Denied Urgent SCP-912 lore/Behavioral fix

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Chris Davn

Active member
Aug 30, 2023
I believe SCP 912 should be more based on the SCP Wiki referring that SCP-912 Should listen to primarily someone wearing a certain PD SWAT uniform Due to the fact that scp-912 can be forced into a situations where he is forced to watch mass non-combatant murder and do nothing about it, even though on his official lore all his actions are based on PD responses to situations, I find this heavily ridiculous and the fact that mass murder, kidnapping, trespassing, and generally anyone can practically order scp-912 to commit any heinous crime Even though in His official lore he would only do such actions if order to by someone wearing a certain PD SWAT uniform.
Furthermore it is blatantly ridiculous that SCP-912 practically walks around like a baby listening to anyone that can slightly raise their voice at him, it completely breaks immersion and makes playing scp-912 outside of the D-block ridiculous and practically uninteresting.

The highlight is that it wouldn't be that hard to implement, it's just changing the rules and not anything physical or visual about the SCP. Simply put all you would have to do is say “SCP-912 listen's to any individual wearing so and so swap PD uniform. ” which there are files in the game for PD uniforms which you can add in to a spawn point perhaps in an Armory Locker for quick access for those that need to order 912 Hastily and anyone can get it due to only needing to get to an Armory which there are multiple around, and the uniform itself would work similar to the Hazmat suit where you can equip an unequip it.

SCP 912 is a sentient but simple SCP which follows instructions while maintaining the peace around itself witch can and will arrest individuals committing simple crimes such as assault, false imprisonment, identity theft, trespassing, murder, Etc. unless ordered otherwise By individuals wearing PD SWAT uniform.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This will change the description of how SCP 912 acts round the facility while adding in a uniform that is wearable by anyone like the Hazmat suit.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I'm aware of as many people around the in-game facility agree with my point of views as I've asked many and I'm starting a petition.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
SCP-912 will have more of a purpose, SCP-912 will be more interactable, SCP-912 will be seen more doing more diverse roles, SCP-912 will be less of a joke, SCP-912 will defend the facility if ordered, AND SCP-912 will find himself in interesting situations adding more depth and more unique experiences in game that players will remember and enjoy.
Frankly the possibilities of such a change are ever growing as more and more things will change and adding this will make it to where SCP-912 is adaptable in his orders making the possibilities almost endless.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Those that would Play SCP 912 would need to make sure they record their orders if the order could get them in trouble so practically nothing new as you already need to do that.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The positives exponentially outweighs the negatives which then they're practically isn't any negative, I see no reason at all which this should not be added it is generally a great bonus to the quality of the server and would make people want to play SCP 912 much more as well as adding more character to the SCP as well as making unique experiences that everyone will love.
I cannot stress this enough that I recommend thinking about this in depth as it is a unique and powerful recommendation that everyone will like in my opinion. as well as it being a relatively simple fix.
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Chris Davn

Active member
Aug 30, 2023
I would strongly recommend everyone to read through this and give their honest opinion on it due to how such a change could greatly improve the experiences around SCP 912 while being a quick and relatively simple fix.
Mar 20, 2022
Whilst lore is followed as much as possible, you must understand there are balance issues and this is a game. Gameplay will sometimes trump certain lore aspects for balancing or development reasons.

If 912 intervened with a lot of other issues, it is an unfair entity to square off against. A uniform being added seems pointless when we can just resume as we are were there really isn't any issue. This all seems too much hassle for what it is, you have got to understand that the resources for development are stretched quite thin for now.

Overall, 912 is fine and reworking it is unnecessary for now.

Chris Davn

Active member
Aug 30, 2023
Whilst lore is followed as much as possible, you must understand there are balance issues and this is a game. Gameplay will sometimes trump certain lore aspects for balancing or development reasons.

If 912 intervened with a lot of other issues, it is an unfair entity to square off against. A uniform being added seems pointless when we can just resume as we are were there really isn't any issue. This all seems too much hassle for what it is, you have got to understand that the resources for development are stretched quite thin for now.

Overall, 912 is fine and reworking it is unnecessary for now.
Why I do understand where you're coming from and where your reasoning is I feel like you dismissed it a little too soon, it seemed like you feel that the uniform would be pointless when it would be the key strong point to scp-912 being how it almost completely controls him, impelled to listen to anyone wearing the outfit according to lore and following their orders exactly so someone wearing the outfit could hypothetically say just simply patrolled D-Block , help defend the facility, perhaps search for fake personnel these things are practically Limitless while being balanced due to anyone else wearing the uniform would have the same amount of authority able to compel and Order him otherwise. I would much appreciated if you reconsider and at least weigh the positives and negatives openly.

In the very very short time that I've been asking people and making a petition I received 16 signatures within 7 minutes agreeing with the view and supporting it which I intend to post once I get a proper list of signatures that should hopefully compel Consideration.

And to be Frank I just cannot get over the fact that this SWAT uniform SCP would allow mass murder on civilians and non-combatants so blatantly which goes completely against his Wiki lore.
Mar 20, 2022
Im still against this as a whole and 912 engaging in facility defence etc Will not fly.

In terms of this petition, it will be irrelevant unless they voice detailed support here as the purpose of these threads is to gauge community reaction. Unsure how 912 is viewing civilian mass murder, if he leaves facility then he is recontained for good measure

Chris Davn

Active member
Aug 30, 2023
I love how it says "Urgent" ?
I feel very passionately about this as it is very common on other servers that I've been in that SCP 912 is more commonly used and less of from what I seen a paperweight that anyone that's gone through 914 can order around practically a baby with a baton.
To put it simply I just want scp-912 to thrive, be more than the simpleton that he is, he can be so much more and has been in lore.
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