Denied UN GOC Combat Engineer (Unique role)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This change would add the Combat Engineer role OR replace the current Engineer role(as per feedback request!)

The role would have the following:​
  • Combat Engineers would use an up-armored version of the GOC Engineer model​
  • Combat Engineers would use the AR-15 as their primary, with the S&W 659 as their secondary, & a T.E5 Hacking Device​
  • Combat Engineers would spawn with the Armor Repair kit & 100 armor​
  • Combat Engineers would be restricted to First Sergeant+​
  • Repairing armor would require both persons to be OUT OF COMBAT to avoid repair spam to make someone tankier, similar to Combat Medics.​
If it were to replace the prior Engineer role, Combat Engineers would have the appropriate unique tools, that being the Technician and Repair Tools. This option is, however, not the main suggestion.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Maybe? Different from other suggestions in that it is a unique role, entirely separate to "Engineer", utilizing armor repair to maintaine the GOCs power without making them too powerful versus CI or Foundation personnel.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Additional, unique role added to the GOC, separating them from CI or F
+ Allowing the GOC to be more powerful without making each individual firefight in favor of the GOC, still requiring mechanical skill
+ Allows more supportive roles rather than pure combat roles, as Combat Engineers can double as EOD specialists

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Generally a negative stigma towards Combat Engineer suggestions
- Might allow for prolonged fire-fights with GOC

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The UN GOC has overall less personnel per-raid then CI or Foundation, leading to it either being one-sided or quickly over for the GOC. The Combat Engineer would allow for prolonged firefights within the Foundation or CI base, and would not interfere with individual firefights, and could allow additional RP in the form of EOD-RP.​
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as much as i like the idea,

you forgot something
Combative Chefs / Researchers / Engineers: These roles are frequently suggested however we are not currently looking to add any combative variant of any of the Site Staff or Research categories.
admittedly, this isn't foundation engineer, but may fall under this category.

i do kind of agree with this:
Not really necessary when you already have an Engineer, maybe eeplace the current engineer with it
would probably be better to fulfil this by making the current engineer a combative rather than go through the process of unnecessarily adding another job:

as much as i like the idea,

you forgot something

admittedly, this isn't foundation engineer, but may fall under this category.

i do kind of agree with this:

would probably be better to fulfil this by making the current engineer a combative rather than go through the process of unnecessarily adding another job:

Not really necessary when you already have an Engineer, maybe eeplace the current engineer with it
I'd rather have the current engineer get replaced with it, but at this point I don't know if the powers that be would instantly deny it for replacing a passive engineer role. Otherwise, I would've said replace it. But honestly theres no harm in just adding it as its own role, and keeping the old engineer, since the combat engineer wouldnt have repair tools at that point, that way engineer would still be used, even if rarely.

Engineer is never utilized except during large scale combat operations as is; given the fact it is one of 3 technically non-combative classes in a primarily combative-leaning faction, this would allow freshening of current playstyles and evening of the playing field when it comes to armored battles; as 3/9 CI Classes has Repair Tools; and Foundation has 2. Both of which factions are combative

Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kito ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The reason this is being denied is due to it violating the FAQ as the rule about suggesting combative variances of the non combative roles such as engineer, research, and chef applies to all GOIs.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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