Unban Request UK

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Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
Your in-game name: N/A
Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:605011801
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199170289330/
Date of ban: 06/02/2023 - original ban date -- 02/04/23 - new ban date
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Ban Evasion
Who banned you: \Rushi\ - original - other admin, Bobby Clinton
Ban length?:26 weeks (use to be 1 week 23 hours)
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Follow the FearRP rules and general rules to the best of my ability.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Loads of times for FearRP
Why should you be unbanned:
Listen, Yes, I have been using alt accounts to play the server, I understand using different account is bad and does not help my side of the case at all but, I really just want to play the server again, I have been properly role playing on the server on the other accounts whilst I had waited for my main account to be unbanned. I understand that is the wrong way to do anything, and I should have ultimately waited for my ban to end, I am sorry, so sorry, if I could turn back time and change my actions, I would do it in a heart beat.

The time I have been playing on an alt, I followed all rules and was starting to truly understand how easy and simple it is to just follow the rules. I know I have broken all trust now, but I cannot sit here and lie about not using ALT accounts, Because it gives me the strangest feeling ever and just doesn't sit right with me.

I am so disappointed in myself, I waited this long just to blow it on the final week before being unbanned, I didn't mean or have the intent to do anything malicious on the alt account, I just wanted to play the server as I hadn't for weeks, As I played on the alt and Followed the rules it had made the experience so much more fun and engaging, but out of this one action that cannot be undone now, has landed me with a 26 week ban.

If I could just have one more chance I would be forever grateful. I never realised how fun this server is and if I could get back on it, I promise to never break any rules anymore, The past 7 weeks I was desperate to play. but recently, after waiting so so long, I couldn't hold back any longer, I had decided to make an alt just to play, and I, like I said, realised, how my actions in the past truly effected the RP environment and made people upset.

If somehow I went back into the past even just a day or two, I would never make the actions of attempting to play on a new account, I am disgusted by myself and truly deserve it. But, If I didn't have any intent to RP, would I really try this hard to play again, I understand it is the wrong method of trying to gain trust again, and hell, I may have shattered that trust now. But I am truly sorry and realise my mistakes, Like I have said countless times, I am sorry, I would do anything to get back into the server. And hell, I guess I tried something.

I promise to never break a rule again, I would be grateful for the chance back onto the server. I will improve my ability to follow rules, which with the time I did spend on an alt. I significantly did improve with following rules, such as FearRP. I understand last night I had made a commotion on discord, I am sorry for that as well, I was just in a confused and shocked mindset, And I understand that the actions and words I had said last night, was unacceptable. I am sorry for everything. I am sorry for ever breaking rules all them months ago. I am sorry for using ALT accounts. I am sorry for everything.

Again, I am sorry for everything, I wish I could somehow convince you all that I am saying the truth this time and that from now on will never break a rule or get banned again, I have suffered the consequences and have realised that breaking the rules even when I enjoy the server does not make sense and leads to a road of misery, The effects of my actions on sunday which had led to a 26 week ban, It was a stupid mistake, I sound like a broken record, apologising all the time, but I want it to be known that I have grown and learnt that my actions are unacceptable and I am ready to focus on Roleplay once again. I am truly sorry for everything. Please. Give me a second chance. I am sorry.

I am also sorry for lying to Bobby Clinton, I meant nothing about it, I promise if I was let go, I was immediately going to leave the server. I understand no reasoning for going on an ALT should be considered but, I just want to apologise, I meant no harm and once I had gotten pulled into the sit. My heart skipped a beat and I had tried anything, I knew what would happen. I am sorry. If you could forgive me I would be forever grateful.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will take into consideration of other people roleplay as well as re reading all the rules to ensure I do not break any more of them.
Why do you want to re-join this server?:This server is just fun, It keeps me entertained for hours, and I blew it. By being an idiot in the past. and Being an idiot now. Many times I have said this but.. if I could turn back time, I would change my actions and be a better person. I understand now. The trust is gone. But if you can somehow understand. I would be forever grateful. This server and the community I would like to apologise to you all, as well as the admins. I am so sorry.
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Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
I am sorry for all the problems I have caused and hope you can forgive me.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @FEFGamer ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I appreciate the fact you are apologising for all your actions, thought ban evading twice is quite serious and shows you have no intention to follow our rules, if you had not ban evaded, you likely would have been unbanned by now as your original ban was for 4 days.

Due to the fact you recently ban evaded, I cannot in my right mind lift the ban at this time however apologetic as it seems you are apologetic that you got caught rather than waiting out your original ban.

You may re-appeal in 4 weeks.​
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