[UK] Vendetta's Security Captain Application.

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Apr 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:153604410

Discord name: Crispy#9908

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I first joined the server about a year ago. The vtime menu shows a different total time, but I've recently received the "1 week" achievement.


In what country are you located?: Albania

Time zone: GMT+2

Character name(s): Vendetta, 'Vendetta',

Civilian name: Chaz

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I've held NU-7 PVT, E-11 PVT. Currently holding a CI-A.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I believe I've received a ban regarding toxicity and one FailRP warning. The warning and the ban were issued when I came back to the server and was messing around, not knowing the consequences to the aforementioned actions. I am completely in fault of them and I sincerely apologized for them.​
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I'm applying for Security Captain as I want to enhance my experience within the Foundation as I believe obtaining this rank will allow me to. I also want furtherly improve GENSEC itself, by making sure every GENSEC operative is behaving up to standards and that research escort operations are ran smoothly.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I personally believe that I possess the general fundamental traits that a Security Captain must possess, such as leadership, maturity, cooperation with your counterparts and coordinating fellow GENSEC. I also make sure that all my actions are ethical most of the time and I make sure to represent myself and the rest of the GENSEC in the best way possble.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- The Security Captain has a variety of different responsibilities that must be carried with extreme precision in order to make sure that all GENSEC operations are running smoothly and that all of his subordinates are carrying out their duties in the best way possible. Due to the captain rank having been entrusted a Level 4 Clearance Card, the selected GENSEC operatives who possess the aforementioned rank are considered to be very trusted members of the Foundation, and that they must act accordingly. By acting accordingly, I mean behaving on the best manner possible, effectively coordinating with higher-ups and making sure that D-Block is properly managed and that research operations are well-ran. The Security captain also possesses the ability of demeriting/ temporarily removing certain individuals from GENSEC roles if they are deemed to be not fit for the job. The Security Captain also has the ability of crediting GENSEC operatives who are doing their job properly, encouraging them to keep serving the Foundation in the best way possible. The security captain is also able to conduct "shakedowns", also known as D-Block sweeps, apprehending subjects known as Class-Ds and making sure that they have nothing that they are not supposed to have. Captains are also able to conduct license examinations, such as Heavy weapons and Riot Control.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Security Captain codenamed "Vendetta", formerly known Ricardo Vercetti, was an immigrant from Italy who resided in Pinewood. After enlisting as an officer to maintain peace and order within this small village, he quickly rose up to the rank of sheriff. After years on the job, arresting a considerable number of criminals within the village, he apparently got "fed up" with his job and wanted to serve a greater purpose in life. He resigned from the rank of sheriff and joined the Foundation's GENSEC Cadet selection programme, where he passed all of the trials & tribulations that he faced, earning his place within the Foundation as a level-1 clearance personnel. He thrived at his job, escorting all researchers with extreme precision and vigilence, ethically apprehending subjects when they posed a threat to the stability of the facility and handling riots in the fastest way possible. During his tenure, he also passed his Heavy weapons & Riot control examinations, earning the respective licenses for both of them and finally being granted the rank of Sergeant. The Security captains had noticed the progress, and thus they provided feedback to the Chief of Security. After he was called in the communications by the Chief of Security to his office, he got the amazing news. He was now one of the most trusted members of the facility : A level-4 Clearance personnel...

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my application!

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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 3, 2023
I will be giving you +support for the following reasons
-Knows the role
-Good Application
-Seen on GSD a few times
-Good interactions

I wish you best of luck on your verdict,

Executive Researcher (Holding)
096 Whitelist
Both agents

Nu-7 SPEC, E-11 PVT (Held)
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Reactions: 'Vendetta'


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
Great fella and is active. Believe he'd be a great candidate for Captain, as he's friendly, mature and adapted. He's great to be around with and has great leadership material already.
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Reactions: 'Vendetta'

Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
I will be giving you +support for the following reasons
-Knows the role
-Good Application
-Seen on GSD a few times
-Good interactions

I wish you best of luck on your verdict,

Executive Researcher (Holding)
096 Whitelist
Both agents

Nu-7 SPEC, E-11 PVT (Held)
second this
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Active member
Mar 25, 2023
Hello there Mr. Vendetta, I will be giving you this +support for the next reasons:
- Active

- Excellent application
- Good interactions
- Good character lore
- Mature

- Knows what to do

Best of luck,
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Reactions: 'Vendetta'


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 22, 2022

Application Pending

Dear Mr 'Vendetta',
We are currently in the process of reviewing your application. If I'm honest, it's looking good for you.

-Kind regards, Dpt. Chief 'Gladiator'
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Mar 4, 2023


Dear Mr Vendetta,
I am happy to announce that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself of Dpt. Chief 'Neptune' to set up a time for your training and interview.

-Kind regards, Dpt. Chief 'Gladiator'
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