[UK] Site Advisor Application

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Apr 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92058794

Discord name: Tesco Piccolo Cherry Tomatoes#8475

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly around 4 months (Vtime is very broken for me, only saying I have 4hrs.)

Age: 22

In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): Damien "Ram" Jones | Damien "Iota" [REDACTED]
Civilian name: Aiden McKenzie

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- (Hold) Chief of Medicine, Overseer Assistant, CI - B, SCP - 096
- (Held) Nu-7 CSG

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I have been a Overseer Assistant for awhile now, I have a complete understanding of how departments operate and I have complete confidence in my ability that I am helpful and communicative with helping out Overseers and other departments. I would like the opportunity to hold an equally demanding Senior Site Administration position so I can further demonstrate my skills. I am always looking to push myself more and more so I am sure that becoming a Site Advisor will allow me to overcome more obstacles the position will hold.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I'm an individual who is always willing to tackle difficult tasks head on. Being someone who has held CL4 positions like Chief of Medicine and Overseer Assistant. I feel I have become very knowledgable holding senior positions. I am always willing to help people out and go out of my way to ensure that they are completely comfortable with the help they have been given. My time as an Overseer Assistant has taught me alot with how the departments run, collecting information about their performance and how they would like to improve. My most recent interaction is with a Research Department lead of PSI-5 with funding for future testing.
Being very familiarized with the CoC and CoE, I'm aware of all the procedures needing to be followed when conducting research and maintaining normalcy around the facility.
I always try my best to be active on-site as much as I can, although work and family can tend to make some days inconsistent.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- One of the main responsibilites of Site Administration is ensuring the site remains operatiional and working with other department leaders whenever possible incase of any problems or concerns they have at any given time. Making sure that personnel are following CoC and CoE, this responsiblity can range from checking up on MTF units to gathering reports on how departments are doing and how they would like to be helped further. Site Administration are to always remain in the loop about events and everything else that is happening on-site at all times. So they can ensure that they help accordingly and professionally. They also assist CL4 personnel with any concerns they are having, making sure they have everything they need to ensure smooth operation on-site and on surface.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Personnel document begins]
"Ram" is an individual with a dark past, stating from an interview "I've always been running from my memories". He was raised in a loving and caring family, however. Following an incident on ██/██/████. An incident involving SCP-096 happened, causing him to be triggered and rampaging through the town of ███████. The foundation didn't have enough time to scramble a news outlet and all hell broke loose, his family was just added casualties to the killcount.

██████ - Shit, I remember that. I remember keeping this 096 incident buried... I thought no one would find this out. But it's on this guys case file. Why?

[Reading continues]

Our research has discovered that "Ram" was hellbent on moving up the ranks in a nation-wide business in accounting known as █████. With the sole purpose of finding those responsible for his families sudden disappearance. He pulled every string with every contact he had, which eventually caught the Foundations attention due to information and security breaches. They kidnapped him and brought him to Site-██ for questioning, the following log details the exchange in conversation.

[Interview starts]
Agent ████ - You're quite the resourceful person.
"Ram" - So I'm told.
Agent ████ - You must have a good reason to seek us out, no one would just hire freelancers to breach our security system looking through incident reports...
"Ram" - Something happened on the date ██/██/████. But my guys couldn't find anything.
Agent ████ - That was errrr... Hold on

*Rustling of papers can be heard*

Agent ████ - Huh, we don't have any information concerning that date. But I do remember it, it was a 096 incident.
"Ram" - 096? The tall white fucker who killed everyone?
Agent ████ - How do you know that? You should have been given amnestics or dead by 096...
"Ram" - Well, truth be told. I- [STATIC]
[Interview Log abruptly ends]

██████ - Wait, what happened?

*Men in the shadows emerge*

"Ram" - So I finally found you, after all this time. I don't know what will happen to you and I don't care. My job is done.

O5-█ - You're a man of your word "Ram". And your job isn't finished. Like you said, you're quite resourceful. I have more opportunities that I'm sure you'll find interesting.

[Updated viewing of Personnel Document to Clearance Level 5]
[Further Data has been stricken from the document]


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
Application Accepted

Congratulations @Damien R. Jones on your new position within the Site Administration.
Please speak with any of the O5 Council members to move on to the next step of the process.
Once again, congratulations.

- O5-7 'The Recusant'

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