Denied UNGOC Weapons Changes/Balancing

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change: UNGOC Strike Team: M60 -> KBAR
Change: UNGOC Soldier, UNGOC Field Op: AKZ -> M16A4 (With Same Stats)
Change: UNGOC Marksman, R&D: SR-2 Veresk -> Raijin

Fix: Align AMR2 Scope, currently slightly raised above centre of the screen meaning the scope is really aligned to 1 notch down.

Buff: M240B Fire rate
Nerf: M240B Recoil

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably, but the GOC is in the most unique state it has been in (UK side) right now though.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
For Changes:

The M60 is ill suited for a strike team operative, it is a slow, heavy, outdated Vietnam war era machine gun. The KBAR would incentivise the intended play style of the Strike Team allowing them to push forward with accuracy and damage with a non restrictive magazine capacity.

The AKZ is a weird choice for the UNGOC, to my knowledge it was chosen at a time before the rest of the MRP VGuns were imported over and was one of the last weapons left, replacing it with the M16A4 would make more sense lore wise as the North American GOC would be unlikely to use anything on the AK platform as it is outdated and hard to source locally.

The Raijin is a hard hitting but slow and heavily inaccurate rifle, it makes for the perfect weapon for R&D and Marksman as they would both use it when up close with someone, it also fits the GOC advanced technology themes.

For Fixes:
It makes the AMR usable.

For Buffs:
The role of the GOC juggernaut, and be extension the M240B, is to provide suppressing fire on a target or area. However, currently the M240B has an incredibly low DPS such that a person with full armour and health or simply a shield would be unaffected by suppression.

For Nerfs:
The change in skill level required to handle the M240B, should these changes be implemented, would balance out the buffs whilst also making the gun uncontrollable enough to fire on a single target over an extended period of time.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would require a Senior Admin+ to edit jobs and VGuns
Could be unbalanced if implemented incorrectly
There are more important suggestions at present

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This rework would improve the combat on the GOC making it more lively and engaging to be in/around by promoting certain playstyles and tactical thinking. It would also help to improve immersion as people would be confused on why the GOC is using such mismatched and outdated equipment.
Jun 3, 2022

Instead of coping like everyone else who is saying "-support reason skill issue" I will give a reason why I plus support this.

GOC does not have as many members as some other factions, A-1 and O-1 have continuous access to chemicals like 008 and NHU chemicals meanwhile GOC does not, it is not a skill issue to buff them seeing as they are to remain neutral and not constantly be in conflict with other GOIs. When at conflict they are usually outnumbered, that is not a "skill issue" it is quite literally 4+ regimens against one. I believe these buffs are fair and would allow GOC to make up for being out numbered by the sheer amount of combatives that Foundation has.

Another reason for my support for this is the excuse "you have O-Suit" is not a good one. GOC cannot pull O-Suit out whenever they want, if they could I would -support this thread, much like AA in foundation or energy weapons against D-Class you cant authorize it for any/every situation. The M240B being buffed is a good thing and is needed seeing as the recoil is not very good, if a gun to to be a suppressor it should have good fire rate and low recoil mixed with a small nerf to damage.

The KBAR replacing M60 is a little odd and I don't know how to feel about it, at the same time O-1 specialist gets a QBZ which is almost the same as a KBAR except the KBAR is a CO weapon. Giving KBAR to strike team could offer a good added bonus to GOC seeing as you need SGT+ to be able to access strike team which I don't believe is too much to ask, that or buffing M60 by a small amount.

The M16A4 replacing the AKZ sounds like a bad idea seeing as it would make no sense, the AKZ being changed to a more suitable weapon wouldn't be out of the question but definitely not to the M16A4 seeing as that doesn't seem like a viable replacement.

The RND guns they get do not seem to have a problem, I have yet to see or hear any complaints about said weapon, only thing Id say needs changing is maybe a 2-4 point damage increase.

Based on the opinions I have given I believe this should be added but for the people if they accept this to consider some points I have brought up. So far the only skill Issue I see is the people -supporting cause they have their chemicals to hide behind meanwhile GOC cannot easily acquire said chemicals. I have said my piece, have a good day.

-GOC CPT "Seraphim"
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Instead of coping like everyone else who is saying "-support reason skill issue" I will give a reason why I plus support this.

GOC does not have as many members as some other factions, A-1 and O-1 have continuous access to chemicals like 008 and NHU chemicals meanwhile GOC does not, it is not a skill issue to buff them seeing as they are to remain neutral and not constantly be in conflict with other GOIs. When at conflict they are usually outnumbered, that is not a "skill issue" it is quite literally 4+ regimens against one. I believe these buffs are fair and would allow GOC to make up for being out numbered by the sheer amount of combatives that Foundation has.

Another reason for my support for this is the excuse "you have O-Suit" is not a good one. GOC cannot pull O-Suit out whenever they want, if they could I would -support this thread, much like AA in foundation or energy weapons against D-Class you cant authorize it for any/every situation. The M240B being buffed is a good thing and is needed seeing as the recoil is not very good, if a gun to to be a suppressor it should have good fire rate and low recoil mixed with a small nerf to damage.

The KBAR replacing M60 is a little odd and I don't know how to feel about it, at the same time O-1 specialist gets a QBZ which is almost the same as a KBAR except the KBAR is a CO weapon. Giving KBAR to strike team could offer a good added bonus to GOC seeing as you need SGT+ to be able to access strike team which I don't believe is too much to ask, that or buffing M60 by a small amount.

The M16A4 replacing the AKZ sounds like a bad idea seeing as it would make no sense, the AKZ being changed to a more suitable weapon wouldn't be out of the question but definitely not to the M16A4 seeing as that doesn't seem like a viable replacement.

The RND guns they get do not seem to have a problem, I have yet to see or hear any complaints about said weapon, only thing Id say needs changing is maybe a 2-4 point damage increase.

Based on the opinions I have given I believe this should be added but for the people if they accept this to consider some points I have brought up. So far the only skill Issue I see is the people -supporting cause they have their chemicals to hide behind meanwhile GOC cannot easily acquire said chemicals. I have said my piece, have a good day.

-GOC CPT "Seraphim"
You have the ability to CONTINOULSY recruit people (GOC has more members than A1/O1 we only have a max of 25 people allowed), you say you are against 4+ Regiments, but CI are against the same thing while raiding and are able to cause a Code Black while they have worse loadouts then you guys do. GOC have the best loadouts in the game while CI would be second best, but they are able to do more than you guys, so yes... it is a skill issue regardless if you think it is or not.


Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
- Support

The Strike Team is already kitted out amazingly. Doesn't need a BUFF.
Suggest Chili Cheese dog instead :^)
Jul 3, 2022

Instead of coping like everyone else who is saying "-support reason skill issue" I will give a reason why I plus support this.

GOC does not have as many members as some other factions, A-1 and O-1 have continuous access to chemicals like 008 and NHU chemicals meanwhile GOC does not, it is not a skill issue to buff them seeing as they are to remain neutral and not constantly be in conflict with other GOIs. When at conflict they are usually outnumbered, that is not a "skill issue" it is quite literally 4+ regimens against one. I believe these buffs are fair and would allow GOC to make up for being out numbered by the sheer amount of combatives that Foundation has.

Another reason for my support for this is the excuse "you have O-Suit" is not a good one. GOC cannot pull O-Suit out whenever they want, if they could I would -support this thread, much like AA in foundation or energy weapons against D-Class you cant authorize it for any/every situation. The M240B being buffed is a good thing and is needed seeing as the recoil is not very good, if a gun to to be a suppressor it should have good fire rate and low recoil mixed with a small nerf to damage.

The KBAR replacing M60 is a little odd and I don't know how to feel about it, at the same time O-1 specialist gets a QBZ which is almost the same as a KBAR except the KBAR is a CO weapon. Giving KBAR to strike team could offer a good added bonus to GOC seeing as you need SGT+ to be able to access strike team which I don't believe is too much to ask, that or buffing M60 by a small amount.

The M16A4 replacing the AKZ sounds like a bad idea seeing as it would make no sense, the AKZ being changed to a more suitable weapon wouldn't be out of the question but definitely not to the M16A4 seeing as that doesn't seem like a viable replacement.

The RND guns they get do not seem to have a problem, I have yet to see or hear any complaints about said weapon, only thing Id say needs changing is maybe a 2-4 point damage increase.

Based on the opinions I have given I believe this should be added but for the people if they accept this to consider some points I have brought up. So far the only skill Issue I see is the people -supporting cause they have their chemicals to hide behind meanwhile GOC cannot easily acquire said chemicals. I have said my piece, have a good day.

-GOC CPT "Seraphim"
IDK how you are doubling down on one of the most misinformed suggestion posts regarding loadout changes; save for the fact it the post is pretty much invalid for the 'in lore we have x' bit. The -support to the mildest section of the original post where changing a rifle to a different rifle of similar performance is inconsequential, not that it "makes no sense".

-Viability of the M16A4 is easily tweaked.
- RnD is the one class for both CI and GOC least likely to go into combat... You guys will deploy Thaums in Combat before RnD laughably no drawback as opposed to TB's cooldown; There's just no question as to which of the 2 is more favorable to have ready for a defense, etc.
- The KBAR is by far one of, if not the strongest rifle in game. If you were to ask O1 and A1 whether they would prefer the QBZ over the KBAR I am very sure you'd get the majority to tell you they'd prefer the KBAR.

Now for the more egregious portion.

You claim that "O1 and A1 have continuous access to chemicals like 008, that GOC just dont have the numbers, and that the buffs are fair because of this maintained neutrality." Let's touch on that quickly.

1. You guys have access to combat chems as well. There is a handful of chems you can make in your base but opt not to use them. NHU is a double edge sword. You only have freedom of movement for a short amount of time and even then you can be countered if people are smart enough to do it.

2. GOC numbers are a self-imposed problem. Your screening process is the most restrictive for a regiment. It's also just not appealing to join GOC when yall value larp over combat sense or hacking, the areas where GOC lack the most in despite having the strongest loadout in a regiment. If CI is able to blitz foundation base with notably weaker loadouts and be able to cause Code Blacks with 8 people, GOC should be able to do something similar. If our War Game stats maintained a long record instead of wiping to avoid bloat I'd be able to post ours to show that, for every War Game A1 and DEA have had with GOC that I have partaken in, GOC have won 0 times... with equal numbers. It is 99% a skill issue. Less larp, more PvP.

3. Neutrality thing is also a self-imposed issue. You guys could easily just opt to be more aggressive/hostile towards both CI AND Foundation. I personally wish yall would do this so that SSL can see how disgustingly broken your loadouts are already the moment your regiment improves at combat from doing it so much.

Yap over
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