Steam ID:
Discord Name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
For about 9 months now
In what country are you located?:
South Africa
Time zone:
GMT +2
Character name(s):
Foundation: Vetkoek
CI: Archer Mercer
Civilian name:
Blake Bekker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I just dont use it
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Security Chief (Holding) (Sr CL4)
MTF Nu-7 CPT (Held) (CL4)
Security Captain (Held) (CL4)
Special Agent (Holding) (CL4)
MTF O-1 SGT (Held)
CI-G PLP (Holding)
Security Sergeant (Held)
ISD Agent (Holding)
DEA Agent (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
SCP-22415 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 4 warns and 1 ban. The 2 warns were for RDM, the other 2 for Fail RP and ERP, and the ban was for Fail RP.
Discord Name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
For about 9 months now
In what country are you located?:
South Africa
Time zone:
GMT +2
Character name(s):
Foundation: Vetkoek
CI: Archer Mercer
Civilian name:
Blake Bekker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I just dont use it
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Security Chief (Holding) (Sr CL4)
MTF Nu-7 CPT (Held) (CL4)
Security Captain (Held) (CL4)
Special Agent (Holding) (CL4)
MTF O-1 SGT (Held)
CI-G PLP (Holding)
Security Sergeant (Held)
ISD Agent (Holding)
DEA Agent (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
SCP-22415 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 4 warns and 1 ban. The 2 warns were for RDM, the other 2 for Fail RP and ERP, and the ban was for Fail RP.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
There are many reasons to why i am the best candidate for Overseer Assistant. I will explain what i have done for different Departments and regiments. I am also applying for OSA to be able to do more RP and get more RP scenarios. I am also a RP leader for UK as i am currently holding Chief of Security so i can create and have created lots of RP for GSD and other departments. I think my strengths is activity, professionalism, Leadership and documentation. I can also follow orders from efficiently givin from my higher ups.
Documentation: During my CL4 experience I have created a few documents for different Departments/regiments. For the General Security Department i have reworked the GENSEC Handbook and made a new one as the old one had 20 pages, and i made other 2 documents so far and they are the Security Sergeant Handbook for anyone who is looking to become a Sergeant and a Sergeant Recruitment guide to help Security Captain with interviewing people for the role of Security Sergeant. For MTF Nu7 i have written a Training guide as i was the Training Manager for Nu7, this document was made to help NCO's to do Cross training as well as regular trainings for MTF Nu7. For Special Agent i am currently working a few ooc documents that im gonna send out later.
Activity: I have been known for being very active on this server, i was last month the most active person in this server with over 370 hours that month because i have no life other then SCP RP. Well i was always pretty active and I love this server its addicting and i cant stop playing.
RP creation: I have participated in loads of RP and have made some RP myself. With MTF O1 i was able to partake in loads of RP scenarios so that was good for me. I was a CPT for MTF Nu7 so i also was able to create some RP here and there. With my Special Agent role yet again i was also able to make small RP and take leadership and RP scenarios here and there. with GSD i am a RP lead as i am a Chief, i have made a few RP for GSD like operations and such and i also had lots of RP experience with my Chief role
Experience: I have held 4 CL4 roles so far with my 8 months of being in this server, my first CL4 role was back in September where i got Nu7 LT and i managed to get up to CPT before going to O1 and remaining as a SGT for them. While i was Nu7 CPT i decided to give Gensec a try and i got SGT first then i applied for Security Captain and i got it. Thats when my Leadership started to improve after a while while i was O1 SGT i started to get more active in GSD and i decided to go for Chief, then i got the role thats when i was able to take more leadership in RP. Also while being in O1 i kinda missed SOP so i started getting more active on DEA and applied for Special Agent, and i got it.
MTF Nu7: This was my first ever CL4 role i got, this was my main role for a while I am very proud i was able to get CPT for this role. I was able to take leadership in nu7 and i was able to lead loads of C1's, surface combat and raids against CI. I was Training manager for Nu7 and i have written up a few docs regarding trainings and such. I was able to follow orders from my higher ups and lead the entire regiment. I was a bit shaky while being LT but i got the hang of it and i had 0 stress and i was comfortable in leading and supervising LT's while being a CPT.
DEA: While being DEA i was Senior Agent for 2 months and took Leadership. After the 2 months of Senior Agent i decided to apply for Special Agent and got it. As a special agent i was willing to help out alot of Agents within DEA and guide them on being a agent and how to do their job. I enjoy playing DEA because of the surface combat and surface roleplay and handling with the GOI's.
GSD: This is my main role i play now as i am currently the Chief of Security so i can and have created loads of RP of my department. Gensec is my main focus because i care alot for my departments and i want them to perform well. In October i got Security Sergeant while i was Nu7 CPT and started playing GSD more, 2 weeks went by then i decided to apply for GSD Captain and i got it. I was Captain for about a month and i managed to take lots of leadership and learn alot from this role. After that month i decided to go for Security Chief and i managed to get it. And i would say i have done a good job while being the Chief of Security.
MTF O1: In O1 i managed to get up to SGT before leaving to focus on my Chief role. I must say that i enjoyed playing O1 because of the RP they gave me. I had lots of RP scenarios in O1, I left Nu7 in to join O1 because i was bored from just playing Nu7. I managed to pass my tryout and get the rank of LCPL, then i got to SGT and i also took lots of leadership while being a NCO.
CI: I have been CI for like 3 months, i have not really been focused with this role as i have other stuff to focus on. I managed to get the rank of Gamma PLP and i am working to get the rank of Delta. I have led lots of raids for CI, i play this role whenever i am bored because playing CI can be fun from time to time. I also took some leadership in surface combat.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- Doing regular CL4 duties such as opening the BD's when requested
- Authorisation of AA.
- Doing interviews of site staff
- Following orders from the Overseer Coucil
- Working with A-1
- Respond to Info leaks
- Give D-Class work permits.
- Approving Documents
- Authorize a sweep of D Block when there are no CPT+
- Authorize KOS past airlock.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Sebastian Hart
Age: 23
Country of origins: England
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Blood type: A+
Weight: 188.6
Height: 6,0
Sebastian Hart was born on 2 September 2002 in England London. He grew up in a rich and wealthy family, he had a mother a father and two sisters. Sebastian was very close to his two sisters he had and to his mother and father as well. He was very successful in school, he was the top student of his class for years and years. He wanted to study anomalies when he grew up that was his dream and goal he was working for. He managed to graduate High school as the top student of his school, his parents and sisters were so proud of him.
After High school Sebastian went to go study research in America at the famous Stanford University. Sebastian was doing so well with what he did and he kept his head up and he kept on chasing that dream he had to do research. After 2 years of education at Stanford he managed to graduate for the second time and he was also the top student of his class. After graduation the SCP Foundation started to notice him and came up to him and offered him a job to come work with them and to do some research studies on different anomalies they had on their site, Sebastian took the offer.
The following month Sebastian was moved to site 65 where he will be working at, he started off as a jr researcher but managed to get his promotion in less than a month while doing research. He was doing so good within research department and managed to get alot of studies done on lots of SCP's. In 2 months Sebastian got his promotion to Sr Researcher, this is when he started to peak in his research. While working as Sr researcher he managed to get the Overseer council's attention, it was his 3'rd month of being Sr researcher and he made a Scientific breakthrough that was huge for the SCP foundation.
After that research study Sebastian got his promotion to Executive Researcher, now he really started to get the Overseer councils attention. While being an Exec he had done lots of good research studies and he was doing good towards the research department. On one night the O5 told A-1 to go get the a Executive researcher by the name Sebastian Hart and to bring him in cuffs to them. Sebastian woke up to A1 kidnapping him and brining him to Floor 3, he was brought to one of the O5's office, the O5 wanted to make him a assistant for them seeing how he has done so good in the research department. They did a small interview with him and he managed to pass his interview and he was made a Overseer Assistant.