[UK] Winkie's Ethics Committee Application

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Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Around 4 Months



In what country are you located?:

United Kingdom

Time zone:


Character name(s):

[REDACTED] 'Winkie'

Civilian name:

Winkie II

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Omega-1 Lieutenant Commander
Chaos Insurgency - Alpha
Ethics Assistant
Security Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

Ethics Committee Member; There are various reasons on why I am applying for the Committee member, first of all is to help aid the facility further to keep the server balanced in order for people to enjoy their times role playing. I believe ethics will help me doing so by being able to control the actions of what the facility take such as code blacks and changes on how we run the facility as a whole to tailor to our audience which is foundation personnel and D Class. The presence of ethics in recent times lacks at times, with it being such a crucial organ to the foundation presence is to be expected, and so I want to help expand the Committee by an addition of myself to maintain the sites affairs whilst holding the key values of ethics at heart, as it would influence all my decisions which will better and improve the foundation even more. The more able committee members the more influence in order to maintain cohesion around the facility and efficiency.

Throughout my employment within Omega-1, at which I rose the ranks rapidly, it is apparent that I had one goal and one ambition and that is to better the server by improving the community. Everyone is here for one thing and that is satisfaction in the form of enjoying their time in role playing. And so it is clear to myself I work and operate better whilst within an administration position that is ethical and humanitarian based. I had waited a while however to apply for ethics, this is to ensure I feel comfortable within my style of roleplay and knowledge of the server rules, COC, COE and Legal Codex. And after my time here, I believe my RP is at an exceptional standard currently and I have a lot of ideas on how to improve the foundation itself and be able to effectively enforce the Code Of Ethics. Although if successful I will be an Ethics Committee Member I will still have involvement within Omega-1 to maintain its health and stability very closely as it is in good standing with COM Brekker. We have made necessary occasions and set up 3 worthy candidates to assume my position if I was to be successful on this application, to once again ensure Omega-1's success.

Omega-1 is currently in a really healthy state with an ever expanding command structure and full of potential. I believe its my time to part ways and venture towards what my ambitions and goals are after helping the regiment bloom into what it is now. Now it's my time to do the same on a foundational level rather than just within Omega-1. I believe my skills and attributes can be put better to use within the Committee being able to enforce a degree of standardization across the facility.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

There are many reasons at why I believe I am the best and suitable candidate to fulfill the Ethics Committee Role; I have an exceptional degree of knowledge on the servers political situation, rule knowledge and the responsibilities of all roles within the server itself.I can prove I have the knowledge due to my held positions at which is covers all aspects of the facility itself. I am extremely active essentially devoting a significant portion of my free time to improve the community as a whole and make this the place everyone wants to hand out and be. I am extremely professional,decisive and a witty thinker with many ideas on how to improve the foundation as a whole, these attributes allow me to make the right judgement within scenarios which can be complicated. As a Commanding officer of Omega-1 I believe I have shown how to enforce ethics on an exceptional level as well as showing my devotion towards the affairs of ethics themselves. Carrying out their commandments at all times ensuring they are heard amongst the foundation. It also shows a degree of leadership and unique ideas I can create.

Being a ethics assistant also supports myself. Although in recent times I have not played ethics assistant as much, this is due to trying to improve Omega-1 furthermore increasing the activity and professional standardization of the unit. It supports myself due to the fact I had to deal with the demeanor tasks that ethics were too busy to handle or/and carrying out their orders. This has enabled me to shadow ethics members in action which has influenced how I would respond and act in situations. I am also a staff member which enables an extensive knowledge on the ruleset and allowing me to show my professionalism when needed.

At all times I have the fullest respect for the committee at all times, I have been inspired by committee members and Omega-1 to join the on-going duties/operations Ethics are currently doing. Whilst having many friends and aliases within ethics/omega-1 allows me to work effectively and efficiently with other committee members and the O5 Council acting on the best interest of the foundation itself. It also creates a friendly work environment at which I can help improve and boost relations between several Departments/MTF.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The main objective for ethics members is to enforce and maintain the Code of Ethics to a good standard across the facility. That said there are many other responsibilities. First of all, they mobilize Omega-1 which is a task force purely created to enforce the Code of ethics and carry out directives given by ethics committee members. Ethics members shake through the foundation to root out anyone deemed unethical. This is a crucial RP Experience that I would love to be able to partake in.

The committee approves testing for SCP's and keep good communication between all departments and MTF units in order to ensure the key values of the site is being upheld. Ethics take a back seat role allowing the directors, commanders and researchers run the facility. However, Ethics do prevent any mistakes and fixes them if appropriate. Allowing others to continue with their role play unless Ethics are needed to step in to sort out any issues. Ethics can act as site administration when needed for authorizing Mass amnestics, shakedowns and advanced armoury for whenever the situations need those privileges to be granted.

In order to ensure the foundations running at its most effective range, the committee shadows all departments within the facility creating department reviews to give critical advice on how to improve. Ethics is also around to provide advice to departments from all levels to ensure they act in the best interest of the foundation.

It is also crucial for Ethics to provide excellent RP for Omega-1 and other MTF/Departments. Ethics are relied upon to keep interests high! At which many events must be created. Another responsibility is to activate the nuclear warhead in order to preserve the SCP's secrecy and objective to SECURE. CONTAIN. PROTECT. the civic populous.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Ensuring that all departments are to a good Quality OOC.

Handling applications for the following with O5:
Internal Affairs Director
Department of medicine

Handling applications for the following:
Ethics Assistant
Ethics Comittee Member

Improving documents such as the Code of ethics and regarding the committee as a whole to ensure everyone is following it IC.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Winkie was merely a troubled child, since a young age he hadn't always been the most bright. He has an average life, average home, average wife and an average job. Being 20 years of age something sparked, he told himself he wanted more to life than "average". He wanted to go somewhere, be someone, make a name for himself and to most importantly improve the world and society we live in. And so he enlisted into the Royal Navy.

It was long before he was deployed where it will change his life forever. He was deployed if Afghanistan where he could never go back to the person he would be again. He saw the horrors of war, the drone strikes and innocent civilians murdered. He had to do something and change this massacre.

He learnt a valuable lesson, to treat others fairly with respect and integrity.

He left the navy and was jobless for several years where he would reflect and recall the events in his troubled life. A friend of his in the navy would recommend him for the SCP Security Department at which he was abducted and taught about the foundation.

He was recruited by the foundation after his deployment through a government scheme. He then got so caught up in today's issues with ethics. He started off as a security cadet and started to work up the ranks when he noticed many of his peers had been verbally abusing and beating D class. It sickened Winkie to the core. He made it to Security Sergeant which he devoted a lot of time and effort and was put forward for security captain.

He took the position of security captain in hopes of being able to change how the security department deals with D class, he intended to rule with a hard line making no room for the unethical. He rooted out many of the cadets and officers and stabilised the security department. After being noticed for his work. He was taken by █████████-1 and pushed to the limit in order to perform the best he can. He was tested on every aspect to make sure had the Code of ethics drilled into his mind, making sure he acts in the best interest of ethics at all times.

After extensive service he was singled out as one of the best joining Hell fighters and eventually becoming a Commissioned officer. It didn't take long for him to achieve LTCOM due to his excellent service of maintaing █████████-1.

He then took up a position of ethics assistant on the side, as he truly wanted to have a say within ethical issues. As an assistant he overshadowed all the ethics members and gained a lot of knowledge and insight on how they run the facility alongside the ████. He had been personally taught by the Member codenamed Tarquinius Cassius, at which he had to earn his respect. He was tasked by evaluating each member of E-11 and wrote extensive reports on misconduct to present to E-11 to further improve the regiment.

However, as time passed The position proved not effective enough for himself so he took it to himself to join the ethics committee after seeing his skills are not being put to the best of use and he wanted to make a change to the foundation.

He decided to make a step and change for once and applied for Ethics Committee Member. At which he was declared dead and not seen again.
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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
+ Support

+ Very detailed app
+ Ethics assistant

- Definitely needs more lore
+ Your new lore looks great
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Reactions: Winkie


Active member
Jan 18, 2022


+ Good RP
+ Active in TS and GM
+ Very Friendly
+ Natural leadership skills
+ Well thought out app
+ High amount of effort put into server
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Reactions: Winkie


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 23, 2021
+o1 commander
+assistant experience
If you don't get it I don't know who will
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Reactions: Winkie

Big Dave

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 20, 2022

Well integrated into the server
Would make a good C5 Holder.
Good leadership.
Active af.
  • Like
Reactions: Winkie


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
+1 Absolute support
Great Ethics enforcement.
Amazing leadership skills
Fully capable of dealing with ethical situations to the fullest
Plenty of experience under his belt
great level head on his shoulders
  • Like
Reactions: Winkie


Well-known Member
Feb 10, 2022

I do not usually reply to UK command posts. However, Winkie has done some great work 'both on US, and UK' he deserves it!!
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Reactions: Winkie

Deleted member 55

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Winkie's application for a position on The Ethics Committee.

Thank you for showing your interest as a member of the Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be on The Ethics Committee. However, you will be put on a trial period for the position. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee​
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