[UK] - Wylde's Moderator Application

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New Member
Sep 11, 2022
Original Steam login name (your account's first ever name): Lil J

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 2d 1h and 48 minutes

Age: 19 years old.

In what country are you located?: The United Kingdom.
Time zone: GMT/BST.

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Dexter/Wylde.

Chaos name (include your rank): N/A.

Civilian name: N/A.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:231598514

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do have a working mic.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I’m applying for the UK SCP server.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application for applying for Staff on the UK server.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: I have not received any warnings, kicks or bans.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: In the last couple of years, I have gained a lot of experience in being a staff member on GMOD servers and running the staff team on some servers. I briefly took a vacation and stayed away from GMOD for a couple of months. Still, before my vacation, I held the rank of Moderator, Senior Moderator, Administrator, Head Admin and my most recent ranks, Staff Manager and Community Manager. These servers were heavily based around the Star Wars genre but the concept of being staff and enforcing rules so that your player base has a positive players experience is universal and does not change despite different genres or games.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: I do have experience with Serious roleplay, on GMOD and on other platforms such as FiveM. I personally do not see a reason why people would join a server which has labelled itself as a roleplay server and then actually does not roleplay. I do not believe roleplay is all about “winning” situations and more about going with the flow and seeing what happens, that’s the fun part about roleplay.

As I have experience with serious roleplay, I understand how important it is to have a good set of rules which enhance the roleplay. When it comes to handling sits or enforcing the rules, this should be done away from the general player base and in a way so that it will not impact the ongoing roleplay which is taking place within the server.
How many hours can you be on every day?:
I would say around 4-6 hours consistently but more on the Weekend as my in-real-life priorities have been taken care of. Sometimes I will be able to dedicate more hours than I’ve stated and sometimes it may just be a little bit shorter, it’s very hard to answer this question with a dedicated answer as all of our lives vary and my particular like to fluctuate, depending on my responsibilities and events taking place.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I would like to be a moderator for Civil Gamers SCP UK server because I’ve had a positive player experience. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a few people who have tried to ruin the experience for me but the long-time and loyal players have been nothing but respectful and have taken the role-play within the server seriously and have made it fun for everyone around. Applying for moderator is my way of trying to thank them and dedicate myself to ensuring that type of atmosphere is able to not only stay but expand and welcome more people into the server to join the fun with us.

I would also like to try a new genre and switch up moderating for the same type of genre which I am very familiar with. I also enjoyed SCP RP on GMOD but sometimes it can be a bit boring and bland, within the CG server there is a lot happening and you don’t really get bored.
I believe I could really help make sure the rules are followed and staff tickets are answered, I understand the overall roles and responsibilities that a staff member has to follow.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I believe I bring a lot of external experience while being on GMOD. I’ve been trained on handling general staff sits, and I understand most general rules you need to follow while being staff. I also accept that my actions whether it is on the server or off the server, have a direct effect on Civil Gamers community as a whole due to my position within the community, so I promise to show Civil Gamers in a positive way.

Due to my age, I appreciate how you need to be mature and professional regardless it is a voluntary job. You need to take your staff's job seriously and make sure players have a positive player experience when the staff sit is over.

You need to be approachable and not make anyone feel isolated, you need to make sure your personal opinions do not clash with the server and the rules that have been set by the Leadership Team.

My experience and skills in managing a large staff team and community may come to benefit Civil Gamers in the future, but at the time being, I know how to follow a chain of command and how to escalate certain issues to the appropriate people. I’m a willing and helpful person, I believe I am approachable and will be respectful to everyone and anyone. I do not rise to name-calling and have hands-on experience in dealing with server raids or any similar type of emergency which could affect a large amount of the player base if not dealt with accordingly and in a fashionable time frame.

Edit: I go away tomorrow and will not be back in the UK until the 30th of September, I have taken my laptop with me but will be very limited in terms of availability for the interview (if I get accepted) just wanted to make everyone aware, sorry for the inconvenience in advance. | 13/09/2002.
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New Member
Sep 11, 2022
@appo | I'm mainly on my Gensec security officer role and in D-Block or helping researchers by escorting. I appreciate that I have not had the greatest amount of time on the server and this has of course affected my player interactions. Thank you for replying and giving your honest feedback though! ❤️

@Freddiec06 | Thank you for giving your honest feedback, I must admit it felt like I've been on the server a lot longer but that is because I've been doing very long sessions for the first two days of playing. I'll take your feedback into consideration regardless of the outcome. ❤️


Active member
Mar 27, 2022
Application Denied

Hi @Wylde ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Your application is decent however, it is apparent that you have not yet made yourself a reputable member of the community. We cannot vouch you will benefit the staff team at this time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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