Steam ID:
Discord Name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
For about 9 months now
In what country are you located?:
South Africa
Time zone:
GMT +2
Character name(s):
Foundation: 'Archer'/Vetkoek
CI: Archer Mercer
Civilian name:
Blake Bekker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 CPT (Held) (CL4)
Security Captain (Holding) (CL4)
Special Agent (Holding) (CL4)
MTF O-1 SGT (Holding)
CI-G (Holding)
Security Sergeant (Held)
ISD Agent (Holding)
DEA Agent (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
SCP-22415 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 4 warns and 1 ban. The 2 warns were for RDM, the other 2 for Fail RP and ERP, and the ban was for Fail RP.
Discord Name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
For about 9 months now
In what country are you located?:
South Africa
Time zone:
GMT +2
Character name(s):
Foundation: 'Archer'/Vetkoek
CI: Archer Mercer
Civilian name:
Blake Bekker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 CPT (Held) (CL4)
Security Captain (Holding) (CL4)
Special Agent (Holding) (CL4)
MTF O-1 SGT (Holding)
CI-G (Holding)
Security Sergeant (Held)
ISD Agent (Holding)
DEA Agent (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
SCP-22415 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 4 warns and 1 ban. The 2 warns were for RDM, the other 2 for Fail RP and ERP, and the ban was for Fail RP.
Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
I am applying for Chief of Security as i believe i could be a great candidate for this role and i could help out the department of security to be highest and to the best of my ability. I have really enjoyed playing security captain and leading the department of security to this best of my ability. I am also applying for Chief of Security because i have noticed that there is one spot left for role, and i really believe that i could help the department out alot and i have a few idea's for security to do if i was able to get this role such as operations, events and new training idea's that i could add to the department. I believe i could teach lots of people and be a good role model for the security department and i could deal with lots of problems that security is currently facing, i know this is gonna be hard but i have dealt with hard situations and i really really do believe that i could help out alot. I really love this department and i do think it could improve alot. I have come far and i believe that i am suitable to become Senior CL4 and the Chief of Security. I have always tried assisting Chief Buddy with his duties and trying to learn more out of the Chief of Security and their duties. I would like to help out captains more in the department of security and i would like to give them more stuff to do so they can enjoy playing as security captain and doing more RP within security. I really do see a brighter future for the security department and i do believe that it could be great again.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
Well you may ask what makes me suitable for the Chief of Security role? Well it's simple, i have lots of experience and CL4 experience within CN SCP-RP and i have lots of good experience with Senior CL4 players in Civil Networks. I have lots of experience in lots of RP and CL4 roles and they were: Special agent, MTF Omega-1 SGT, MTF Nu-7 CPT, CI-G and the most important one Security Captain. I have done lots of stuff for these roles that i am holding and i have held such as hosting operations, making new stuff for departments, trying to create RP for these departments and leading these departments. I also know how to make good documents for what ever reason i have to or want to, i have written the following in game and external documents. For MTF Nu-7 i have written lots of training docs as i was MTF Nu-7's training manager, For External Affairs i have written inductions, training and interrogation documents, i have not written anything for CI, for the security department i have written lots of in game documents and they are interviews with dclass to try and to improve the department and the dclass so they can RP well with the security department and that both dclass and security have good relations in RP even tho it is hard to do so, i have also written some training documents for the security department so security can learn new formations and combative tactics that could be used. Now for the event and operation idea's i have for security are pretty good in my eyes and it could help the security department out alot in RP so both dclass and security can RP well. For my event idea: So for this event Site-65 will be recieving new dclass after being informed of their sentence. GSD will be waiting in garage along with SOP and when all the dclass get out of the vehcles the CPT/Chief of Security will give them a DB of what is going to happen. After that we will get the new dclass unifroms and send them into dblock. Small event but i like it. Now for my operation idea that i have in mind: This operation will be called: Operation Iron Hand, this operation will be simple, this operation will be with MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down where us and Nu-7 will be assisting each other with our duties for Example: A Code 2 happens and Nu-7 will be the first to respond along with Security or there are not enough security staff there is lots of MTF Nu-7 available then they will be the first to assist in dblock, or when a C1 happens GSD will be the first to respond along side MTF Nu-7 or GSD could just assist Nu-7 with their duties in site not on surface of course. This will allow GSD to get more RP experience with other departments. What else makes me suitable for Chief of Security? Well there is alot more, you see i am also consistent with my duties and i can take orders very well from SA. I love to create RP for my departments and i want to make sure that other departments have a positive view of Security. With all i have said and all of my experience and roles on this server i do believe that i am suitable for this role.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
- Taking orders from Site Administration.
- Leading the entire department of security.
- Making new changes for the department of security.
- Be a role model for the people of Gensec.
- Hosting weekly meetings for Security Leadership.
- Creating documents for the department.
- Punishing Security Captain's when needed.
- Leading sweeps during Code 2's when Captains are not available.
- Authorizing Security Captains to do Sergeant Tryouts.
- Hosting cross-trainings with other departments.
- Protecting dblock from any hostiles/SCP's
- Teaching and guiding the Gensec Captains in the department.
- Enforcing new rules and new changes within the department.
- Accepting or denying Security Captain Applications.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Vetkoek was born in a rich and wealthy family in London 1989 he had a very rich family and he was with a happy family of 5. He had a father Lincoln, a mother Cindy, a brother Axel and a sister Baily. All of them had a very good life and very good friends they were an active family who loved school and sports, their life was almost perfect and they had no problems, suddenly when the kids came home from sports practice they got some bad news from their father who was sitting and crying at the dinner table. Their mother died from a heart attack. This left the whole family in shock.
Vetkoek was around 16 years old and their family have just moved into a new town called pinewood in Canada. The town was small nothing much happening they only knew there was a Military facility nearby. One day when Vetkoek was around 18 years old he decided to roam around the facility until he saw a open vent behind the military base, so he decided to go explore even further. When he was exploring the vents he fell into a bathroom in the facility, Vetkoek was walking around as quiet as possible trying not to get caught by the military. When walking around he noticed a door leading to dblock, Vetkoek was curious what dblock was so he waited for one of them to open the door so he can sneak in. Someone opened the door while they were heading to medbay Vetkoek snuck his was into dblock and there he saw the dclass and the Gensec. Vetkoek was confused he thought this was a military base.
Vetkoek some how snuck his was outside the facility and went back to his home. The next day he went to explore more outside pinewood where he came across a house on top of a hill he decided to go in the house where he found a man a weird looking man who was kinda crazy but friendly at the same time, so Vetkoek and this guy were talking and talking until Vetkoek asked the man a question. 'This is a weird military base what is this military vase exacally?' Well uhm..... this is no normal military base there are weird monsters in this base and strange things happening in here.
When Vetkoek was around 24 years old he decided to join the military. While his work in the military he was one of the best military units there was. Around 25 years old he was noticed by the SCP Foundation and they gave him a offer he could not refuse, so he took the job. When arriving to his new work place he noticed that this was the same military base that weird man talked about. The people of the SCP foundation decided to make him a Security guard.
During his time as Gensec he was doing so good for his job that he was promoted to officer in less than a month. A month later he got his promotion to Security Sergeant. A month later he got stabbed by a dclass and he was forced to rest for about a month. After his month of rest Vetkoek was back on his feet and ready to work as Security Sergeant again. He did great as Sergeant in fact he was doing so good that he got his promotion to Security Captain, Vetkoek felt so honored to be a Captain of Security
In his time as Captain he had held lots of sweeps lost lots of men and he was noticed by Site Administration. A month later one of the Security Captains was on holiday until he got assassinated by a member from the Chaos insurgency. The foundation needed a new Chief of Security and all of Site Administration were starting to look at Captain Vetkoek as Site-65's new Chief of Security. A month later Site Administration decided to give Captain Vetkoek a interview for the Chief of Security for Site-65. And he passed his interview and he was made the Chief of Security for Site-65.