Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:634694900
Discord name: toastey
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 800 hours to date.
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Canada.
Time zone: EDT
Character name(s): Toaste 'Puppy' W.; Kylmä 'Koira' P.K.; 'Anathema'; Kylmä Puronkukka
Civilian name: Kitty 'Kibby' W.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 SPC, MTF Nu-7 SGT, UNGOC SPC [0638], Executive Researcher, CI-B [TEU-LCPL], CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2x expired RDM from when I was new to both GMod and the server (~50 hours on steam), 1x old FailRP/NITRP ban for some unfortunate late night shenanigans involving 008 that I self-reported, 1x expired FailRP warning, 1x expired FearRP warning
Discord name: toastey
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 800 hours to date.
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Canada.
Time zone: EDT
Character name(s): Toaste 'Puppy' W.; Kylmä 'Koira' P.K.; 'Anathema'; Kylmä Puronkukka
Civilian name: Kitty 'Kibby' W.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 SPC, MTF Nu-7 SGT, UNGOC SPC [0638], Executive Researcher, CI-B [TEU-LCPL], CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2x expired RDM from when I was new to both GMod and the server (~50 hours on steam), 1x old FailRP/NITRP ban for some unfortunate late night shenanigans involving 008 that I self-reported, 1x expired FailRP warning, 1x expired FearRP warning
Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I believe my strong ethic and drive for research would contribute greatly to the department overall and my good rapport with both fellow execs, the current DoR (that I would be working alongside with), and even lower ranking personnel from seniors to juniors shows my skills in regards to leadership. I was grateful for the opportunity to go from a Researcher to an Executive and feel that this is the natural next step in my tenure. I believe I possess some of the right qualities to currently lead this department and I hope to balance it out and help oversee the current exec team, current projects, and other matters; and I hope that I can properly recognize the effort of executives and the likes as a senior CL4. I'm applying because this is the path of natural progression. The research department is in need of leadership in both executives and directorship, and I hope I can provide that alongside the current director. Eidolon is very capable and has already done wonders during the short time he has been a director, and I hope that I can also aid in this.
Alongside what was said previously, I think it would benefit to provide what I plan for the department, updated!
- Overhaul of the document grading and reward system:
I think what Eidolon is currently doing is taking great strides towards improving the state of roleplay and at the moment, after seeing Engallagher's changes settle, I believe that the grading system is working and in very good order. The only notable complaint at the moment would be the compensation system; however I do believe this is already receiving as much attention as is needed.
- New methods and incentivization of engagement:
The research department is a lot of effort. In a more combat oriented environment, it can be hard to effectively roleplay with either back to-back breaches or consistent code 1's. Offering additional rewards other than via extensive documents (that simply aren't practicable for some people), making chemicals for the research department should be incentivized and rewarded to expand the scope of what you can do as a researcher. There are also other ways to provide further engagement, such as more effective networking and collaboration with other departments. Most cross-department collaborations that I've seen as an exec have been between executives and consultants, or executives and CL4 MTF, with the exception of E-11. I would much like to see to it that there are more points of contact and support for lower clearances working together, and even executives handing projects to CL3 and CL2 researchers as a way for them to perform duties and show themselves, while also providing roleplay for more than just the research department. I currently believe what DoR Eidolon is doing is taking great lengths to make this happen, and I would be very excited to aid in this. I have no doubt that together we would be able to have the department run cohesively, in an organized manner, and uphold the roleplay to a very high standard.
- Rework and clarification of the Research Policies:
It is well known the current state of the policies conflict with other documents (Such as the FLC) and the language used is oftentimes unclear and serves less clarification that if there were no rule in the policies. I wish to clarify each rule in the research policies and ensure that it is clear what each is intended to forbid and allow. Additionally, I want to work with the department of internal affairs to ensure that all operatives are aware of these policies and what can and cannot be done as a researcher, as there are oftentimes misunderstandings due to the current state of the research policies. Things such as greater definitions for certain policies and fixing language & grammar mistakes, and seeing which policies need to be added or removed. Currently, Eidolon is in the process of reworking and condensing the policies, and is even moving them to an in-game document, and I believe that this is the correct step - this will give less external documents, provide better and more cohesive roleplay, and overall provide a better experience for those coming to the research department.
- 'Trust system' - borrowed from medical:
As can be seen in the medical department, a system of 'trusted' and 'untrusted' personnel can be useful to help reduce incidents and accidents, and I think this would expediate certain processes within the research department. Things such as not requiring a signature for specific tests for a trusted researcher and harsher restrictions being placed on researchers who often misbehave could prove useful in recovering the reputation of the research department and ensuring healthier roleplay, and more roleplay overall. I think certain modifications would be necessary, though. Sr. Researchers who only perform sampling are useful - they contribute to the economy of the server and sampling tests are still a form of roleplay. We do, however, wish to limit the bad faith that can occasionally come with this and the current system (requiring a document for all sampling) is a step in the right direction. I would, however, enjoy seeing it that more trusted researchers perhaps don't require all these signatures and documents, but I'm unsure of the practicability of this.
What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I believe that in recent times I have, out of all of the executives, contributed extensively towards the current department. On the roster not only have I set a new record for activity in one week (69+) but I have also graded a significant quantity of documents to perfect accuracy. I have also completed multiple significant tests, one, which as far as I know, set a record for the highest amount of samples ever collected from any given sampling, that was completely above-board. I've made significant progress in writing documents and find great joy in exercising my creative writing skills and slowly easing myself out of the 6-month writing burnout. I contributed significantly to the research subdepartment of pataphysics and even despite my current short tenure I have received three additional excellent documents and two exemplary documents. I additionally believe that I have upheld the wishes of the current DoR in attempting to recover the reputation of RSD after the previous DoR's neglect and also find myself able to handle the criticisms and conflicts that can arise when dealing with misbehaving researchers and the department as a whole. I have found my decisions to punish personnel upheld by both staff and the DoR multiple times, and believe my behavior reflects my strict punishment policies - I expect to be treated the same if I behave as those I punish. I think I could foster a healthy research environment with the current DoR Engallagher K. Ludenberg and hope that I can contribute in a much more involved way to active and future projects, and I additionally wish to form a closer relationship with Site Command, as is naturally the next step of progression from my current position as Jr.CL4. I heavily enjoy involving other departments in research and duly hope this sentiment is shared by O5 and any others overseeing this application; I wish to oversee further involvement of at the very least both medical and GSD in the research department and hope that a position as DoR would greatly aid in this.
I believe I am fully matured into my role in a Jr.CL4 position and believe I would thoroughly enjoy this opportunity to advance, as I'm sure there will not be another for some time. I am involved in a numerous amount of projects and create roleplay for others on a daily basis. I am involved in both aspects of SC and keep a high contact basis with them, both for storylines and for ease of communication and function. I think many people around me would find my behavior has changed for the better and I duly hope that I could be given a chance to flourish. My documents oftentimes speak for themselves and I am very happy with the way that my projects have went; I'm always taking on and creating more, involving as many people as applicable. I've taught many people how to research and enjoy meeting new researchers who show a similar passion to me in the research department, and I would enjoy making it easier for others to develop that passion with what I plan.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
The primary responsibilities of a DoR are as follows:
- Leadership & Management:
- A DoR has to know how to lead. They have to lead both Executives and lower ranking personnel in both the department and in roleplay. RSD is an incredibly RP-heavy department and DoRs must know how to foster that kind of environment. They must also know how to manage the people that lead, and manage both OOC things (Roster, whitelists, departmental changes, job-bans etc.) and in-character things (Projects, proposals, subdepartments). They must be a good mentor and they must know how to organize their staff.
- Creating new RP & fostering old RP:
- The DoR, as the highest-ranking research personnel, is expected to create and foster both new & old research projects to a high standard. It takes great creativity and work ethic to both reach and stay as DoR, and in order to properly act as Director, you must contribute and create research.
- Beaurocracy & Collaboration:
- As Sr.CL4, you are expected to maintain close collaboration with both other departmental leaders and SC & SA. This is to both ensure a positive environment and more especially to ensure that you fulfil sitewide goals, can maintain and create collaboration between departments, and fulfil your requirements as DoR. It is additionally important to maintain these relationships as it sets a precedent for the entire department - you are expected to 'behave' as DoR, and good rapport with both higher-ups and other departmental leaders is important to efficiently perform your duties.
- Administration & Cooperation:
- As DoR, you should not only be able to perform all the duties of an executive, but you should also be able to manage these executives. As executives are CL4 and whitelisted, they will need a leader much more than a senior researcher would. The DoR is expected to lead and guide these people, providing feedback and punishments where necessary, and managing the department as a whole (see management). They will also be expected to lead in other ways, also, through leading projects and leading the cooperation with other departments, they can invite roleplay that would otherwise not be possible. It is first and foremost the DoR's job to create roleplay, and this should always be the first priority.
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Personnel File - Toaste 'Pubby' W.
Toaste ‘Puppy’ W. Personnel File CLEARANCE 4 ACCESS ONLY Index: Cover 1 Index 2 Basic Information 3 Medical history 4 Career history 5 Prior events 6-8 Basic information Name: Toaste ‘Puppy’ Woofleson Sex: M Age: 25...
There some hyperlinks within that document that contain supplementary information; relevant or irrelevant. I am currently as an executive involved in several storylines primarily with SC; I try to involve people in these as much as I can and I revel in seeing both aspects of SC duel it out. I would be excited as a Sr. CL4 to continue this with a new wealth of knowledge and opportunities available to me.
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