[Universal] Roleplay 101: The World is a Stage

Caesar Kuznetsov

Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2022
[Universal] Roleplay 101: The World is a Stage

How to build your character, how to roleplay your character, and most importantly, how to make people care.

Step #1: Preparation phase: Building your character.

Now, this is where 95% of the player base get it wrong. Being able to roleplay is amazing, however, you must be aware of the fact that without a good character, the roleplay you do is aimless. You might get a good roleplay scenario or two, but if you want people not just to care about you, but your character, follow these steps:

  1. Open up a Notepad or Google Doc browser/tab on your computer.
  2. Insert the following information: Personality, overarching goals, overarching character relationships, relationship with their faction and other factions, and where they fall on the Lawful good to Chaotic Evil chart.

Update this every week or two, as it could be useful to not forget certain types of information. Having a consistent character is key to having people care for your character. Follow even just these steps, and people will at the very least respect your roleplay.

Something important I feel I should note is that sticking to a more basic character, and progressively getting more complicated as you climb the ranks, is a perfectly valid approach. If you feel you aren't getting interaction due to your rank despite your efforts, don't feel deterred. It can take people a while to get adjusted to care for your presence, but they WILL remember you if you leave a good impression.

Step #2 | Active phase: Building your character through roleplay.

This part is incredibly important. Take immense care to not come across as a minge during your roleplay. Here are some good ways to not come across as a minge

  • Repeatedly attempting to enter certain locations without a good in character reason (EX: Trying to escape to rush into HCZ as a Jr. Researcher without having a good reason for doing so). There are ways to roleplay a heel, but if you aren't at a high rank, you may just come across as a minge.
  • For goodness sake, try to sound serious. There are many times where I hear people speaking in a voice that screams "I am playing a video game, and do not care about roleplay whatsoever", and it makes my eyes roll.
Here are some examples of bad or mediocre roleplay:
  • Rushing into HCZ and not caring about threats to your life until someone pulls a gun on you (Yes, FearRP rules don't apply technically, but it's bad roleplay).
  • Murdering your colleagues in your bunks, or your higher ups, even if they are your friends. This part wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't constantly featured in highlight submissions, implying to new players that that is the norm when it comes to roleplay quality.
  • Not caring about, or feeling indifferent towards, the deaths of the people around you without a good reason, such as sociopathy, PTSD, or disassociation. This especially applies to laughing at, for example, someone taking suicide pills and ragdolling in a funny way. Yes, I too laugh at that stuff OOCly because it is very, VERY funny, but I don't do that in character because it's entirely unrealistic.

Here are some examples of good roleplay on both the evil character spectrum and the good character spectrum:

  • Trying to save the life of a D-Class during a containment breach because your character falls on the "Lawful Good" end of the spectrum and believes all life is valuable. Going against the norm in positive and surprising ways can do wonders for getting people to care for your character.

  • Doing unethical testing in secret while taking care to show in your voice that you are a psychopath, and displaying to others your character falls on the "Chaotic Evil" end of the spectrum. (This is NOT to say that you should do Chaotic Evil roleplay without care, as it is INCREDIBLY difficult, but you CAN do it. If you decide to follow this roleplay however, I would highly suggest following the final technical portions to roleplay).

Step #3 | Technical Phase: Building your character through modification to your voice/body

Now, while this phase is definitely the hardest, it is easily one of the best ways to build your character. Follow some of the following software, and you'll be able to RP amazingly.

  • Voice modification software such as Voice Mod when playing SCP jobs (If you do this, highly advised you enable the "Hear Myself" setting). You can look up how to set this up via YouTube, and it's rather simple.
  • PAC3.

And, there you have it. With all 3 of these steps combined, you will be a roleplay force to be reckoned with, and will easily be able to climb the ranks. I highly advise that you follow at least steps #2 and #3, but #1 is also very useful and has personally helped me escalate the RP quality of all of my characters. While everything mentioned here was in relation to SCP-RP, this applies for all roleplay servers operated by CG, such as MRP.

  • Advanced Civilian Roleplay Guide
  • SCP Roleplay Guide
  • Clearance 1 & 2 Personnel Roleplay Guide
  • MTF Roleplay Guide: How to Break Out of the Mold.
  • Teachers Guide: How to Help Others Learn to RP Properly.
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Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Thanks this really helped flesh out my character on the SCP server. Admins not quiver in fear of dealing with Assdangle Scramscrumpleton.