[US] Anakin ‘Vader’ GroundRunner Ethics Committee Application

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Sep 21, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44794542
Discord name: anakin6199#5011
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 390+ hours
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Anakin ‘Vader’ GroundRunner
Civilian name: Anakin GroundWalker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  1. Chief of Security (Holding)
  2. Ethics Assistant (Holding)
  3. Security Captain (Held)
  4. GOC PVT (Holding)
  5. MTF Nu-7 PVT (Held)
  6. CI Alpha (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  1. RDM warning (within the first couple of days)
  2. Metagaming warning (Used name above D-Class to find them)

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the GENSEC ethics committee member role.

Most of my time on the server I have been in GENSEC. As an Ethics Committee member, I want to continue to empower/improve GENSEC as well as other departments. As Chief of Security, I have been deeply involved with training, documenting, and testing GENSEC personnel as well as other departments who interact with GENSEC. This includes implementing and perfecting the research line.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

Passion: My biggest passion is seeing players understand and enjoy role-playing. That is why I chose to specialize in D-Block; this is where the newest players start and learn. I quickly moved up the ranks to Chief because of this passion.

Documentation: I have rewritten almost all of the documentation as well as the tests for GENSEC. This includes documents that are used every day for RRT and Heavy License training as well as master senior+ documents. I have spent countless off-line hours creating/editing these documents and training plans.

Leadership: With the help of my co-chief, we had to completely overhaul GENSEC when I joined as Chief. I created multiple training sessions including cross-fire training. Operation “Cooldown” was authored by me to improve GENSEC morale. This operation involved kill house timing as well as a war game. Along with the ethics committee, we were able to fund and credit the winners as well as those who were involved. I am often the one writing up what is good/bad about an application as well as recommendations and forwarding it to my Co-Chief for final review.

Ethical: In both my roles as Ethics Assistant and Chief of Security I was often called into the interrogation room to oversee and manage conflicts. GENSEC also has seen an improvement in ethical behavior due to many long hours of training, punishing, and mentoring. I also have been able to help Captains improve their leadership abilities.

Maturity: As a 23-year-old with a wife, I would consider myself extremely mature and have never given up. punishments or acted out of anger on the server.

Experience: I currently hold a senior Clearance Level 4 position. I have a strong passion to teach and help other players as I was so lost when I started the game. I enjoy holding RRT and Heavy Weapon Training classes so that players can be educated as much as possible to have the best time. Also, I enjoy interacting with D-Class as they are often the first ones on the server and can be extremely lost. Also, I have over 1200 hours in Gmod.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

Creates and edits ethical procedures as well as decides what is good/bad. Approve/deny tests on higher level/dangerous SCPs. Authorizing AA or Code Black. Setting off the , N███, when SCPs have overthrown the Foundation and it is their last hope of survival.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Ethics Members as well as Ethics Assistant Applications.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Anakin GroundRunnerr was born and raised in Northern Canada. After years of cold, hard winters, he decided to enroll in the RCMP. After he finally made Sargent, he and his team were sent out into the woods to find a serial killer. After about a week of searching, they came up upon a cabin that they were sure the killer was in. They opened the door and there was a large SCP standing facing the wall. All his officers wanted to open fire but he ordered them not to. He was able to go up the chain of command until he received a weird/cryptic call from a place called "The Foundation". He was told to get his officers back away from the cabin. As he did this, he heard helicopters and a team capture the SCP. Anakin was later approached to help out at The Foundation. This is where he began his passion for helping out SCP and the researchers.

Started at the Foundation back as a Cadent as this is required; however, he quickly moved up the ranks to Captain. He has helped train 100s of officers who have either moved up the ranks to Captain as well or gone to Nu-7 or other security forces. He is an expert at negotiating with D-Class as well as sweep training.

Once he was promoted to Chief, he chose a new name… “Vader”. This is when he completely re-made GENSEC into the powerhouse that it is now. He removed and replaced Captains who did not meet the now intense quotas. He was able to empower Officers+ so that Cadets looked for assignments… His passion is and always will be to helpout D-Block, GENSEC, and the Foundation.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 21, 2022
Very Understanding and Capable
Follows everything and has given me the tools to be a good leader


Active member
Sep 9, 2022
+ Major Support
- Demonstrates to be very knowledgeable on the COE
- Good Interactions
- Fast Learner
- Good Leader
- Excellent Gensec Chief who goes above and beyond the requirements

Robin Trinket

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Oct 13, 2022
+ Full Support
+ Very popular in the community
+ Respectful
To keep this short just wanted to say that Anakin by far helped me the most starting out. He is the player I try to be like , when I first started around a month and a half ago Mr Z and Anakin helped me the most. I might have a little personal bias because of this but I believe Anakin meets the proper requirements and should be on the Ethics Committee.
Respectfully - Robin Trinket
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "Anakin Groundrunner's" Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member but unfortunately, we do not think you are suited to the position yet. You are still new the Clearance level 4 positions and we want to see your flourish in them before stepping up to Site Command. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
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