[UK] Taylor "Stopheart" Vista - ECA Application

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Feb 4, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65213148
Discord name: Ei#4215
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 300 hours
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Taylor "Stopheart" Vista
Civilian name: Taylor
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding - Nu-7 Captain/DEA Sr. Agent/Exec. Researcher/UNGOC CPL

Held - CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

The reasons I believe that I am one of the best, if not the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant is truthfully, rather simple.

The first reason is as such, I am very active. While this is most certainly not one of the most crucial points, it is still one that is high on the list. After all, no one wants an ECA who barely plays the role, and I, without a doubt, will not be that type of ECA.

Secondly, experience. And this isn't any old experience, but a large amount of experience in both combat, and non-combat roles. Both focused on in-game RP, and out-of-game documentation. What type, I'm sure you're asking? Well, let's break it down further. I'm an Nu-7 CPT, one of the most senior COs of Nu-7, one who has assisted Nu-7 in recruitment, training, vetting, punishment, documents and duties completion. This means I know how to lead, when to punish, and who to promote. All things that are needed for an ECA, after all, I regularly rely on the FLC for my duties, and ensure that all Nu-7 follow it to the letter, and any rule breaks are punished with instant PT, and with a report to IA the moment that is completed.

Moving on from my Nu-7 CPT role, we also have my vast experience as an Exec. Researcher, where I both founded and still lead O.C.C.B.R, the largest sub-branch ever made, with documents that mount up to a total of over 10K words. This further proves my ability to manage, and extensively document my doings, and the doings of those beneath me. And while on the topic of Exec. Researcher, this experience has also caused me to become very familiar with the FLC regarding testing methods, and the different procedures that must be done during each individual test.

So with all my experience listed, we move on to my final reason why I should be ECA... creativity! This is an odd point, but allow me to explain. I am an author, I have been GMs on servers before, and have a large amount of experience with both setting up and leading RP situations. And as ECA, I would continue this trend, ensuring that both FLC is upheld and that RP is expanding on and improved upon by my hand, or at the least, with the assistance of my hand. After all, this is an RP server, and it needs players like me to help others see that!

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

An Ethics Committee Assistant's responsibility is to ensure the foundation as a whole is adhering to the FLC, that ethics are held to the highest standards, and that all know that our duty as Foundation members is not just to chase answers, but to ask, "Is this question worth asking?"

Naturally, I will cut out the filler speech, and list the responsibilities more plainly, and they are as follows!

The obvious - Make sure all Foundation personnel are following the FLC.
The even more obvious - Assist the Ethics Committee, follow their orders, and complete the tasks they set to the highest standards
The less obvious - Acting as the eyes and ears of the Ethics Committee by reporting on O-1 and CL4 members' actions while they're absent.
The kindest one - Help Junior Foundation Personnel in understanding the FLC, and thus ensure they do not break it due to ignorance.
The sneaky one - Watching over lesser Tribunals (If licensed), and handling the smaller cases past down by ECM.
The strong arm - Giving guidance to O-1 when the Ethics Committee is unable to.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I'd always been a thinker.

Sat towards the back of the classroom, my mind elsewhere in thought. At the same time, the teacher rattles on about their mandated lectures, each word spoken, carefully chosen beforehand to avoid a slip-up. Too afraid to stray from the curriculum, to say something that might be deemed too "inappropriate" for a class of 6th graders.

But I was always a smart girl, I know that's a rather... arrogant thing to say. But I prefer the word "confident", especially as I only speak the truth.

"Helvia!" The teacher would cry, and she would shout my name like nails on a chalkboard, annoyed that my mind wandered away to more interesting places. Perhaps I just read too much in my youth, too many books equal too many experiences, and that push my maturity up a little too high; made me stand out too much among my peers.

But that was a long time ago, I no longer sit in the back of classrooms, worried my teacher will bore me with another question. Now I lead them, teach science to students, young adults just out of high school. I'll be honest, I never expected to be a university teacher once I finished my own university degree, but here I am- Sorry, there I was. At the front of a lecture hall, my hand dancing between equations scribbled on a board.

Life didn't really change much after that, I suppose it was luck that caused my career to be noticed by the Foundation. Maybe, I never did anything too interesting, but perhaps they never cared. It could have been my attitude, I was always described as a little... cold. Detached? Slow to anger? Phases often used with my name ending them, like a full stop. They could have just needed a teacher? Can't say for sure, but whatever they saw in me... worked out?

I don't wish to toot my own horn, so to say. But I was good at my job, like a fish in water I took to my position as a Jr. Researcher instantly, getting to work devouring information, researching and reading up on every SCP I had the clearance for; a whole new world had just opened up, and I was eager to fall into it.

So with all that, it's not surprising that I climbed up the ranks in near record time. It wasn't long before the student had become the teacher... once again... and I was back to watching over people whose positions I stood in. Ensuring that the newest batch of Jr. Researchers was trained just as well as I was. The Foundation needed a teacher, and that's exactly what I was, both now and before.

The promotion to Exec, once again, did not take me by surprise. I had proved myself greatly, and my record had no marks against me. I will admit, I was not the most active researcher, nor was I entrusted with the most important of research. But my skills at teaching were what placed the spotlight on me. Having an Executive whose background lies in teaching is, apparently, a massive boon to the Foundation. I not only trained newbies, but raised them to a higher standard than before. I was good at my job, and I even came to love it.

And now we reach today; perhaps the first time I have been surprised. Oh, I'm experienced with the Ethics Committee, and I understand the FLC more than most... but I never expected the opportunity to become an Ethics Committee Assistant to come around. It felt so far away from what I was used to, so different from research, from teaching... but someone thought I could do it. So I suppose...

It wouldn't hurt to take a leap into the unknown, I've done it once, but I doubt twice will make a difference.

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Reactions: McFlurry and "Aki"
Mar 3, 2023
I will be giving you +support for the following reasons
-Great Nu-7 CO
-Great interactions
-Knows the role

I think you would be a great fit for the role of Ethics Committee Assistant

I wish you best of luck on your verdict,

Executive Researcher (Holding)
096 Whitelist
Both agents

Nu-7 SPEC, E-11 PVT (Held)
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Reactions: Tay


Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
ECM shite.png

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- 'Taylor' for Ethics Committee Assistant

Good Afternoon Vista,
Thank you for showing your interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are suited to assume the position of Ethics Committee Assistant. You may contact myself to organize a formal interview.

- Ethics Member Phoenix
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