Denied UNGOC 1SGT Job(s)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Lowers job limit of Ambassador from UNGOC LT to UNGOC 1SGT
- Additionally, could lower CL5 card to CL4/CL3 to compensate.

Adds a new job known as UNGOC - Elite Soldier (1SGT+ with 2 slots) with the following equipment:
- Tactical Tablet
- Access Card - Level 4
- Grenade Kit
- Clipboard
- Elastics
- Deployable Shield
- VHS-D2
- Interrogate
- All normal GOC equipment (TE-5, Radio, etc.)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- 1SGT gets a roleplay-friendly job, meaning more PSYCHE division gameplay.
- NCOs get a CL4 combative job (similar to CI - Delta Operative)
- A more even playing field with CI due to Delta Operative's Utility for combative scenarios.
- More rewards for getting 1SGT

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Tactical Tablet could get abused
= Unlikely, and any abuse could get punished IC or OOC due to GOC's nature of being a WL faction.
- Might make GOC too powerful.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, GOC has a lot of solid jobs in terms of our equipment, but we always feel outmatched by CI in wars due to their sheer numbers and firepower. Perhaps adding the Elite Soldier could help sway balance to be more equivalent so GOC does not have to rely on Nu-7 to win CI wars.

This suggestion is getting my +Support because I believe that it is a great addition to the United Nations Global Occult Coalition, as it adds more roleplay focused opportunities to the NCO's (CPL > 1SGT), since the only roleplay focus job they get without paying anything is Engineer.

The Elite Soldier job would help prepare 1SGT's for CO positions, as it has access to the L4 card, which is used for AA, which 1SG's can authorize when no CO's are online. The tactical tablet, although can be very easily abused, will show if someone is worthy of being a CO. It would still need to be approved by a CO to be used, so 1SGT's wont be bombing everything whenever they want to.


Well-known Member
Feb 21, 2023
+Support for the Ambassador change.
-Support for the Elite Soldier. Simply unnecessary, over the top, and just blatantly make us stronger for the sake of being stronger.
HUGE -Support
1. It's common sense, CL4+ is to LT+, so that's stupid
2. you basically described the Elite soldier equivalent to a suit, (that's why RP is here for to call in black suit and etc.)
3. IDK if its different in Servers but here in UK we crushed CI in some war and didn't have to rely on help, s that may be a skill difference
4. TAC tablets are to CO+ O N LY
5. GOC already have better equipment than both fo the factions
6. Enlisted-Nco's basically common sense cl3 only
HUGE -Support
1. It's common sense, CL4+ is to LT+, so that's stupid
2. you basically described the Elite soldier equivalent to a suit, (that's why RP is here for to call in black suit and etc.)
3. IDK if its different in Servers but here in UK we crushed CI in some war and didn't have to rely on help, s that may be a skill difference
4. TAC tablets are to CO+ O N LY
5. GOC already have better equipment than both fo the factions
6. Enlisted-Nco's basically common sense cl3 only
The Cl3 argument doesnt work when Delta Op exists as an NCO equivalent in CI and is CL4, hense why I made elite soldier to be its equal.

Tac Tablet was to allow 1sgts (the highest nco position in goc) to have a little more authority. I wouldn't mind if it was limited either (i.e LT+ had to authorize use for certain calls like Airstrikes and 1000lb)

On US CI triples our numbers, so even with superior equipment we still get railed in wars.

I wouldn't say GOC is "better equipped", for one Nu-7 and CI both have significantly better marksman and medic jobs. We have some upsides on them but it's not like we are superior in all ways. Our only real Plus-side is that we get 11 DC slots basically.

Our SL doesn't let us spawn stuff in for RP purposes like the Suits. I am aware UK SL does this much more sparingly (I've seen ECMs use Tac Tablets to help O-1 on surface during my couple of visits to UK)

Simon "Kitton" A.

Active member
Apr 16, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Second,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We do not see adding another job to GOC would be beneficial to the server.
GOC already has the strike team job which is extremely similar to this one.
And there are plans to add other things to GOC.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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