(UK)Tommy's Ban Appeal

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Mar 13, 2022
Your in-game name: Doc
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516385742
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198993037212/
Date of ban: 14/12/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): NITRP- Severe Toxicity
Who banned you: The Accountant (Hound told Accountant to ban me)
Ban length?: 2 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will Tone it down by saying things as SCP and will not say things too harshly and will not say anything toxic to anyone if I step over the line I will not do so I really like playing as an SCP and I will never do this again when playing as an SCP

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: 2 Warning

Why should you be unbanned: Because I am not a toxic person I don't break the rules on a daily basis I respect the staff team and its members I also I dont minge or get myself in trouble am also wear of my Warnings as well and I try even harder not to break them I also try to make people happy on the server I do great RP and I really am not toxic I have never got any warning for Toxicity and if you talk to people about me they will say I am not poisonous and am a great guy I am genuinely sorry for stepping over the line at that time when I was that SCP I will not say anything to harshly also I talk to the person who made the sit and me and him have made up. Also, I fully am aware of my actions and I try to stop myself from doing the same mistakes I have done I really like the server I put in so many hours in the server and you can check my APPs.what it means for me to be on the server I like the Staff members and I also like the people on the server I genuinely am sorry for what I have done and I swear to you it will not happen again.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will not break any rules on the server again because I am fully aware of my Actions I read the rules all the time on the server to check if anyone of those rules gets changed I also try to get them to check out the rules if any one of them gets change I also do talk to staff about rules and clips I have. I also try to keep myself well-mannered and well-aware of my action before it happens to prevent anything from happing again I also respect the rules and every staff member on the server and respect the server as a whole.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: Because am trying to Get GM atm and I really what to show people my skills as an EXP GM I also love this server because it has an amazing staff team and amazing RP I had a lot of fun times on this server and I really love this server I also love the content it brings and I really love being part of the Server itself I also have many friends that I what to talk to on a daily bases to so I really dont what to leave on a bad note I also Said sorry to the Chap who did the report on me and me and he is good now I also have Captain and also in O1 so I really enjoy playing those roles I also really do enjoy playing SCPs as well I all ways love doing RP am an EX staff member as well so I really do what to apply for staff as well I do enjoy helping and making people a day as well.
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Feb 15, 2022
Hello, @CrusadorTommy

First of all please note that Hound was not fully involved in the situation, he merely assisted with a second opinion. He was not presented with a clip as I viewed on discord via screen share. I stated that I had spoken with Hound as I wanted to ensure that the situation was not viewed as biased as in character I'm an O5 and you are an O-1.

In addition, there was a discussion between SL Members regarding SCP-076 speaking when gagged, it was decided that he was not allowed to per server rules. This is relevant as the discussion started due to you speaking while gagged as 076. There were mentions of a sit regarding this although I was not involved nor informed regarding this. The clip shows you being gagged and continuing to be toxic. Speaking while gagged is considered FailRP.

The situation began after a moderator requested that I assisted with a staff situation. I obliged and was shown a clip showcasing you as 076 going out of your way to being toxic towards specific members of the community; only towards Alpha-1 players. There was no toxicity aimed at B-1, E-11 or any other group or player who was present in the situation, purely towards the two members of Alpha-1 who were online at the time.

You have stated that SCPs are allowed to be toxic as a form of roleplay, this is not the case which I informed you during the sit. Once I informed you of this you began insulting the other staff member who was involved in the original situation. I can also inform you that this staff member did not make anything up as my verdict was solely based on the recording I viewed not the words of others. The primary concern and reason for your ban are that you took every chance to state toxic or mean comments towards a single group of people.

Kind regards,
Mar 13, 2022
I know a person who had a 10 min Clip of you saying to Macca about my Staff Sit you stated "He didn't see the clip because it was on discord and couldn't be asked getting on that in Discord"Which is Purely not great for your second response purely 076 can speak to people through there minds now thank you for saying this now i will know next time as 076 i will not speak as being gagged and for now on i will watch when i speak when am gag so the clip regarding A1 yes in the clip i was Insulting them but once it was in RP two in my entire breach i was saying insults to people from E-11 To O1 three every person who knows me knows that when am on SCPs i will throw insults to them but it will be all in RP and not in the Real world i will never say anything that will affect or insult someone about anything from how they talk to how they act am not that petty nor am i that stupid to do that i respect everyone and treat everyone fairly and again you stated that i said SCPs are allowed to be Toxic i did not say this you thought i said this which was false i said "scp are not the foundation friends they are hostile" i also said i purely does this so i can be a evil SCPs to make RP you think because a CLIP of me saying things to A1 just A1 is false like i said i have been Thru my entire breach i was on surface and sending insults to NU7 saying "You cant kill me and you cant aim" I Also do this to E-11 at times when they cuff me aswell so its kinda petty that because of one clip you thought I purely gone for them i do this to everyone and everyone treats it the same as i do and i also engorge them to do the same tell me that am bad at aiming or you cant kill me because at the end of the day its all RP and no one is being toxic and anyone is haveing a great time at the end of the day
Mar 13, 2022
Check this because you ban me for 2 weeks for that it states that on the lines of Racism and another simpler events it kinda being a bit Rouah
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