although over my tenure and my lust for long-term, quality Roleplay, I have delved very deep in search of what it means to be the Ethics Committee, both within Roleplay and from an out-of-character perspective, with one common attribute - to bring balance to the chaos.

With the role of Ethics Committee Member, I seek to improve the Quality of Roleplay through leading by example, showing players exactly what they are capable of by getting into their role and playing a character. Some people may find my lack of Sr. CL4 experience as a red flag, although I personally believe that I am perfectly capable and suitable to fit the gap in The Committee, proven through my dedication to Roleplay.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
There are a variety of reasons that I find myself to be a suitable candidate for the position of Ethics Committee Member:

Both within RP and out-of-RP I find that Leadership is such a fundamental skill that must be kept right to ensure that players and colleagues are having fun and feel like they are welcomed in that environment. I believe I possess a balanced mind, being able to separate right from wrong and keeping things proportionate. There is a massive difference between being shouted at in-character in a justified manner, and taking it out-of-character just to be a dick. It is important to understand, while players want to have fun, they are held to a specific standard of Roleplay - and I personally believe Site Command should lead by example. Throughout my time on the server, I have always held myself to a higher standard and as a result, I have achieved big, being both an Omega-1 Commissioned Officer previously and currently an Ethics Assistant (alongside Omega-1.. again). With the correct encouragement and environment, all players on the server can do the exact same, which is something I aim to massively encourage as an ECM.

During my various roles on the server, both as Omega-1 and an Ethics Assistant, I aim to be as open as possible to players, allowing themselves to be involved in RP and also approach me to begin RP and it brings a massive smile to my face when people do so on their own will, trusting me with their ideas. I believe that, when conducting RP, as many parties as possible (within reason, of course) should be involved to give everybody the opportunity to participate. After all, what is the point in an RP server where all RP is locked behind a door that only few can access? Whilst I understand that many pieces of RP on the server should remain that way to a degree (i.e. Site Command interacting with each-other, not everybody can get involved as realistically it wouldn't make sense to), I aim to keep a balance of RP that I conduct, with there being proportionate levels of 'closed-off' RP and 'open' RP.

Commitment to Roleplay
I am heavily invested in quality Roleplay (if you couldn't already tell). I believe I possess the ability to sway RP in a way that makes it better for everybody, even if the RP that was engaged started off poor. This way, those who interact with the RP conducted on the server at the same time as me can reap the benefits and have fun whilst playing. Even in combative roles, the first thing I seek is combat, not an improvement to my K/D ratio. As an Ethics Member, I will sought to support Roleplay in several key areas where it lacks, namely beginning with D-Class. As evident in my D-Class Welfare Project (covered below), there are some fantastic opportunities to be had, it just needs that support to get it started and encourage others to participate. My main focus in this position would be to lead by example and teach others how to initiate and continue meaningful RP, even in ways that you might not imagine. Overall, this would better foster a positive Roleplaying environment for players to enjoy on the server.

I believe that I am valuable when it comes to both providing and taking feedback from others, and it is something I strive to do all the time - whether it is OOC or IC. I consistently aim to better myself and help others do the same by providing a neutral point of view on the matter and trying to view things from other people's perspectives, namely those who may be directly affected by my actions in RP. I possess the unique ability to be able to construct logical chains of reasoning which permit me to back my Roleplay up with genuine thought behind it rather than a quick, two-second decision.

Specific Applications of Roleplay
To briefly go over some of the RP I have initiated with others, I will sum them up in short sections:

During my time as an Omega-1 Captain, I led the Prosecutors team who prosecuted individuals on The Committee's behalf, taking time to conduct thought-out investigations alongside evidence, witnesses, interrogations and whatnot. By the end, I had directly Prosecuted in 7 different cases and won all 7, with guilty verdicts being found by the presiding judge. These are some of my proudest RP interactions as it involved many different members of the server taking varying roles, from witnesses to those being prosecuted.

I recently have, alongside the Ethics Chairman, spearheaded the D-Class Welfare Project for The Committee, taking lead in finding ways to improve D-Class' physical and mental health. Despite this project being ongoing, I have conducted this in a variety of ways, starting with involving the Medical Department to conduct D-Class Personnel Evaluations. More recently as a development in the project, we involved GSD, Alpha-1 and D-Class, taking a big step towards RP for D-Class by *entering* inner D-Block and forming what resembled an AA meeting, hosting a group discussion with D-Class on how to improve their quality of life, fitness and mental health.

I'd consider this to be a massive success based on the fact that myself, an O5 and the Ethics Chairman only had one frag grenade thrown at us throughout, showing D-Class engagement with this Roleplay.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The Ethics Committee exists to bring balance to the atrocities that The Foundation conducts - a phrase I like to use is to "bring balance to the necessary evils". The SCP Foundation needs to conduct what people see as 'evil' in order to fulfill it's mission statement - to Secure, Contain and Protect, although The Ethics Committee exists to make sure it remains only the *necessary* evils and nothing more. Throughout this, the Committee conducts it's own evils in order to maintain it's agenda although at the end of the day, they are here to remind us that we are human and there is a line that must be drawn that should not be crossed, specifically between what is possible and what is acceptable.

Other responsibility within RP include:

The Foundation Legal Codex
The FLC is at the centre of the Foundation, strictly determining what is allowed and what is not for the most part. This can range from small infractions such as being a public nuisance to outright Murder of personnel. The Ethics Committee is responsible for maintaining the FLC by modifying it, ensuring personnel are following it and also prosecuting personnel should they violate it, including within Tribunals in which Ethics Members can preside as a Judge in.

The Ethics Committee is responsible for the approval of testing of some of the SCPs on-site, specifically requiring approval from EC for testing to be conducted on the SCP, this includes SCP-008 tests and also SCP-914 tests that utilise biological matter. Furthermore, the approval of the Ethics Committee is also required for tests that may involve more than 3 D-Class Personnel. These are all done to ensure testing is conducted to an ethical, acceptable standard. A current part of my ongoing Roleplay is investigating MTF Epsilon-11 after a Senior Researcher approached me for another SCP-008 test, whom admitted that 4/5 of his tests result in breaches as E-11 do not follow safety procedures.

Site Safety
As CL5 personnel, The Committee are responsible for maintaining Site Safety and utilising certain protocols if the site's safety is put into jeopardy. This involves utilisation of the Alpha Warhead if Roleplay has been impeded for too long as a result of a breach to initiate an 'RP Reset', only after the deployment of ERT has failed. Speaking of ERT, the EC is responsible for the deployment of ERT should it need to be called in the interest of rapid deployment to save the facility.

As well as these extreme measures, Ethics is also responsible for calling a Code Black in the event the site must be evacuated to save personnel, as well as authorising Mass Termination of D-Class Personnel should a line be crossed and need it to preserve security of the site.

Upholding the Agenda
The Committee's agenda is arguably one of the most important on-site outside of keeping the world safe from anomalies. They utilise MTF Omega-1, the "Law's Left Hand" if they need to do this in a more.. forced manner. This can occur in a variety of ways, for example, if all diplomatic methods fail and The Committee must engage in Primary Action to eliminate a sitting Overseer Councilor for egregious violations of what the Ethics Committee sees as 'acceptable'.​

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The Ethics Committee are responsible for reviewing applications for Ethics Assistant, Ethics Member and also the Department of Internal Security.

On another note, The Committee are responsible for fostering a positive Roleplaying environment and should be leading by example. They may need to commit to meetings with department leadership for performance reviews or to tackle any other issues in the interest of server health. They are extremely influential players who are responsible for helping Server Leadership maintain the server's RP Environment.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Greetings, I am Cairo.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by the Ethics Committee for archival and communication purposes.
How can I help you today?​
> Access Clearance 5 Network​
Please keep in mind that the network is restricted to Ethics Committee Members only. If you don't fit this criteria, unfortunately I will have no option but to deploy Mobile Task Force Omega-1 ("Law's Left Hand"). Would you like to continue?
> Yes​
So be it. Do answer the following prompt: When do the lights go out?
> When morality has died.
Seems all fine.. biometrics match up. Good morning, Ethics Member Llewellyn. What can I do for you?
> Access my personnel file and display it.​
Understood... that's weird.​
> What is it, Cairo?​
The version differs from the one I have cached, and yet there are no logs of modifications being made. It seems the new file has had a large section of information removed.​
> Unusual. Recover the old file, if you can.​
I keep a copy of all important, potentially volatile data in deep storage just in case. It seem that version hasn't been modified. Displaying for you now...​

> Ethics Member Llewellyn's Personnel File <

> Do you know who deleted the Incident Logs?
Unfortunately not. There is no trace. Looking at the Incident Logs, it's best that it was deleted.​
> Agreed, utilise the version without those Incident Logs. Update your deep storage version to that one too.​
Understood. Anything else you need, Sir?​
> That will be all, thank you Cairo.​
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+Absolute Major support
This guy is an amazing person on the server

Sceptre no matter what always dose his best in rp. Whether its as a gm, o1 or eca, he always rps his best. I know he just became eca but that doesnt matter, former cpt and most importantly former daybreakers. I think sceptre would be one of the best current candidates for ecm and i dont have a doubt in my mind about it.
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James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024

Sceptre is someone who generates RP like no other. The amount of time and effort that he puts into the server, ranging from creating events as a GM to on the spot RP and regimental development is no joke.

Yes, his tenure as ECA has been short but if you actually spend a session with the guy, you'll see the drive and desire he has to create fresh, meaningful and long-lasting RP that will actually have impact on those that take part and promote further development of said RP. This is something that I believe is a massive asset and would make him a great ECM.

On top of this, from personal experience inside of the O-1 regiment, he also cares deeply about providing contructive criticism and feedback to help others grow as well as himself. This manifests itself in ways such as leading on trainings and giving said feedback or creating best practice documenation that others can refer to in order to better the way that they complete tasks such as escorting just as a couple of examples.

To sum it up, it would be crazy not to give this guy a chance. He's smart, dedicated and clearly cares deeply for the role of ECM and the responsibilities it comes with.
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+/- Neutral

You seem to display a great interest in movement towards a CL5 position, and I do believe you are a great candidate for the position of ECM. Now, as always, I will be harsh in terms of feedback. There are two areas in which I will go over that I've picked up in your application. Of course, it goes without mentioning that you haven't acquired a position within Senior CL4. I only see one issue with this, and that is that it's clearly stopped you from showcasing the ability to create and lead RP storylines and Rp enhancements. You've showcased your ability to assist with Rp initiation with CL5, which is something I have to appreciate as this is a characteristic that would be expected from a senior CL4. Additionally, it would be nice for you to include within your application how you intend to improve RP quality; you've mentioned this within the start of your application but don't provide any examples or ideas of how you'd be able to do this. This is something a lot of people include in their applications, yet I never see any direction or indication or how you intend to do so.

My other concern is mainly your lore and that it doesn't exactly showcase where you'd like to direct yourself if you were to obtain the position of ECM. I'd consider the following:

"Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in."

Your lore lacks this certain area and mainly just provides a vague idea of how your character has anger issues.

I hope you take this feedback on. None the less, I wish you good luck,

@Stealth - Thank you for your valuable feedback. I've taken this on board and I have made modifications as described below to alleviate some of the points you've made.

it would be nice for you to include within your application how you intend to improve RP quality
In the 'Commitment to Roleplay' section I have made modifications to go over generally how I would like to improve RP quality, by focusing RP on areas where it lacks and also by leading by example to teach others how to initiate and follow up on RP by themselves.

My other concern is mainly your lore and that it doesn't exactly showcase where you'd like to direct yourself if you were to obtain the position of ECM.
I've made some modifications to my lore to provide a greater picture of my Character, some more of his story and projects he is involved in.
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Well-known Member
Jun 21, 2024
May not have much Sr. CL4 experience, but honestly I think he's doing an amazing job at ECA, not to mention the work he's done for O-1 alongside Athena. He has a great understanding of Ethic's position and role within the server, and is amazing at RP. He is a great leader, and I firmly believe he has what it takes to be an ECM. Not to mention he's active, and dedicated. His ability to ask for and take feedback is a rarity nowadays, and something that is very valuable in any position.
Best of luck!
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Aug 30, 2022
+ Support

Though Sceptre hasn't held SR CL4 positions before, through seeing him RP as an ECA, he is a very competent with it and engages in RP very often, he doesn't break character at all, sticks to his lore and his character and is very passionate about it, whenever he goes around site he is always looking for things to do and doesn't stand around which is fantastic as he creates RP wherever he goes even if it is on the spot, he has that flexibility which is amazing.
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Hey, @Sceptre. I will be giving you a -Support leaning to a Major -Support for the following reasons:
  1. You are too active
  2. Not enough time on the server (1 year on CN is way too little)
  3. 7 active warnings
  4. Very small amount of lore done
  5. Lastly: Your too good for this role
its obv a +support lmao. good luck buddy!
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  • Haha
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I've seen you do some excellent roleplay on the server and I believe you could fulfil the role of Ethics Member.

I do need to ask the question though, why not Site Administration? What puts you off about going there first and then reaching Site Command?

I'm in support of your application but curious to my prior questions.

Best of luck!
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