Denied UNGOC Weapons Changes/Balancing

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change: UNGOC Strike Team: M60 -> KBAR
Change: UNGOC Soldier, UNGOC Field Op: AKZ -> M16A4 (With Same Stats)
Change: UNGOC Marksman, R&D: SR-2 Veresk -> Raijin

Fix: Align AMR2 Scope, currently slightly raised above centre of the screen meaning the scope is really aligned to 1 notch down.

Buff: M240B Fire rate
Nerf: M240B Recoil

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably, but the GOC is in the most unique state it has been in (UK side) right now though.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
For Changes:

The M60 is ill suited for a strike team operative, it is a slow, heavy, outdated Vietnam war era machine gun. The KBAR would incentivise the intended play style of the Strike Team allowing them to push forward with accuracy and damage with a non restrictive magazine capacity.

The AKZ is a weird choice for the UNGOC, to my knowledge it was chosen at a time before the rest of the MRP VGuns were imported over and was one of the last weapons left, replacing it with the M16A4 would make more sense lore wise as the North American GOC would be unlikely to use anything on the AK platform as it is outdated and hard to source locally.

The Raijin is a hard hitting but slow and heavily inaccurate rifle, it makes for the perfect weapon for R&D and Marksman as they would both use it when up close with someone, it also fits the GOC advanced technology themes.

For Fixes:
It makes the AMR usable.

For Buffs:
The role of the GOC juggernaut, and be extension the M240B, is to provide suppressing fire on a target or area. However, currently the M240B has an incredibly low DPS such that a person with full armour and health or simply a shield would be unaffected by suppression.

For Nerfs:
The change in skill level required to handle the M240B, should these changes be implemented, would balance out the buffs whilst also making the gun uncontrollable enough to fire on a single target over an extended period of time.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would require a Senior Admin+ to edit jobs and VGuns
Could be unbalanced if implemented incorrectly
There are more important suggestions at present

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This rework would improve the combat on the GOC making it more lively and engaging to be in/around by promoting certain playstyles and tactical thinking. It would also help to improve immersion as people would be confused on why the GOC is using such mismatched and outdated equipment.
+Support except Strike Team
-For Strike Team, it is the GOC's equivalent to all of the other Enforcer jobs, so I don't see why its heavy weapon should be swapped with a KBar. Sure, the M60 probably isn't the best choice for it, as you said it's a Vietnam War era gun, but I don't feel like the KBar is the right replacement.

Or you could ask for a M60 buff as well. Who knows.
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+Support except Strike Team
-For Strike Team, it is the GOC's equivalent to all of the other Enforcer jobs, so I don't see why its heavy weapon should be swapped with a KBar. Sure, the M60 probably isn't the best choice for it, as you said it's a Vietnam War era gun, but I don't feel like the KBar is the right replacement.

Or you could ask for a M60 buff as well. Who knows.
The GOC Strike Team job is more equivalent to CI's Strike Team job, really there should be another role similar to delta op which has a Machine Gun which could be the M60 if it were slightly buffed
The GOC Strike Team job is more equivalent to CI's Strike Team job, really there should be another role similar to delta op which has a Machine Gun which could be the M60 if it were slightly buffed
How so if I may ask? I always assumed Delta Operative, as it was an NCO job, and also was GOC's only Heavy Weapon outside of the Juggernaut.
How so if I may ask? I always assumed Delta Operative, as it was an NCO job, and also was GOC's only Heavy Weapon outside of the Juggernaut.
ST is a frontline job primarily focused on damage output and coordinated shield pushes. Whilst Delta Op also fills this to an extent, ST has no designated leadership responsibilities and no advanced armory equipment.
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Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2024
+Support except Strike Team
-For Strike Team, it is the GOC's equivalent to all of the other Enforcer jobs, so I don't see why its heavy weapon should be swapped with a KBar. Sure, the M60 probably isn't the best choice for it, as you said it's a Vietnam War era gun, but I don't feel like the KBar is the right replacement.

Or you could ask for a M60 buff as well. Who knows.
In lore Strike Team are the elite fighting force of the UNGOC so it make sense that the Strike Team role would have Gen+1 Tech instead of having a Vietnam era gun


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2024
+ Support
-Replace the Kbar with the QBZ for the CO role to balance it out (Having 9 kbars is insanely unbalanced)
-Add some way to buff foundations weapons to counterbalance the changes
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GOC have been buffed and changed way too often, KBAR for the strike team is kind of insane considering how good the KBAR is, if that's the case then the KBAR needs to be nerfed.

As well as GOC does little PVP so why do their guns need to be changed when other CI/regiments in the foundation NEED to be helped with changes.

I will state this again, I see GOC be changed way too often when there's other parts of the server gameplay that are more important than GOC getting a few different weapons that are barely used.
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