[UK] Steven Connor Advisor Application

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Jun 3, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:444221713

Discord name: ionboy64#2553

For how long have you played on CG SCP: ≈78 days (based on 1 year achievement)

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Scotland

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Steven Connor Tzu, Steven Connor, Deating Daniel, Andrew Mackenzie

Civilian name: Simon Hemlock

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCPRP UK

Do you have a mic?:
Yes I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu7 COM, O-1 LTCOM, IA Ambassador, Ethics Committee Assistant, CI-D, GOC LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
The reason I’m applying for Site Advisor is that my main jobs on the server have all been combat oriented other than Ethics Committee Assistant. After having played ECA a lot and enjoying the time and roleplay I’ve experienced I’d like to advance this RP through the media of Site Advisor, I feel that ECA is very guided roleplay whereas Site Administration is more fluid roleplay overall.

Additionally Site Administration offers a position for players to have a more direct interaction with other departments and aid them in bettering themselves through overseeing them and writing monthly reviews, I believe that the roleplay surrounding interviews and the very fundamental setting of Site Administration is one of the most interesting and well developed non combative jobs on the server.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe I'm a suitable candidate for Site Administration because I'm on the server very often as an Ethics Assistant, the majority of my time is spent on Ethics Assistant which means I have experience with dealing with different departments, different kinds of people and different scenarios which surrounds them. Playing mainly Ethics Assistant means that I spend time as a sort of mini Site Admin, I believe this will allow for a better integration into Site Administration should I be accepted.

I also believe I'm suitable because I am competent in document creating and my writing skills overall, as an ECA I worked with Site Administration to input a guideline for the security of Site Administration, this paired with my time as Nu7 Commander makes me believe I would be able to help departments implement policy changes or document revamps if required. Having been Nu7 Commander I have an understanding of the server combative side and how to organise people to most optimally deal with a situation which may arise be it hostiles groups or SCP breaches.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration are a fundamental piece in the machine of Site-65, their duties are some of the most important due to their standpoint in the Chain of Command. Site Administration are the second highest authority only to Site Command because of this they have many responsibilities:

- Leading and keeping the site in order; Site Administration ensure staff are conducting their duties to the highest degree and following all policies not just in their department but in line with the Foundation Legal Codex, Chain of Command and emergency procedures.

- Conduct with GOI's; Site Administration in line with Department of External Affairs are tasked with creating agreements with groups of interests (i.e Marshall Carter and Dark), meeting with groups of interests for treaties and creating more experiences for passive tasks between groups (i.e medical/research agreement with GOC)

- Approving equipment; In the event of a mass breach Site Administration should be approving Advanced Armory for MTF's to ensure they can keep the upper hand on the SCP's leading to an easier containment

- Department Reviews; Site Administration are assigned to departments across the site and conduct reviews monthly to summarise a departments health, policies and conduct throughout the month with the express goal of highlighting issues to allow for better development by the department leaders

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Well, you did tell me to come get the file if I decided to apply. So can I get that folder now?"- Steven

*a suited man would hand him an A4 sized folder, beige in colour with a sticker on it reading 'Steven Connor'*

The first few pages of the file is a brief history of the personnel the file is created for, as you turn to page 4 and 5 of the file you see a Recruitment Record#75383 and an amendment to the file. The amendment reads as follows:

Record amendment #75383-B Ethics Committee Assistant

*The room is quiet, the only noise heard being the whirring of the recorder on the table*

This is Agent █████ ███████ from The Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration. I'm here today with Ethics Committee Assistant Steven Connor in order to update his recruitment record within this fine organisation, this interview will be attached to his initial recruitment under Internal Affairs until further notice.

█████ ███████: Mr Connor, I’m glad you could join me for this interview.

Steven: Well, it’s not everyday you get asked to talk like this.

█████ ███████: Well, the reason I’ve called you here is to amend your recruitment record to ensure your documentation is kept up to date. We don’t want you to get into a situation now, do we?

Steven: Not at all, always better to keep up to date with things like this to avoid anything. Theoretical or not.

█████ ███████: I’m glad you see this the way I do, let me just say that you have definitely come far since your recruitment into Internal Affairs. How would you say you’re settling in?

Steven: I’d certainly say that Site-65 is something, as an assistant I see a lot of interesting situations and meet some interesting people.

█████ ███████: Lovely to hear, what kind of things have you done since you got your position?

Steven: Well my main focus has been aiding the committee where possible, as vague as that sounds as an assistant.

█████ ███████: Well, what position do you have your eyes set on?

Steven: I’d love to go for Site Administration, having the experience as an assistant to the committee is something but I want to expand my horizons, help in other departments where I can. Just be there for others, y’know?

█████ ███████: Well, you’ll be happy to hear there’s open positions within your allocated Site’s administration.

Steven: I heard, I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to apply or not.

█████ ███████: if you do, this interview will be attached along with your previous records, so please try not to do anything dumb.

Steven: Dumb? I would never do anything like that sir.

█████ ███████: Good to hear. If you do end up applying, contact your local RAISA representative, we’ll add this interview to any required paperwork before it gets processed.

Steven: so, was this just for basic ‘how do you do’?

█████ ███████: It was more us seeing how you’re applying yourself. Your behaviours and reports have all been fixed.

Steven: I see, so is that it?

█████ ███████: You’re free to leave, yes.

*The door to the interview room opens and Steven is escorted down the hallway by 2 members of Omega-1*

█████ ███████: Best of luck Mr Connor.

*The whirring of the voice recorder stops and the room once again falls silent*
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-Senior CL4
-Great RP
-Detailed application
-Knows SA duties
-Makes me do my job

Even as an ECA, Steven constantly makes sure other departments and MTF units are carrying out their duties properly. Never had a single bad interaction always great RP from him. He’s held multiple senior and junior CL4 positions making him already fit for SA experience wise.

Overall I think Steven is one of the if not the most suitable people for SA at the moment he already holds most the qualities of a good Site Advisor and carries out their duties as an ECA regularly, although he is scottish..

Good luck!
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Connor has been one of the best people i met and talk to on the server, he is seriously dedicated, professional, he is talented at his craft and RP, Whatever he does, is done with perfection and precision, he has held numerous respectable positions, even NU7 Commander.

I Cant think of anyone more suited than him, God bless.
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