[UK] Toaste W.'s Site Administration Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:634694900
Discord name: toastey
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 700 hours to date.
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST/EDT
Character name(s): Toaste 'Pup' W. (F); Kylmä 'Koira' P.K. (CI); 'Anathema' (GOC)
Civilian name: Kitty 'Kibby' W.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 SPC, MTF Nu-7 SGT, UNGOC SPC [0638], Executive Researcher, CI-B [TEU-LCPL]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2x expired RDM from when I was new to both GMod and the server (~50 hours on steam), 1x old FailRP/NITRP ban for some unfortunate late night shenanigans involving 008 that I self-reported, 1x expired FailRP warning, 1x FearRP warning

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

Ignoring the usual personal wants to proceed, I also wish to see certain changes happen. As an executive, I'm very knowledgeable on the research department and what current flaws and struggles it has in regards to the Site Administration aspects. I wish to have the chance to change and influence this in a positive way that I as an executive currently don't have. I've got many plans for what I would wish to do should I be given the role, and I believe that given my experience in the department, and good relations with all of the research command, I'd be able to contribute meaningfully and positively towards the current flaws that exist, and work towards a research department that functions both more and better than it currently does.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I have experience in the department which I would like to oversee, and I think that I bear good knowledge of each department's policies, as well as the FLC. My documents are always enjoyed by Site Admin from the feedback I've received and I would happily transfer those skills and have plans to create several documents that would further the state of roleplay and the research department. I've made multiple cross-department contracts between research and other departments as an executive and I think that I keep good relations with other departments; I always do my best to include everyone applicable in my testing, especially departments that I feel rarely get a chance to do or interact with RSD. I have some mild administrative experience just from my duties as an executive and I wish to foster this as a member of Site Admin. I currently have plans to rework the state of multiple present systems within RSD that are either poorly designed, under-utilized, or underdeveloped, and I think that as Site Admin, and with the skills and knowledge I have regarding both the department itself and with people, true change can be made.

I'm always seeking to improve and excel, and I think this is one of the possible right next steps. I have conducted my work to an extremely high standard as an executive, my documents are crafted to a high standard, and I bear a good understanding of the responsibilities of a Site Advisor. I think that I mesh and gel well with most people, and hope that I may prove this further.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
  • Policies:
    • While the FLC is beyond the scope of SA's abilities, Site Administration is a good point of contact to offer input and thoughts to Site Command for possible changes. They are additionally response for both jurisdictional policy, the division policy, and the evacuation procedures, and also may create new procedures and policies when necessary. They also have good oversight of departmental policies.

  • Overseeing departments:
    • Site administration is responsible for overseeing, reviewing, and supporting near every department and MTF on site, with the exception of Site Command and ISD/AO. They ensure that each and every department is functioning as it should, and recommend changes where needed, or provide input more directly under Site Command purview;
      Site Administration is responsible for holding meetings with each and every department they oversee, being an available point of contact and a place to report problems or concerns;
    • Site Administration is also responsible for stepping in when simple monitoring and advice does not work. If departments are failing in some major way, Site Administration is responsible for stepping in and making the correct changes under cooperation with MTF COs or departmental leaders, or removing the leadership if the circumstances warrant it.

  • Tribunals & The FLC:
    • The EC has granted the power of tribunals to Site Admin, and with this, they may act as judges, jury, and etc., in conjunction with SC. They enforce the FLC when appropriate and are the most often candidate aside the ethics committee for presiding tribunals as judges.

  • Departmental Leader Applications:
    • One responsibility of site administration is to appoint the leaders of departments which site administration is responsible for doing so. While the appointment itself is the sole decision of the Site Director, all of site administration provides feedback and thoughts on each candidate.
    • Site Administration, especially the Site Director, manage applications for DoEA and DoM.

  • Interaction with GoIs/other factions:
    • Site administration is often the main point of contact for GoIs such as the UNGOC for getting documents signed and things approved. While DEA and SC also manage this to a great extent, Site Admin is also responsible for maintaining relationships with GoIs.
    • Site administration is also responsible for denying/authorizing GoI access to the site, most often, and they also authorize and/or deny many tests.

  • General day-to-day work and overseeing the site status and function:
    • Site administration is often responsible for managing the current codes of the site and authorizing lockdowns of certain areas of the site;
    • Guiding departments in the short-term and long-term, providing feedback, and as stated previously, acting as a point of contact. They deal with day-to-day incidents and provide good judgement on any given situation;
    • Authorizing things such as Advanced Armory during breaches;
    • Additionally, Site Administration must provide authorization for other things. Several tests within the research department may be approved by site administration, be it cross-tests, the use of equipment during tests, or overruling a DoR's choice should the circumstance be mandated. Site administration also authorizes alterations to departmental policies to applicable departments and MTF.

  • Departmental changes, maintaining & Implementation:
    • Site administration oversee departments, and as such, are responsible for numerous documents. They must maintain all of these documents and ensure policies are updated as needed, and perform general administrative work over all applicable departments and MTF.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Toaste W.'s Personnel File

Things I plan to get up to:

- Working with the current DoRs to oversee areas of improvement and providing insight;

- Providing suggestions to the current DoRs regarding the rework of the current state of the document grading system; as a mutual executive has said, the current system doesn't work very well. It drains executives and the DoR dry of funds, and there is no basis or general consensus on what is 'good' vs. 'excellent' vs. 'exemplary'; changes have been made, but I believe there is more to be desired;

- Suggesting new methods of incentivization and engagement;

- Rework and clarification of policies; with the help of the current DoRs, I wish to see some of the murky/redundant policies clarified or changed, and missing ones added;

- Encouraging the creation of, or creating cleaner handbooks and policy documents, and ensuring that each and every department and regiment has high standard documentation;
- Implementation of new systems to aid the research department.
Apr 13, 2024


While i know you toaste and that you are very active which is good there is currently an investigation open that involves you and you often do take sides which is not an great but can be fixed.

Hope to see your next application
Nov 7, 2022
- Support

- Haven't seen any quality RP from you.
- I have seen you minge, and not produce any quality work as a Exec.
- Inactive on E-11 and have a strike for inactivity.
- You were just denied from ECA yesterday, I would believe if you aren't accepted for ECA you also won't be accepted for SA.
- I believe you may have tried to rephrase the responsibilities from Zen's recent application for Site Advisor, which isn't such a bad thing but I would believe you may have wanted to know these before, unless it's a coincidence.

I think trying to put in more work as an Exec. might be helpful, or perhaps trying once again for ECA because if you can't produce a certain standard you can't progress... unfortunately. Of course with everyone, they have potential, right? I think you should take some more time to show more potential before trying to take on a role like this, as you will be held to a higher standard, and if you can't show it now people will have doubts if you can do so as SA.
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- Support

- Haven't seen any quality RP from you.
- I have seen you minge, and not produce any quality work as a Exec.
- Inactive on E-11 and have a strike for inactivity.
- You were just denied from ECA yesterday, I would believe if you aren't accepted for ECA you also won't be accepted for SA.
- I believe you may have tried to rephrase the responsibilities from Zen's recent application for Site Advisor, which isn't such a bad thing but I would believe you may have wanted to know these before, unless it's a coincidence.

I think trying to put in more work as an Exec. might be helpful, or perhaps trying once again for ECA because if you can't produce a certain standard you can't progress... unfortunately. Of course with everyone, they have potential, right? I think you should take some more time to show more potential before trying to take on a role like this, as you will be held to a higher standard, and if you can't show it now people will have doubts if you can do so as SA.

I'm saddened that you haven't seen any of my projects! If you'd ever like to see any of my documents, you're more than free to and I'd be happy to hand them to you in-game. I've done many largescale tests and major projects, including large crosstests and one is planned for tomorrow. As for attempting to rephrase Zen's SA Application, I would err more on that being a coincidence, as we were both very thorough in our defining of the duties; I have read his application though and it may be subconscious bias. I like to think that my work as an executive is high quality and I'd be open to changing your mind. I do appreciate the other feedback and as always, I have constantly been working to improve. I have significantly cut down on the silliness and believe I have utterly ceased at this point, but I am aware that the consequences of my former actions must be disproven by the rewards of my current efforts. Thanks!


Active member
Dec 16, 2023
Regarding the miss behaviour that others may point out, I am not currently aware of anything so I may not judge based on it. What I can judge however is from all the interactions I’ve had with you.
You’re one of the most dedicated players regarding projects and you truly do put a lot of effort into role playing and your work.
Personally I can only speak good things regarding our interactions as you’ve always remained quite professional and always very respectful. I believe that if you hold up that standard for this role I could easily see you playing as Site Administration, well you do have the experience and worked already quite a lot within the Site.
I can only vouch for your application and hope it gets sincerely approved. Only now did I bump into the application but glad I did!

The reason for my - support is due to the fact that your plan for site administration when you receive the role is to work and improve the research department and the effectiveness of directors of research. However, currently there are no issues in the department at all. Nearly every point that you had in your plan has already been placed in effect and as already been made in improvement. If you had any issues you should have took it up with the department directors yourself. And not use these points as a plan for your site administration role.

Another Point is the fact that you added an extra section in our application to disregard the efforts of the research department. Which also breaches rule 5 when conducting applications in the fact that you were only supposed to answer the questions for the application itself and not to add any more sections. Unless they were for lore of your character.

I have discussed my opinion of you with other relevant parties but I will share it here so that you have actionable feedback to work on.

I personally believe that you are quite a good roleplayer and that you have certainly done good for the Research Department with some of the tests you have signed off on; I've seen in comms that you've done some frequent and high-caliber crosstests that have gotten ISD, SC and others involved. This is a good sign of your capabilities.

At the same time however, the actual qualities that make a Site Admin member are lacking. I also find that you have quite a lot of potential for immature behaviour, sometimes bordering on mingey. You've been banned from 008 testing recently for incidents that have been caused, have gotten in trouble within your own department for other tests that you have performed and I have firsthand seen you doing some silly actions around the Site when I have been playing IA as Agent and Ambassador, meaning it's a behaviour that has persisted a bit over time.

You need to rectify these problems before going for SA, because whilst you clearly have the capabilities and skills on the RP side that make a good member of senior CL4, at the same time, the qualities themselves that you have are lacking and I suspect will lead to your denial. At the same time, I am optimistic that you are willing to work on these things and would encourage you to see this as a round of feedback to try again later. Even the usual two weeks should be enough time to make a turnaround in these behaviours if you focus on them.

Best of luck regardless, but I think you need more time.
I have discussed my opinion of you with other relevant parties but I will share it here so that you have actionable feedback to work on.

I personally believe that you are quite a good roleplayer and that you have certainly done good for the Research Department with some of the tests you have signed off on; I've seen in comms that you've done some frequent and high-caliber crosstests that have gotten ISD, SC and others involved. This is a good sign of your capabilities.

At the same time however, the actual qualities that make a Site Admin member are lacking. I also find that you have quite a lot of potential for immature behaviour, sometimes bordering on mingey. You've been banned from 008 testing recently for incidents that have been caused, have gotten in trouble within your own department for other tests that you have performed and I have firsthand seen you doing some silly actions around the Site when I have been playing IA as Agent and Ambassador, meaning it's a behaviour that has persisted a bit over time.

You need to rectify these problems before going for SA, because whilst you clearly have the capabilities and skills on the RP side that make a good member of senior CL4, at the same time, the qualities themselves that you have are lacking and I suspect will lead to your denial. At the same time, I am optimistic that you are willing to work on these things and would encourage you to see this as a round of feedback to try again later. Even the usual two weeks should be enough time to make a turnaround in these behaviours if you focus on them.

Best of luck regardless, but I think you need more time.

Thank you duly, Cade. It's very often that issues regarding people aren't told to them directly and so they can't action those issues until they manifest in a much more negative way. I appreciate your acknowledgement of my testing and effort that I do try to put into the roleplay and research I perform.

Over time, I have been made increasingly aware of the standards that CL4, Jr. or Sr., are held to, and I formerly underestimated the consequences of my actions and what was 'Just a bit of fun' versus 'Problematic'. I've realized slowly that what I would have previously considered just 'silly shenanigans' was simply poor behavior and I simply wanted to excuse it that way; I believe I've cut back a significant or entire amount on these 'incidents' and behavior as of recent, but I do recognize it takes time for others to see that also, rather than me just saying such. It's a little upsetting to be considered a minge by some people and I hope that I've worked on that sufficiently for it to be recognized in coming times; I find myself much more focused on my work and fun through roleplay than silly things in public which I realize now does not reflect well on me. As always, there is more work to be done, and I will admit I replied with the expectation of a denial, but it does ostensibly allow me to gauge what I actually need to work on when I otherwise wouldn't be told. As for the SCP-008 testing ban; it was under strange and specific circumstance, and it was overruled by the ECC. I personally don't think what I did was warranting what was originally a 5-day ban, but I do admit it was something I shouldn't have done and I simply should have been more patient; but it was others' actions that caused a larger issue during that incident.

I do appreciate this as one of the few genuine -supports that gives me substance and something to work on, and I'll take it into consideration in future.
Apr 19, 2024

- Major support

- WAY too early for a SA application
- Incompetent at being a CL4, let alone Sr. CL4
- Lack of experience across departments
- Drops divisions, for example CI and E-11 as soon as he's bored
- Minges too much
- Too bias towards specific people
- Already been denied from ECA merely days ago
- Cant take jokes
- Power trips too much
- Doing tribunals when your profile literally says your terrible at it

- App is barely average
- Site administration covers all departments, not just research
- Needs to give more details on his suggestions1719589096112.png
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- Major support

- WAY too early for a SA application
- Incompetent at being a CL4, let alone Sr. CL4
- Lack of experience across departments
- Drops divisions, for example CI and E-11 as soon as he's bored
- Minges too much
- Too bias towards specific people
- Already been denied from ECA merely days ago
- Cant take jokes
- Power trips too much
- Doing tribunals when your profile literally says your terrible at it

- App is barely average
- Site administration covers all departments, not just research
- Needs to give more details on his suggestionsView attachment 16700
I did not drop CI, I was active but was removed. I was not bored of it. I left Nu-7 on good terms with good activity; the same story with the UNGOC. I am currently inactive in E-11 due to being busy with my current exec duties and other things, but I plan to pick this up shortly. I would like to see proof of my bias, as you have regurgitated this several times but simply seem to be upset about me reporting you when you said concerning things. Whether I'm biased towards my friends, or Furries for whatever reason, this appears to be unfounded and I heavily disagree with it. My signature is ironic; this should be obvious from the simple statements of 'Meowed at O5-X' and 'extorted the DoR for 330K'. These things are meant to be humorous and not taken seriously, and do not reflect my genuine actions or behavior - I am an alright lawyer, according to the DoIA. I have been a lawyer for two tribunals and don't see where that statement comes from.

I'm experienced in multiple departments, have improved significantly in my behavior and attitude, and simply don't see how you can say this:
- App is barely average
My applications are to a high standard and I understand the role. You have proven to NOT understand the role of an executive despite your application and minge constantly yourself. I won't engage in an argument, but this is interesting behavior from you considering that you insulted me several times via steam when I reported you out of due concern before -supping all of my applications in bad faith. I'd be more than happy to talk this out with you in a mature and civil manner, as I don't want to see this becoming a recurring conflict, seeing as we both work and enjoy our time in the research department.

  • Haha
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The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Toaste

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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