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Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
Your in-game name: Jake Hunston
Your SteamID: 76561199170289330
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199170289330/
Date of ban: 29/08/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): fear rp
Who banned you:
Ban length?: 4w
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: listen to what people say when they have a gun at me
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? yes multiple times for fear rp
Why should you be unbanned: i made a mistake yet again, to be honest it was really funny and I had a great time doing it, after I had done it I had to go afk for something very important once I come back I get greeted with a 4 week ban. I am hurt so much, 4 weeks for a little fun, I did no one any harm, didn't bother anyone ( unless they wanted to get bothered and chase after me ) and to be honest it is kind of crazy how long i have been banned for when you have other people mass killing everyone. I know I have been banned multiple times for it but it has always been short but this time to far. If you want me to stop this then I will but 4 weeks the hell am I gonna do, gaming right now is at a terrible spot shit games coming out left right and centre, almost every dev nowadays makes games just for the cash and flood their games with microtransactions so really if I want enjoyment I have to touch grass and that is fucked up I hate grass the only grass I will ever touch is in scp-rp. thank u for your time and I hope to have it to 1 week or something cuz like I said games nowadays are SHITE.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will not run through checkpoint anymore and will read the rules
Why do you want to re-join this server?:
well like I said, shit games, nothing to play, most game devs want cash and don't want to create a good story so please can I re-join or I will die of boredom. Agatha for life. Amen


Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
also if u can recommend any games to play if i dont get it shortened or unbanned then let me know. Thanks


Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
omg, i feel like doing something, now that im banned i really want to touch grass. This a strange feeling that i have never felt before. Thank you for banning me, im going to live a good life now. goodbye
Hi there @FEFGamer

As the person who banned you, I shall respond to this.

I was called to a sit where someone had requested a Class X FearRP on you, this was due to the excessive amount of cases of FearRP warnings/bans that you had. If I remember correctly, you only had bans for FearRP. When I saw this, I granted permission for the Class X, and also for Stacked Bans class E.

What it looks like to me, in the complaint and as-well from the warnings sheet, you do not care much about the rules of the server, therefore I feel this ban should not be lifted.

Have a good day


Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
also saying I do not care much about the rules of the server I would like that to be changed to" you do not care much about fearrp" cause the truth is I don't but every other rule I do follow, its just I find following the fearrp rule very hard to follow as pretending to be scared of gun just feels weird to do, the only time I guess I ever follow the rule is if I have some good equipment on me like a cl4 as d class but other than that I'm really shit at following fearrp.


Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi @FEFGamer,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Upon reviewing the situation, I have decided to reduce your ban to 15 Days as you appear to be apologetic and actively trying to learn from your mistakes. However, this is a Class X, which is points that you have already been given several chances.

Please stick to the rules in the future; as a player, you are expected to follow server rules at all times.

Highest regards,
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