[UK] Tuco Poco Executive Researcher Application

Jan 15, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82619021
Discord name: drunkdetonator
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 197 Hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK [England]
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Tuco Poco
Civilian name: Darry Linger
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 Enlisted
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 Ban in January, 8 or so months ago - "Severe Toxicity" [Full reason is on my old appeal)
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I am applying for the role of Executive Researcher for multiple reasons, of which I will list below:

1. Career Progression
I have been a member of the research department for some time now, and wish to progress further into the department for new opportunities to be available. Such opportunities would involve tests, teachings, guiding, experience and many more.

2. Teaching and Guidance
As mentioned above, a reason I wish to apply for this position is to be able to teach new and existing researchers about SCPs, Policy's etc so I can help guide the research department into a brighter and more informative future. I also wish to be the teacher I did not have, as a Jr. Researcher I felt like there was no one there to assist me create documents, what to test for, why i'm testing and other similar things. That lead to me just chucking D-Class into CCs without real reason, as Exec I feel like I could host lectures on these matters to inform young researchers.

3. Activity & Availability
Currently within the research department there are very few Executives+ in it, which results in a impact on the other researchers who need them for an amount of reasons. This creates the issue of availability for Execs+, as throughout the day I have observed researchers and myself waiting for someone to hop on and help out, which when they do, they tend to get bombarded with requests by lots of people. Hence another reason why I am applying, to be there for people when others are unable to, especially in this time of absence.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I will list my reasons as to why I am suitable below:

1. Activity
My first reason as to why I am suitable for Executive Researcher is due to my activity throughout the day. I have been improving my activity throughout the recent days and week, being available for assistance if needed by anyone. I actively create research studies and perform tests, creating documents for CL4 approval and then letting it be available for the correct clearances to view for informational need.

2. Assisting Researchers
While I have no assisted an incredible amount of researchers within the department, I have helped out a few researchers. I have helped out 2 researchers who asked for my assistance with making good quality documents, as I should, I assisted them and ran them through the necessary sections along with some tips & tricks. While this is technically not assisting researchers, I have observed tests done by researchers when they asked me to or invited me to, which I actually enjoyed. I believe this is a key responsibility of an Exec, and with experience of it I believe it raises my suitability.

3. Professionalism & Knowledge
As a Senior Researcher, I act with professionalism every time I carry out a research study, this involves but is not limited to: D-Class collection process, test preparation, test execution and attitude. Outside of testing, I still act as professional towards other people as much as needed with room to enjoy myself without causing any issues. An example of my professionalism are my documents, each document I write has lots of care, time and effort placed into it to make it clear, informative and detailed for others to view more easily.

During my time in the research department, my knowledge on the SCPs I have either tested, observed or read about has grown greater. As a result of that, I understand the procedures on most SCPs CL1-3, their properties, risks and location. This is a key quality for an Exec researcher as most new researchers are unaware of the location or description of the SCPs they can now test on, which Execs will then show, teach or guide in the way of their choosing of how to inform said researchers.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- As I write this I have 3 Excellent-graded documents, with 2 more documents awaiting to be reviewed & graded.
There are many factors and qualities that go into producing an excellent document, I will be writing my personal belief of those factors below:

1. Presentation
The presentation of a document provides a couple qualities, the first is that it singles it out from other documents that have no been presented in a clear manner. Having a clear front page with enough information to make the user aware of what they are about to access, while avoiding clutter and unneeded information. The front page is not only what should be presented clearly, the entire document should be produced with clear titles, headings, sub-headings, images and descriptive information that is relevant to a document. This allows the reader to access what they need and read through the document without the need to decipher poor grammar, which will bring me onto my next point.

2. Grammar & Punctuation
Grammar is incredibly important to documents as it is what the reader is reading, if there were spelling errors and misplaced punctuation everywhere, it would render the document unreadable, leading it to receive a Poor or Denied grading. Having correct punctuation and spelling on the other hand produces a clear and readable document, allowing the reader to take in the information and understand what is written down. This also helps to produce a document with a tidy presentation and professional appearance.

3. Contents & Detail
The contents in any document should be relevant, informative and understandable to the reader at all times. Having the correct content, e.g. SCP Descriptions, Testing methods & aims and the other needed sections keeps the writer focused on what they are writing, why and where to put information. Once again, this adds to the presentation of a document and how it is received by readers. Adding onto this point, an important factor is detail, the amount of detail involved in a document reflects the information and time the writer has put into it. A document with little detail on the test or study will result in a low-end grade due to the lack of information being given, for example, writing little detail about the test methods, aims or results with end up in an unclear understanding by the reader(s). A document requires detail, no quantity of words but quality of detail.

4. Uniqueness & Interest
A unique document is an interesting document, producing a document with a unique idea behind it will entice the reader, and promote general curiosity. This uniqueness applies to the reason behind the document as well as the presentation of it. Having your own style of documents is something I think is important, it creates something linked to you and your curiosity. I generally believe one of the most important factors of a document is the curiosity, passion and thought poured into a document, having an idea that you want to explore and document with actual passion is something that should be found in a study.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- An Executive Researcher receives many new responsibilities while keeping their old ones, I will once again do this in a list form to make it easier for those reading this.

1. Advisory Duties
An Executive Researcher has the responsibility of being an advisor to not only the research department, but anyone who has questions regarding it. This involves holding lectures to the department as well as the site, teaching and guiding any research personnel who asks for assistance while providing proper criticism, lessons and information.

2. Maintaining Policies, Ethics and Procedures
Another duty of an Exec researcher is to ensure that the research department is maintaining correct procedures when commencing SCP testing, as well as the research policies. They should also ensure that the Ethical Conduct is being adhered to in order to prevent any unethical testing from being done which results in the loss of personnel, equipment and property, D-Class included.

3. Documentation Grading, Authorisation & Observation
- A key responsibility of an Executive is to review and give feedback on documents received by researchers, this helps the researchers grow in their ability to put practical research into informative research. This includes grading the document without any bias or sugar coating involved, as this will prevent growth.
- Executives gain the ability to authorise tests up to Safe x Keter class SCPs, this is part of their responsibility now to authorise those tests if deemed appropriate, these may be denied or granted on different factors.
- Executives should observe tests to ensure the correct procedures, ethics etc are being carried out as they should be. While they do not need to be present all the time, if there is time then the test should be viewed briefly.
- Lastly, Executives have the responsibility of approving credit to allow Jr. Researchers to gain XP from completed tests. Executives may also credit individuals based on document quality.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Tuco.P, Executive Researcher, CL4,
Tuco Poco was a young man, born in [REDACTED], able to start work early in his university due to his reputation and results throughout his educational years. He had been working as a professor for 3 years before coming into contact with a strange, out of this world, anomaly. Field Agents of the SCP Foundation were dispatched after discovering Tuco had been conducting illegal research on SCP-[REDACTED], at the time called "The [REDACTED]". While working as a University Professor specialising in psychology, Tuco came into contact with the SCP, and began researching it illegally with use of University supplies. During one of his "studies", SCP-[REDACTED] became enraged and caused [REDACTED] Casualties within the University. Upon investigation, he was caught and taken by agents to Site-65 for interrogation. From documents recovered via field agents, show that the professor was looking into its anomalous properties as well showing particular interest in its behaviour.

After days of questioning and analysis of his research, Tuco was given 2 choices, he would either be stripped of his humanity and be designated D-****. Or, he could take the opportunity to become a Jr. Researcher, allowed minimal clearance to conduct his studies with the correct guidlines and equipment. He of course chose to become a researcher, hoping to test the SCP he had already worked with, but was refused as said SCP was designated Clearance 3 and sent to Site-[REDACTED]. He was notibly displeased at this but continued to conduct similar research on other SCPs.

For the next few years he would wake up, work, sleep and repeat, improving his studies and receiving promotions as time went on, eventually leading to the approval of his promotion to Executive Researcher, where he would be able to explore new opportunities, originally unheard of.
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Active member
Apr 4, 2024
havent seen you alot but i know the name (might just be because i play CI)
also very good application