[UK] 'Slash' Site Director Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021
Steam IDSTEAM_0:0:41248711
Discord Nameチーフ#0001
For how long have you played on CG SCPSince November or December 2021, and overall about 7 weeks of playtime on the server. I stopped playing from mid February until August for issues in my personal life.
In what country are you locatedNorthern Ireland
Time zoneBST/GMT
Character Name(s)Site Advisor 'Slash'
Sr. Researcher Dr. Cheif
Ethics Assistant 'Slash'
'The Traitor'
Civilian Characters'Slash' or 'The Traitor'
What server are you applying forSCP-RP UK
Do you have a micYeah I do.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I had some warns from February and prior, but none since.
I haven't broken any rules in quite a long time.

Why are you applying for Site Director?

I believe that the current Site Director, James Lyndon Pennington, is an incredible talent that will be moving up to the O5 council at some point, and I hope to be able to join him and learn from him to become a Site Director, and eventually take over his place as the leading figure behind Site Administration.
The other reason that I am applying is because I am well aware of my capabilities as a Site Advisor, and my strengths when it comes to leading, communication, and documentation.

What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:

There are many qualities that I believe make me suitable for Site Director.
Firstly, my ability to lead. As I proved in my time during E-11, I was a very effective leader, able to quickly make decisions in crucial moments, and having enough knowledge and sense to be able to figure out the correct course of action in most situations.
On top of this, I am confident in my ability to delegate tasks to those who I believe can properly complete said tasks, which I believe is an important quality for a leader, as one person cannot do all of the work.

The next thing that makes me suitable for site director is my ability to communicate.
As I have proven through external comms and on-site, I am very capable of keeping on top of communication between departments, and I am more than capable of holding their attention when things are more chaotic, which is an important factor when it comes to Code 5's or Code 1's.

Another reason why I believe I am suitable for Site Director is my ability to teach.
Back when I was in E-11, I was one of the members of the Drill Sergeants, which were mainly focused on trainings, tryouts, and PT's. Because of this, and my previous experience with playing Garry's Mod, I know my audience and am capable of wording things and teaching in a way that suits most people I will come across. I am very adaptable in this sense.
It is important to be able to teach as a Site Director as you will be bringing new Site Advisors to your team, and as such, need to teach them to be able to work to the level I would expect from them.

Finally, the last reason why I believe I am suitable for E-11 is my documentation.
As proven from the reports that I have submitted for Site Advisor, and my time that I spent mainly playing Ethics Committee Assistant, you will see my speed and detail in documents is very impressive.

With all of these factors combined, I would like to think I would be an incredible Site Director, and I am more than willing to put in as much effort as possible to maintain the quality of the current team, now and in the future.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Site Administration has several responsibilities.
First, the responsibilities to Site Activities -
1. Keeping on top of current Code situations, and ensuring the correct response is taken in regards to the emergency.
2. Ensuring that the situation can be kept under control, for example, authorizing advanced armoury for Code 5's when necessary.
The next responsibility is Site Communication
1. Ensuring that any relevant reports and claims are escalated to the appropriate Site Command members, such as departmental problems that require CL5 interference.
2. Ensuring that the chain of command is followed correctly.
Finally, the last responsibilities of Site Administration is Department Oversight.
Each SA member is given one department to review each week, and must conduct interviews and supervise trainings/activities to provide an accurate and unbiased review of how the department is functioning. You must be aware of how the departments work, and have ideas of how the department looks when it is running well. This is something you can only gain through experience.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Day in, day out, nothing but complaint after complaint. Mystery after mystery. Emergency after emergency.
I'm getting pretty good at this, if I do say so myself. My reports are full of detail, and I put in a lot of back-work into interviewing people.
You know, last week alone, I have had to sign so many contracts that I accidentally signed an order submission for "Rubber Bouncy Balls". 20,000 of them. Unbelievable.

Recently though, there's been a lot of chatter in the halls. That they're looking for someone to become the next Site Director. I've always thought the pay rise looked nice, and the fancy new office.

<Site Command - Site Administration. Open secure communications? **Y/N**>
Site_Administration_65_UserID_4 > Y
<Connection opened. Secure Terminal ID: 42319142>
< Site_Command_65 > : "Update."
< Site_Administration_65 > : "Report submitted. SCiPNet\Site_Reviews\⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛"
< Site_Command_65 > : "Begin working through the next batch. Site responsibilities increased."
< Site_Command_65 > : "We expect similar results in your new position, Director."
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John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
-Slash is one of the most Active Site Advisors. He does a lot for Site Administration and is professional and knows his stuff well. I believe he would make a great Site Director. I only had good interactions with him.
-Well written application


Well-known Member
Sep 9, 2022
I think it’s only fair that 'Slash' gets site director, he is more than capable to not only handle it, but also, go above and beyond on everyone’s expectations. Also, he said that I was going to get demoted to D-Class when he was mad at Nu-7 so thats a +support.


Active member
Aug 11, 2022
+ Support
Clearly knows what hes doing
Friendly and Approachable
The most active site advisor and does an amazing job at it
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+ Support

Although I have not had the chance to work with Slash for long or only a couple weeks for that matter I have quickly seen the potential and work ethic that Slash does have.
There in my opinion is no one better on the site to take upon the role of Site Director than slash [other than past Director's of course], Slash is extremely competent and always on site ready to tackle anything needed.
I personally feel Slash is ready to take upon the new role and give it a good go in order to fill the boots of our recent Director's such as Yeke and James Pennington.

All the best with your application!
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Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021

Folks, I'm absolutely blown away at all the support that this has gotten, and I'm very glad you all see me as worthy for this role and worthy of your respect.
I didn't expect this much love, but trust me, I am very appreciative of it.
Love you all to the moon and back.
- Slash

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .
Hello, @Cheif420. This application has been placed on HOLD due to the fact you are on a Leave Of Absence.

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The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .
Hello, @Cheif420. The decision has been made to elevate your application to the next stage of the process. It is now confirmed that this application will be ACCEPTED. To move to the next stage please contact @Nukegoboom at your earliest convenience. Secure. Contain. Protect.

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