[US] “The Vader" O5-3 Application (2)

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Anakin GroundRunner

Active member
Sep 21, 2022
NOTE: SL please do not close application/lock page, O5-1 asked us to re-apply.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44794542
Discord name: anakin6199#5011
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Total: 600+ hrs (CL4:450+hrs)
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Anakin ‘Vader’ GroundRunner
Civilian name: Anakin GroundWalker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

Previous Application: LINK

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  1. Site Advisor (Holding) (Application Link)
  2. Chief of Security (Held) (Application Link)
  3. Security Captain (Holding) (Application Link)
  4. Ethics Assistant (Held) (Application Link)
  5. GOC SGT (Holding) (Application Link)
  6. MTF Nu-7 PVT (Held)
  7. CI Alpha (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
  1. RDM warning (D-Class vs. D-Class - within the first couple of days)
  2. Metagaming warning (Used name above D-Class to find them - within first couple weeks)

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
My application is for the O5-3 role.

Most of my time on the server has been me helping, improving, and mentoring others. As O5-3, I want to continue this and bring more unity to the Foundation. As Site Advisor, I have been able to work closely with all the departments to improve their work as well as the cohesion between each other.

My career started as a Cadet and I moved up the ranks all the way to Chief of Security. When I started I quickly caught the eyes of ethics and they helped empower me to make GENSEC a machine. I was able to be deeply involved with creating new and improved training exercises, updating and re-writing documentation, establishing new rules and testing GENSEC and other Foundation personnel. I have a passion to improve the Foundation and empower those worthy so that they may also support and lead those under them.

Since my last application, I have taken the time to really focus on Site Administration and improving as much as possible, including getting more individuals qualified for HCZ (so it will never be shut down due to low E-11 numbers) as well as GOC negotiations to create secret radio frequencies for us to better communicate with each other. I also have an additional 100 hours of experience as Site Advisor (since my last O5 application). You can often find me outside of med bay at my help desk providing more information to Foundation staff and helping where I can.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

One of my biggest passions is seeing players understand and enjoy role-playing. That is why I initially chose to specialize in D-Block; this is where the newest players start and learn. I quickly moved up the ranks to Chief because of this passion. I have even had many talks with the UK Chief of Security to better integrate training systems.

As Site Advisor, I am often the first to scenes needing site command/administration. I thrive when I am helping out other Foundation staff achieve their goals and helping the roleplay. I recently had the O5-1 and Site Advisor from Site 65 come to our site to provide better information sharing and learning from each other. The focus of the meeting was for them to see how our Nu-7 and E-11 are structured but we were able to talk about a few other topics.

Documentation: I have rewritten almost all of the documentation as well as the tests for GENSEC. This includes documents that are used every day for RRT and Heavy License training as well as master senior+ documents. Some of these documents are used religiously by both Site 56 and 65. My countless off-line hours have been spent creating/editing these documents and training plans. I have also spearheaded negotiation and diplomatic talks/contracts with GOC. Some of my offline time is spent working on reports like the ones I did for both Ethics and the O5 on Nu-7 and GENSEC’s performances/recommendations.

Some of the documents I have worked on:
  • Master GENSEC Senior+ Document (re-wrote)
  • GENSEC Basic Training (wrote)
  • Both RRT AND Heavy Weapons License Doc and Test (re-wrote completely with new training, as well as a trainer auto logging system)
  • AXO/RXT/A-6 documentation (helped developed, worked with UK Chief)
  • Captain’s initiation interview (wrote, made an easy-to-use forum)
  • Operation “Cooldown” (wrote/created idea)
  • MC&D Licenses signed as Site Advisor (30+)
  • Research Approvals read/edited/modified and then signed as Site Advisor (20+)
  • Captain’s Weekly Report (wrote, and made an easy-to-use forum)
  • GENSEC Ethics Report (wrote complete with interviews)
  • Nu-7 Site Admin Report (wrote complete with interviews)
  • GENSEC Site Admin Report (wrote complete with interviews)
  • GOC Negotiation (wrote complete)
  • GOC/Foundation Radio Frequencies (wrote complete)
  • HCZ Checkpoint Expanded Jobs (wrote complete)
  • Nu-7/E-11 Cross training (co-wrote)

Leadership: With the help of my co-chief, we had to completely overhaul GENSEC. I created multiple training sessions including cross-fire training. Operation “Cooldown” was authored by me to improve GENSEC morale. This operation involved Killhouse timing as well as a war game. Along with the ethics committee, we were able to fund and credit the winners as well as those who were involved. I am often the one writing up what is good/bad about an application as well as recommendations and forwarding it to my Co-Chief for final review.

As Site Advisor I have helped and mentored countless Foundation staff to improve their time on site as well as make them more efficient. I still often lead sweeps through D-Block when no Captains/Chiefs are on. Recently I also lead secret ops that were approved by O5-1 and the Director of Ethics. Unfortunately, the GOC did not send over enough troops so we called off the ops at the last second. Our goal was to take back Foundation documents that were highly classified.

Ethical: In all my roles as Site Advisor, Ethics Assistant and Chief of Security I was often called into the interrogation room to oversee and manage conflicts. GENSEC also has seen an improvement in ethical behaviour due to many long hours of training, punishing, and mentoring. I also have been able to help Captains improve their leadership abilities. I often refrain from authorizing mass termination till the last possible minute.

Maturity: As a 23-year-old with a wife, I like many others would consider myself extremely mature and have never given punishments or acted out of anger on the server. As a Moderator, I take all my jobs extremely seriously and never fall out of character unless needed for server-level education/punishment.

Experience: I currently hold a senior Clearance Level 4 position and have for quite some time now. I have a strong passion to teach and help other players as I was so lost when I started the game. Now as Site Advisor I enjoy helping people achieve not just RRT and Heavy Weapon licenses but also other licenses so that players can be educated as much as possible to contribute the most to the group. Also, I enjoy interacting with D-Class as they are often the first ones on the server and can be extremely lost. Also, I have over 1600 hours in Gmod. I have a heavy hand in the sub-divisions of GENSEC (RXT/A-6); I was the one who originally introduced the programs and assigned commanders. Continually reaching out and supporting these sub-divisions has been one of my main goals.

As both a Site Advisor and Assistant Ethics Member I have lots of experience working with and approving MC&D documents and research papers. You can often find me tagging along on tests and helping the researcher and GENSEC with any questions they may have. I also have over 200 hours of in-game/real-time as a Site Advisor as well as offline hours when I am communicating and coordinating with other users.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

They “Oversee” departments and make sure they run extremely efficiently and effectively. Coordinate with Ethics when setting diplomatic and external communications.

Have Site Advisors report directly to them and empower them to work well with each other and the departments.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

They handle the following applications: Department leaders, Overseer assistants, Site Directors

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Anakin GroundRunner was born and raised in Northern Canada. After years of cold, hard winters, he enrolled in the RCMP. After he finally made Sargent, he and his team were sent out into the woods to find a serial killer. After about a week of searching, they found a cabin they were sure the killer was in. They opened the door and there was a large SCP standing facing the wall. All his officers wanted to open fire but he ordered them not to. He was able to go up the chain of command until he received a weird/cryptic call from a place called "The Foundation". He was told to get his officers back away from the cabin. As he did this, he heard helicopters and a team capture the SCP. Anakin was later approached to help out at The Foundation. This is where he began his passion for helping out SCP and the researchers.

Started at the Foundation back as a Cadent as this is required; however, he quickly moved up the ranks to Captain. He has helped train 100s of officers who have either moved up the ranks to Captain or gone to Nu-7 or other security forces. He is an expert at negotiating with D-Class as well as sweep training.

Once he was promoted to Chief, he quickly overhauled the entire system and made them into a MACHINE and the powerhouse of the Foundation. He removed and replaced Captains who did not meet the now-intense quotas.

The higher-ups took note of his accomplishments and moved him into Side Administration. He started to specialize in Amnestetics and their effect on the human body. He could often be found micro-dosing Class W to heighten his immunity against Class A and other Amnestetics. He quickly and swiftly made people fall in line… this is where he created some enemies who liked the old way and did not see the true power of the darkness… Those who sought him removed planned to overthrow him.

One fateful night he was writing documents he heard a loud thumping at the door… he asked “who is it?”, no answer. He got up, gun in his hand, and reached for the door handle. As he grabbed it, the door flung open and three men rushed him, knifes in hand, pushing him to the floor. The fight was long-winded and might have been fairer if they had more than three men. He was able to fight and kill them, but not without serious injury. He lost his right hand and vowed that he would never be attacked like that again, he would use a more secure means of communication. He changed his name, he would now, and henths forth be called… O5-3 “The Vader”
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Well-known Member
Oct 23, 2022

Wish you the best of luck fr, you would make a great 05 member


Well-known Member
Sep 30, 2022
+Amazing application
+Extremely dedicated to the Foundation
+Understands leadership well, very experienced
+Easy to get along with

Honestly one of the best fits for the position I would say

Deleted member 3849

+Seen them often
+Made gensec better
+Great pick for 05-3


Active member
Sep 9, 2022
+ Support
+ Leadership
+ Experience

+ Took initiative to make very positive changes to his former department, I'm sure he could do the same for the whole facility
+ Dedicated to his Foundation Roles


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
-Good Interactions
-C4 Experience
-Good Leader
+Support from the UK

Anakin has always shown a keen interest in departmental affairs and during an external comms meeting had some fantastic advice to offer that helped to improve the subdivisions of both the UK and US GSDs.

During my visit to Site-56 I had a lot of questions to ask about how the overlap of GSD duties with MTF/other depts duties is managed by the Americans. He was able to introduce me to a variety of CL4 personnel and direct my questions to them - knowing who to hold an audience with on inter-departmental matters demonstrates that he has a broad understanding of all departments and their personnel and not just the ones he has personally specialised at in the past.

He is an active and highly dedicated individual with a large CL4 experience pool to draw from and can evidence that he is ready to take on higher responsibilities than his current station.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
-Plenty of CL4 Experience
-Only good interactions with him

Shino Aeschylion

Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2022
South England


Anakin has always had good ideas and during my time as Chief of Security, he was always willing to listen to me and Jerma as well as openly discuss future changes. He has an excellent reputation on both sites, works hard and has plentiful experience for this position.

I know my feedback may not provide much consideration as I am from the U.K. side but just from the interactions I've had with him alone I honestly think he is the most suitable candidate for this position.
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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the ███ position. Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your application for the position. This is due to the position being filled.

You can re-apply after 2 weeks. For more information, please contact ██-1.

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