[UK] W. Licht's Director of Research Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Discord name: RedSpeeds#3958
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 144 Hours
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): W. Licht (Foundation), Kwaad (CI), Walter Scott (Civ)
What server are you applying for?: UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • FearRP May 28 2022
  • RDM Jun 6th 2022
  • RDM Oct 20
  • Bodyblocking Nov 7 2022
  • Combat cuffing Dec 15 2022

  • Executive researcher
  • Intel agent
  • IA Agent
  • 096
  • Nu-7 CPL

Why are you applying for Director of Research?:

The reason I'm applying for Director is that even though i have been a executive for only a short period of time that i have seen plenty of space for improvement for research. The current system with our divisions is very flawed and i wish to disband all of them and replace them for a system where researchers can join a department with specific functions allowing for better operating of the general research department and will stimulate better documentation and training in regards to junior staff and more unique projects and ideas to be created.

Ill also be revising research policies to enforce higher quality to avoid tests that consist of just feeding a D-Class to 173. Id do this by moving the supervising role from Executive researcher to Senior researcher and making Senior researcher a job that requires approval similar to IA/Intel. This would have the benefit of Executives no longer having to bear the sole responsibilities of monitoring junior staff and allow them to introduce their own projects and policies that would benefit the department.

Ill also run initiatives to smoothen our relationships with other departments to allow for better RP scenarios. For example take Nu7 if better cooperation can be established better surface RP would become a possibility for both Nu7 and researchers interested in that. Id also like to establish more in depth research projects for Senior researchers that could be dispatched by Site-Administration/Command

Id also like the broaden the responsibilities the executive researchers hold by entrusting them with their departments this would allow the executives to have control over their own sub department within research to execute the vision in and will be monitored by the DoR's. Ill also entrust them with specific tasks or projects as they come up and allow them to lead a team of research staff they can handpick in the event of special event SCPs or other lore interactions setup by the gamemasters.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:

What makes me suitable is the fact that i have broad plans for improvements and a desire for this department to be the very best our site has to offer i wish to create a department where everyone can rely on each other and ask help when needed.

I also believe that my willingness to completely overhaul the department's rank structure and the fact I'm not someone to stick to the status quo makes me excellent candidate. Im also very willing to receive feedback on my agenda and will of course have to have multitude of meetings regarding my plans where everyone's feedback would be welcome and taken in consideration.

My activity in the research department during my short tenure as a executive has been exemplary. Multiple projects and excellent documentation has always been a core principle of my time on research. Ive always been a helping hand to researchers who ask for assistance

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
  • The responsibilities of the director are to oversee the operations of the researcher department and to oversee the executives this include their disciplinary's removals and of course their selection​
  • To oversee the compliance to the department policies and to make changes to those policies as set forth in his or her agenda and when required by external factors​
  • To obey directives and orders given by site-Administration/Command in regards to the research department​
  • To delegate specific tasks to the executive team and ensure they got the tool and powers to run smoothly​
  • Be the main person of contact in regards to other head of departments and ensure that all departments are able to coexist with the research department and to ensure that research is able to depend and use other department as needed to complete their directives​
  • Change policies based on the reviews given by Site-Admin/Command​

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
[O5-1] Starting meeting regarding assignment of personnel #5103 W. Licht to position of DoR. Council members present are O5-1, O5-2, O5-7 and O5-4
[O5-1] Before we start id like for everyone to open the dossier Ive given you to page 1 and read it thoroughly
** Sounds of pages being flipped can be heard followed by 5 minutes of silence **

[O5-7] Him! You cant be serious hes a complete nut job who thinks we exist in some kind of game! -2 Tell him!
[O5-2] While indeed hes a excellent researcher Ive got to agree with -7 hes not completely sane of mind
** O5-1 can be heard laughing**
[O5-1] I thought you guys would say something like that hence i brought this Flip to page 10 on those dossiers
[O5-1] Read these and i dare you to call him insane after that
** Some page flipping and 15 minutes of silence recorded **
[O5-4] How reliable is this information?
[O5-1] I sadly got to confirm its authenticity. It turns out Licht is right about this world all along
[O5-4] So what do you propose we do?
[O5-7] I cant believe this. All of us are us?
[O5-1] Yeah I'm afraid so. Its why so many tears in the fabric of reality have been reported. Why so many documents exists that we never know of or where they came from, why even though we are sure they are different people they look so alike.
[O5-4] Again what do we do about this revelation.

[O5-1] We allow the person that knew all this before we did to devise a way to escape.
[O5-2] Didn't we have him amnesticated heavily to avoid him from spreading unrest and to allow him to serve us?
[O5-7] -2 is right you know even if he knew how to do it i highly doubt he knows now.
[O5-1] Your both right. However we recently obtained a chemical from the Chaos Insurgents during a raid thats supposed to be able to make even Class-F undone so that might perhaps work?
[O5-4] Has that stuff even been tested yet?
[O5-1] No but its the best we got and if the chaos used it i suppose so can we
**Clicks intercom button**
** Sounds of a door being opened can be heard **
[???] You called sir?
[O5-1] Captain fetch me Executive researcher W. Licht at once
[???] Yes sir immediately
[O5-2] And bring us some more tea please
**Sounds of a door being closed can be heard **
[O5-4] And now we wait. Mind if i pause that thing?
**Recorder paused**

**Recorder resumed**
[O5-1] Doctor for the record please state your name and rank
[Licht] W. Licht Executive researcher
[O5-7] Want some tea doctor?
[Licht] Why yes thank you?
[Licht] So why was a summoned? Is it regarding SCP-7722? because if so i don't have any updates yet unfortunately
[O5-1] We wanted to ask you something. What do you know about the multiverse?

[Licht] Well the multiverse is a theory that every choice we make makes a....... Blegh whats with this tea it tastes like piss.....
**Sounds of convulsion can be heard**
[O5-4] Oh fuck should we call a medic?!
[O5-1] OH CRAP!
**Repeated presses of the intercom button**
**Sound of door slamming open **
[???] Sir is
[???] Medical emergency! Medical team to Floor 3 meeting room immediately other units make free passage at once!
** 3 minutes go bye **
[MED1] Get me the oxygen mask.
[MED2] Heart rate stable. Brainwaves are erratic. Could be a synaptic overload
[MED1] Regardless we need to get him to the medbay

** Sounds of people leaving **
[O5-7] Is he gonna be alright.
[O5-1] Even if hes not he will be back here but we will all have forgotten him. Lets hope he makes it because i dont know what will happen to his knowledge if he does die
[O5-2] Medics said they believe he will make it as it was only a mild stroke probably resulting from him remembering everything at once.
[O5-4] Well thats a fucking relieve
[O5-1] If he does remember we will make him the director all in favor?
[O5-2] Aye
[O5-4] Aye
[O5-7] Aye
[O5-1] Let the record show that should researcher W. Licht remember his amnesticated memories hes to become the new Director of research with the main goal of escaping the simulation. End of meeting
**Recording stopped*


Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @RedSpeeds

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request.

This request has been put on hold. There are currently no available positions pertaining to this role available.
We will review this request as soon as a position has been opened.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​



The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @RedSpeeds

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied.

The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.​

Secure. Contain. Protect.

CONFIDENTIAL This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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