UK] William G Gawber's Executive Researcher Application

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William G Gawber

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022
Discord name:William G Gawber

For how long have you played on CG SCP:


In what country are you located?:UK

Time zone:GMT

Character name(s):WIlliam G Gawber

Civilian name:Kain Jacob Smith

What server are you applying for? SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Executive Researcher (Held)

Internal Affairs Ambassador (Held)

MTF O-1 (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have one mic spam and RDM from when i was a Class D And one Fail RP from when i was an SCP and didn't know i could not talk as SCP-9000-A-2 these by staff when i spoke to them was called a class A first offense since then i have not broken any rules and focused on my work in many roles and now once again in research

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I aim to serve once again as a mentor to new researchers, guiding them to excel in their documentation and research skills. My goal is to nurture their talents, facilitate their growth, and host lectures to foster a new generation of brilliant minds within our department, thus elevating my own professional standards.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

My professionalism, formality, and active engagement coupled with a profound understanding of research practices make me well-suited for the role of Executive Researcher. Drawing from my prior experience in executive research roles, I possess the ability to swiftly devise innovative research methodologies, resulting in well-structured and grammatically coherent documents. When not engaged in research activities, I actively assist junior and regular researchers, offering guidance and advice to enhance their knowledge and comprehension.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have authored seven documents graded as excellent. Each of these documents adheres to a comprehensive structure, including a cover page, index of content, aims, methods, findings, conclusion, and personal notes. Moreover, meticulous attention to grammar and spelling further enhances the document's quality. In my view, such comprehensive elements contribute to the excellence of a document, though I acknowledge that different individuals may have varying perspectives on what constitutes excellence but as stated above and below is what I think makes an excellent grade document.

A Cover Page
An Index Of Content of The Document
Personal Notes
Grammar And Spelling

I find adding these extra pieces is what makes a document more fleshed out, detailed and worthy of an excellent grade but that's my opinion others believe in different approaches as we all have our own style and methods.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

TThe Executive Researcher is tasked with mentoring junior researchers, providing guidance and support throughout their training. Additionally, they are responsible for grading documents, offering constructive feedback, and ensuring ethical compliance in research endeavors. Authorization of tests, clearance management, and approval of researcher credits are also within their purview. Upholding a professional standard at all times is paramount to their role.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:


William G Gawber was a virologist who worked for a Pharmaceutical Corporation by the name of Golgotha Pharmaceuticals in [[REDACTED]] heading up of Golgotha's anti Virus research project he turned against the Corporation after failing to achieve a promotion despite his resounding success in creating an anti virus for ebola and the company's attempts to start unauthorized deal with the U.S. military selling the experimental Virus with genes from recently-collected new SCP Virus samples that they acquired from [[REDACTED]] and turned into weaponized forms as biological bombs three days later William G Gawber left the company when this was found out SCP foundation agents was quickly dispatched and the entire company was given class A amnestics the SCP foundation acquired the research and files on the companies researchers and found that William G Gawber had been working with the SCP Virus samples and survived and left because he was offered a senior role at the nearby Barclay Laboratory, and transferred there two days ago before the action taken against the company by the foundation security.

On his first day as senior researcher he was introduced to Trevor Maxal a young man who had been a test researcher at the lab since [[REDACTED]] The laboratory's chief researcher approved William G Gawber's study into the splicing of their experimental anti Virus with genes from recently-collected samples the lab had acquired for the purpose of vaccine research. The Anti-Virus strain at the laboratory had a rapid and high fatality rate, making it useless and it was unlikely to spread and keep humans alive bringing them to a brain damaged state due to its serious flaw and mutagenic properties on that note the Barclay Lab hit another dead-end in research during this time on.

July of [[REDACTED]] The SCP Foundation tracked down William G Gawber through the files acquired by foundation agents administering class A amnestics to all staff of the Barclay Laboratory removed all written and computer knowledge of him working there and of him even existing on government databases when this was done the foundation officially employed William G Gawber as foundation staff from there on in and trained him about SCPs from there on he was transferred at a later date after an incident which wasn't his fault on the previous site to site 65 where he worked his way up and now sits as a Senior researcher and a proud member in the Bio-2 department of the sites research team.

What storylines they would be involved in:

"I will be engaging in cutting-edge research into SCPs of both theological and thaumaturgical nature. My approach will be conducted with professionalism, ensuring that I maintain a professional demeanour as an executive researcher. This entails fulfilling my duties and responsibilities diligently at all times. I will support junior researchers and fellow researchers by meticulously reviewing test documents, grading them, offering constructive feedback, and ensuring ethical compliance in all research endeavours.

Additionally, I will be responsible for authorizing tests, managing clearance levels, and approving researcher credits. These tasks are vital in ensuring the smooth operation and integrity of our research efforts."


Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 12, 2023
He is great at roleplay and he is amazing at doing document but far from that he great to speak with and he has amazing humor know him for a while

Deleted member 6811



The following message is composed via consensus of the Directors of Research.

Greetings, @William G Gawber

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

This decision has been taken under special measures and therefore scrutinization is elevated with respect to leniency. Ensure your performance remains high for the entire duration of this process.

Yours sincerely,
Director of Research,
Dr. Engallagher Kazimieras Ludenberg

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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