[UK] Skinner's Executive Researcher Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:560896223
Discord name: marcm__
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About a week now.
Age: 22 years of age.
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Skinner Verdane
Civilian name: None
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Epsilon-11 LCPL (Holding) / CI-Alpha (Holding), SCP-096 (Holding), Sr Doctor (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes I have received a few, you can view them here:

The following will now be the main questions.
Q: Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

A: I am applying to become an Executive Researcher because I believe I possess an abundance of leadership skills and knowledge relevant to the Department of Research. Throughout my career, I have consistently excelled in research tasks, ensuring strict adherence to legal regulations, ethical standards, and the department's standard operating procedures. With my extensive experience as a Senior Researcher, I see the opportunity to become an Executive Researcher as a significant milestone in my journey within Site-65's asset research. The role of an Executive Researcher embodies leadership and holds great value within the Foundation. I aspire to fulfill this role and contribute significantly as a notable asset. My dream is to align my current self with the expectations of the position by applying my diverse skill set and strengths. While I may not be the most brilliant or exceptional researcher among the others, I am committed to illuminating my path toward a successful future career. My commitment to improvement is evident through my dedication to writing near-perfect SCP sampling documents, conducting daily tests, and collaborating with others during tests in HCZ or LCZ, or searching to seek approval and guidance from other executives for my research documents. These actions represent my earnest desire to progress toward the role of an Executive Researcher which I have always admired. I believe that applying for the position of Executive Researcher is a crucial step in making my vision of it a reality, and I am eager to work diligently to become the person I have long looked up to in the field of research.

Q: What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
A: I believe I demonstrate my suitability for the Executive Researcher position through my prolonged experience as a Senior Researcher and my capability & withhold of numerous qualities, strengths, and diverse skills that contribute to my effectiveness in my daily tasks. My strong sense of suitability for this role is linked with several factors. Firstly, I consider myself a strong and independent leader. This quality would enable me to efficiently manage tasks, issue direct narratives, and navigate daily responsibilities without distractions. I aim to serve as a reliable point of contact for document reviews, general inquiries & questions, research-related assistance, and guidance etc. I see myself as a dependable team member who can foster creativity and easily collaborate with others, making me a valuable asset to the Department of Research. Along with that and my creative problem-solving abilities, I also focus on maintaining a consistent smooth work ethic. This commitment ensures that I remain available for questions and support, with the exception of unavoidable instances such as testing phases, IRL issues and so on. My independence and self-reliance further helps with my suitability for this Executive position, as I can efficiently complete tasks without disrupting the schedules of my colleagues, allowing them to focus on their own important responsibilities. I believe my sheer amount of skills, leadership qualities, creativity, dedication to a smooth workflow, and ability to work independently make me highly suitable for this role within the Department of Research. I am ready & willing to bring these strengths to the team and contribute to the department's continued success.

Q: How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
A: To begin with, I have written about 3 - 4 perfect documents, all of them which were sampling approval documents on SCP-682, SCP-008, SCP-106 and another which I can’t remember. Now, what I believe makes a document excellent is the excess of readability & painted perfection across the document, this means the attention to the smallest of details such as grammar, details and so on. I also think that what makes a document excellent is that it should follow the designated format for Research Documents, this means that it should follow the following rules:

  • It must be like the exemplar document found on the corkboard in the research wing, if not then it should be quite similar.
  • It must be a Foundation Research Study document, it can’t be anything else.
  • It must bring attention to topics that are related with what the goal of the document is (i.e a sampling document has to have a narrative to why they wanna sample said SCP).
  • It must be presented nicely, with a cover that has an image, title and a content index.
  • All pages must be presented correctly, no overused lines or words that would make it too sharpy or overly detailed.
  • It must be readable & not hurt your eyes when you turn the page! Make sure to not use headers for nothing but topic questions, titles, side titles and so on.
  • Finally, it must be written correctly, like an actual government document or work document. That means the grammar should have excess readability & lack big grammar errors that make words barely readable or just unreadable, it’s okay if there are errors here and there. OOC matters should also not interrupt the text, text should remain IC unless OOC is needed (if it is, just put it as a small text or on another page).
Q: What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?
A: The responsibilities of an Executive Researcher in roleplay are mainly to help & supervise other researchers to ensure their line of duty is respected & follows along the code of ethics, legal codex & so on. They enforce & commit to this by teaching new researchers how to write documents, how to perform tests or sample on SCPs, all the things that they should know about their clearance level and so on. They also supervise active tests, ensuring that those tests are ethical and fall under all the related guidelines properly and ensure to job-ban those who break the rules and or related guidelines. They also have the responsibility of managing and administrating documents from other researchers, this means grading or signing them, helping researchers with improving them and fixing errors here and there.. They can also go perform testing by themselves, they are able to test on anything and everything so long as it falls under all related guidelines and the code of ethics, however it’s more than recommended that they help other researchers with their testing instead of going to test on SCPs by their own.

Q: Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in.
A: The following is an overview of my character "Skinner Verdane" that looks moreover like an individual's medical analysis, however it does fit quite a lot of lore in so I hope this helps :)

Message (1)
From: site65administration@scip.net
To: Reader (You)
Item: [DOR-23092014_8185423]
[ 29/03/20██ ]
Subject: "Skinner Verdane"


S e c u r e . C o n t a i n . P r o t e c t .

Subject Analysis & Overview

Skinner Verdane, commonly referred to as Skinner, currently operates as a Senior Researcher & Biohazard (CBRN) Specialist within the Department of Research for Site-65. He has no official codename or aliases and his professional background is confined to two departments within Site-65. Initially, he worked in the General Security Department as an Officer before transitioning to his current role of a Senior Researcher, with the utmost goal of working towards becoming an Executive Researcher. Skinner Verdane is a male individual, standing at approximately 187 cm in height and weighing 122 kgs. He has brown hair, blue eyes, and wears specialized glasses to address an undisclosed vision impairment. His medical history is unremarkable, with no documented instances of drug usage, medications, or medical treatments and it should also be noted that most of his childhood was never recorded by any official being, he had no previous history or links that his parents had been involved in anything, which further reinforced the inability for past history about his childhood to be documented. Within Site-65, Skinner Verdane has a minor history of infractions recorded by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). Beyond the Foundation though, he possesses an undisclosed criminal record with no details available regarding its nature or the reason for his inclusion in the D-Class program. He was part of a convoy involving 22 Canadian inmates from the Toronto South Detention Centre (SVC). It was noted that the operation was a collaborative effort between the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Foundation's Department of External Affairs (DEA) unit. Originally intended for a different purpose, it was later repurposed to recruit additional D-Class personnel for research across various foundation related sectors such as biohazard research, SCP subject testing and so on.

Upon his arrival at Site-65, Skinner Verdane was assigned the designation number D-2849 and was granted residence in the D-Class Sector. He then went on to participate in a series of experiments involving Safe Class SCPs, primarily those deemed non-hazardous to human subjects. In addition to these documented tests, Skinner also engaged in various undisclosed and potentially hazardous assignments within the testing sector of the foundation (mostly inside of Light Containment). The specific nature of these tasks and experiments remains undisclosed to this day. It is noteworthy that Skinner successfully survived all these tests and assignments, earning recognition for his performance. As a result, he garnered attention as a potential candidate for a role within the Department of Research, demonstrating the necessary qualifications and suitability for further opportunities within the Foundation.
This marked the beginning of Skinner Verdane's journey within the Department of Research. Following his successful onboarding and a positive evaluation during an interview with AR-II clearance supervision, he commenced his duties. Initially, his responsibilities encompassed tasks such as documenting SCP subjects, researching various chemicals within his designated clearance level, and similar assignments. This routine persisted for several months as he diligently honed his skills.
Subsequently, Skinner's dedication and competence were acknowledged, leading to his nomination as a full Researcher, a distinction made possible through the endorsement of the Site Advisor. In this elevated role, he began to tackle more extensive SCP projects and research endeavors. While still maintaining his commitment to documentation and research, Skinner expanded his field of experimentation to include subjects classified under Clearance Level 2, such as SCP-087 and SCP-035, alongside other miscellaneous SCPs. He worked meticulously to partially document these entities and sample them to the best of his abilities.
After approximately a year, the Foundation's executives recognized Skinner Verdane's exceptional qualities and contributions to both research and the Foundation's mission. This recognition culminated in his promotion to the position of Senior Researcher. His achievements and accrued credit paved the way for his continued advancement within the Department of Research, as he aspired to ascend further towards the esteemed rank of Executive Researcher.

Should I (the writer) be granted the opportunity to advance to the esteemed position of Executive Researcher, I would actively engage in the following storylines and segments:

  • SCP-323’s Artifacts: Comprehensive examination of SCP-323 and its associated artifacts. The main goal would be to unveil the true nature and significance of this anomalous entity. The rigorous investigation would aim to determine whether there are any unique or exceptional aspects hidden within its enigmatic presence.
  • In-Depth Interviews with SCP-073: Detailed and extensive interviews with SCP-073, also known as "Cain" or just "God" These interviews would aim to unravel the mysteries surrounding Cain's origins, abilities, and experiences over the centuries, shedding light on what may just be God in an anomalous frame of time.
  • Interactions and interviews with SCP-049: A goal to study the consciousness of SCP-049 (as well as 049-2 instances), perform evaluations and in-depth interviews with SCP-049 to seek an understanding of its motivations, methods, and potential implications for containment advancements and research.
  • Advancements in SCP DNA Research and Cipher Cryptography: A big part to advancing research methodologies, pioneering the efforts in SCP DNA research. It would also be a storyline that would involve novel techniques in cipher cryptography to decode and interpret genetic anomalies within SCP entities, further deblocking the code of the genetic mystery behind SCP Samples and or blood (yes I am actually willing to do this).
  • Enhanced Containment Procedures: Contribution to the ongoing improvement of containment procedures for various Keter & Euclid Class SCPs.
Sep 13, 2022
Hello Skinner, I'll be giving you a +support for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, you are a really good researcher and I find you always making documents for topics that many wouldn't even consider to make any for. Maybe it's because you seem to be from the U.S.A server who do a lot of doc work but it's definitely a plus. Although I never actually see you doing that many tests and not all of the document was written about was actually initialized, could be on my side. When I do see you doing tests they're always good. Good application aswell. Other than that, I could definitely see you as an executive because of your recent activity.
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James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021


The following message is composed via consensus of Research Leadership.

Hello, Skinner Verdane

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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