[UK] Skinner's Security Chief Application

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from: Skinner G. Agera (skinner-agera@65.scp.fo)
to: Site Director Marcus Schmidt (marcus-schmidt@65.scp.fo)
cc: General Security Leadership (securityadmin@65.scp.fa)
Subject: Letter of Interest for Security Chief Vacancy
Opening received message..
OOC Segment, General Profile Info
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:560896223
Discord name: marcm__
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2,435,940 seconds, or 676 hours.
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Skinner 'Cipher' (Foundation), Martin 'Marauder' (Chaos Insurgency)
Civilian name: Greg Phillips
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
(should list all the roles I have had or currently am holding)
Main Questions & Lore Segment

Q: Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

A: Recently I have had no previous warnings in the past month, though a few days ago I did get banned from a misunderstanding, which was properly appealed and deal with with all involved parties. (https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/ban-appeal.21001/)

Q: Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

A: I am applying for the position of the Security Chief (or Chief of Security) to begin leading General Security with a bigger boot than what I had been walking along with for a bit now as Security Captain, I am wanting to apply because I feel that the responsabilities, requirements and achievements that you might be interested or required in to complete as Security Chief would be of my sole interest and belief to be a great dedication towards my time, effort, creativity and span of usable skills I uphold as a person, not just inside Garry's Mod, but also as a competent person working a job IRL. I feel as if these responsabilities are really advanced & fun for something that is still considered roleplay, and I feel like I would be the best of candidates to uphold such responsabilities and properly adhere to them, with the most amount of work and dedication given to them on each attempt. I also wish to apply for Security Chief because I believe I had been an outstanding Security Captain for some time now, and with my great relay and expense of good interactions with other General Security Captains, Officers, Foundation Staff and other members of Site-65 (also pinewood), I think I would be a recognisable, reputable & good standing Security Chief set in the right place at the right time to better the General Security Department as a whole which just motivates me even more to apply for Security Chief when I think of it.

Q: What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?

A: I believe that I possess the highest level of suitability for this position of Security Chief. While some aspects of my track record, mostly those of staff punishments, general security-related/internal affairs issues, or ethics matters, may not shine the brightest and could be deemed 'questionable' without proper context, I am confident in my suitability for the role of Security Chief based just on my extensive knowledge of the Code of Ethics, as well as general security policies, procedures, leadership and the traits I describe below to be part of me. To further continue on this fact, I am well-suited for this position due to my everday-demonstration of strong work ethic and passion for various projects such as documentation, duty extras, patrol, and promotion scouting for Officers to Captains or HeadHunter Members (HU). While these things may not be the primary factors that set me apart, I believe that they contribute to my potential as a great Security Chief, given the right mindset and time if I were to be selected. I am highly motivated and possess a drive for initiatives such as the implementation of new policies, rules, guidelines, or features within General Security if accepted, and even outside of this, I still maintain that drive and adhered work ethic for passion, creativity and dedication. Additionally, I have a track record of mentoring and tutoring fellow general security members, aiding them in reaching their optimal performance. I have conducted successful tryouts for licenses and played a special but great role in guiding individuals towards applying for positions like Security Captain or excelling achievements/performances their respective MTF regiments. I believe that these leadership qualities set me apart as a strong candidate for the role of Security Chief, showcasing my capacity to lead and positively influence others wishing to learn.

Q: What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?

A: The resposabilities of a Security Chief in RP are more than the ones out of RP, though they are different but very selective, I might aswell list them all below to further beneficiate the reader's understanding of these resposabilities.

Roleplay Resposabilities of a Security Chief

- Uphold & adhere to the management of General Security Leadership, This means that Security Chiefs should uphold the regular & daily tasks of managing fellow Security Captains for all and miscellaneous things like LOAs (Leave of Absences) punishments or disciplinary hearings/actions, work assignements in squadrons such as Fieldwork, Management or Headhunters, mentoring other Captains and so on. Security Chiefs are also expected to monitor their fellow Captains in the lines of Activity, Requirements, Professionalism & other criterias.
- Reviewing, mentoring and training upcoming or newly recruited Captains, this means you should be actively looking out to mentor or tutor upcoming Captains, whether it's between the Headhunters Squadron or just as general guidance. Security Chiefs are also meant to host interviews for newly accepted Captains, this also means reviewing their applications and making a final verdict on their future path in General Security.
- Uphold & adhere to the management of General Security as as a Department like a liaison & a resposability for yourself as a Chief, this means that a Security Chief should actively manage things like weekly Security Leadership Meetings, Cross-Department Relations between GSD & other departments of Site-65 (i.e Medical & GSD), Documents whether they would be External or Internal of all subjects, Cross-Regiment Relations with Mobile Task Forces like Omega-1 or Epsilon-11, Relations in-between Adminstrative Term Departments such as Site Command (O5), Site-Administration or Ethics. Managing, changing or voting on new/current department policies of General Security.
- Working along the Global Chain Of Command to provide the best of Service to other departments, aswell as the Second Security Chief to assist them in running General Security together.
- And most importantly, being a good public figure to everyone, including departments, factions & regiments. Security Chiefs are MEANT to be a role-model to everyone to better up-hold Cross-Department/Regiment Relations.

Q: Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in.

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> Hello and welcome to my personnal dossier, I do not have much, however I have a few things that may be of interest for this selective question. If anything, it should help with clearing up who I am really, and what I was designated for since the beginning of my recruitment within Site-65. I have attached it below as a .ZIP file.

Today I will be giving you +SUPPORT due to various reasons. First of all you are very active both internally and externally and you’ve shown to be a good leader. Your overall performance is nothing I can complain about and I’m sure you would make a good CoS. Although I do have to say that you should put your silliness to the side and know when you cross the line between funny and straight up annoying. If a serious conversation is being held you should know that it isn’t the time for memes, you have to get it together sometimes but apart from that I will give you the green light.
  • Cool
Reactions: Skinner
Aug 17, 2022

The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Skinner

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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